The masterplan of MIND – the Milan Innovation District

A combination of innovation and multidisciplinary skills for the city of the future

Resilience and flexibility for a development that will last for 99 years

Situated between Rho and Milan, MIND is a laboratory of urban innovation, emerging on the site formerly occupied by the 'ephemeral city” of Expo2015 of which the remaining traces –its two main axes, the Cardo and the Decumanus - represent its armature and legacy.

The rhythm of the project

The urban configuration of MIND, developed in collaboration with LAND, takes the Decumanus as its backbone and will develop as a ‘pentagram’: a rhythm of narrow and wide lines representing the new directions of movement and defining the urbanised areas.

This rhythm will be interrupted by a system of parks that complete the new city organically as a Nature that insinuates itself between the lines of the pentagram and includes aquatic elements within its perimeter that create a harmonious contrast with the built areas. This generates a sequence of new urban spaces that unwind from the Decumanus and radiate throughout the district.

The rhythm of the project

The urban configuration of MIND, developed in collaboration with LAND, takes the Decumanus as its backbone and will develop as a ‘pentagram’: a rhythm of narrow and wide lines representing the new directions of movement and defining the urbanised areas.

This rhythm will be interrupted by a system of parks that complete the new city organically as a Nature that insinuates itself between the lines of the pentagram and includes aquatic elements within its perimeter that create a harmonious contrast with the built areas. This generates a sequence of new urban spaces that unwind from the Decumanus and radiate throughout the district.

The rhythm of the project

The urban configuration of MIND, developed in collaboration with LAND, takes the Decumanus as its backbone and will develop as a ‘pentagram’: a rhythm of narrow and wide lines representing the new directions of movement and defining the urbanised areas.

This rhythm will be interrupted by a system of parks that complete the new city organically as a Nature that insinuates itself between the lines of the pentagram and includes aquatic elements within its perimeter that create a harmonious contrast with the built areas. This generates a sequence of new urban spaces that unwind from the Decumanus and radiate throughout the district.

Il ritmo del progetto

The rhythm of the project

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Il ritmo del progetto

L’impianto urbano di MIND, sviluppato in collaborazione con LAND, poggerà sulla spina dorsale del Decumano e si svilupperà su un “pentagramma” composto da un ritmo di linee leggere e linee più spesse che rappresentano i nuovi assi e i nuovi ambiti urbani.

La ritmicità del pentagramma sarà interrotta dal sistema dei parchi, che completano
organicamente la nuova dimensione di città. La natura, che comprende anche elementi d’acqua nel perimetro, si insinua tra le linee creando così un contrasto armonico con la parte costruita. Nasce così una sequenza di nuovi spazi urbani che si snodano dal decumano e si irradiano su tutto il distretto.

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The key elements of the masterplan and the common ground

The project is based on some key elements: spaces for working and where innovation is generated; spaces for living; spaces for healthcare; and spaces for circulation, all unified by a single large-scale component- the common ground – that connects pedestrians and mobility and in particular, slow movement.

This common ground is a public space that intersects the lowest 10 metres of all the buildings and the system of public spaces that interconnect them.

It is a space for sharing, where the landscaping meets the buildings with spaces for encounters and social interaction in a new living city, and includes halls, workshops, restaurants, bars, meeting rooms, piazzas, transparencies, informal meeting places, trees, parks, sports spaces, and buildings for research and innovation.

The key elements of the masterplan and the common ground

The project is based on some key elements: spaces for working and where innovation is generated; spaces for living; spaces for healthcare; and spaces for circulation, all unified by a single large-scale component- the common ground – that connects pedestrians and mobility and in particular, slow movement.

This common ground is a public space that intersects the lowest 10 metres of all the buildings and the system of public spaces that interconnect them.

It is a space for sharing, where the landscaping meets the buildings with spaces for encounters and social interaction in a new living city, and includes halls, workshops, restaurants, bars, meeting rooms, piazzas, transparencies, informal meeting places, trees, parks, sports spaces, and buildings for research and innovation.

The key elements of the masterplan and the common ground

The project is based on some key elements: spaces for working and where innovation is generated; spaces for living; spaces for healthcare; and spaces for circulation, all unified by a single large-scale component- the common ground – that connects pedestrians and mobility and in particular, slow movement.

This common ground is a public space that intersects the lowest 10 metres of all the buildings and the system of public spaces that interconnect them.

It is a space for sharing, where the landscaping meets the buildings with spaces for encounters and social interaction in a new living city, and includes halls, workshops, restaurants, bars, meeting rooms, piazzas, transparencies, informal meeting places, trees, parks, sports spaces, and buildings for research and innovation.

I cardini del masterplan e il common ground

The key elements of the masterplan and the common ground

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I cardini del masterplan e il common ground

Il progetto è fondato su alcuni elementi principali: lo spazio per lavorare e generare innovazione, lo spazio dell’abitare, lo spazio della cura e lo spazio per muoversi, tutti quanti uniti dal common ground come unico elemento di grande connessione a livello dei pedoni e della mobilità, soprattutto lenta.
Il common ground, ossia i primi 10 metri di altezza di tutti gli edifici e il sistema del public realm tra di essi, costituisce lo spazio di condivisione pubblica, di intersezione della natura con gli edifici.
Spazio d’incontro e di scambio in una città nuova che vive che includeranno: hall, laboratori,
ristoranti, bar, meeting room, piazze, trasparenze, luoghi di incontro informali, alberi, parchi, spazi dello sport, edifici per la ricerca e l’innovazione.

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“MIND will be a pedestrian city traversed by parks and gardens, circumscribed by a belt of blue water that relates it to the surrounding urban development and does not keep them separated. MIND is not an island in the city but the beginning of a new city.”

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The functional mix

At the heart of the new development is the Parco del Cibo della Salute (the Park for Healthy Eating). The Sports and Entertainment Park is in the eastern part, and to the west is the connection to the town of Rho, in particular the new Rho-Arese Park.

A system of large public anchor projects (the Galeazzi Hospital, the Human Technopole, the new University of Milan, and the Fondazione Triulza) will be surrounded by a mix of new functions, mainly offices, laboratories, and the light industrial spaces that contain the Federated Innovation centre. Additionally there will be significant amounts of built-to-rent residential accommodation, student halls of residence, and residential care homes.

The buildings containing the spaces for work and light industrial uses are compact and flexible, whilst the residential buildings are tall and slender. Both functional types are inter-related by a zone that we define as the vertical common ground, i.e. a pause in the height of the buildings where the roofs and terraces of the spaces for work link with the common spaces of the residential parts.

The functional mix

At the heart of the new development is the Parco del Cibo della Salute (the Park for Healthy Eating). The Sports and Entertainment Park is in the eastern part, and to the west is the connection to the town of Rho, in particular the new Rho-Arese Park.

A system of large public anchor projects (the Galeazzi Hospital, the Human Technopole, the new University of Milan, and the Fondazione Triulza) will be surrounded by a mix of new functions, mainly offices, laboratories, and the light industrial spaces that contain the Federated Innovation centre. Additionally there will be significant amounts of built-to-rent residential accommodation, student halls of residence, and residential care homes.

The buildings containing the spaces for work and light industrial uses are compact and flexible, whilst the residential buildings are tall and slender. Both functional types are inter-related by a zone that we define as the vertical common ground, i.e. a pause in the height of the buildings where the roofs and terraces of the spaces for work link with the common spaces of the residential parts.

The functional mix

At the heart of the new development is the Parco del Cibo della Salute (the Park for Healthy Eating). The Sports and Entertainment Park is in the eastern part, and to the west is the connection to the town of Rho, in particular the new Rho-Arese Park.

A system of large public anchor projects (the Galeazzi Hospital, the Human Technopole, the new University of Milan, and the Fondazione Triulza) will be surrounded by a mix of new functions, mainly offices, laboratories, and the light industrial spaces that contain the Federated Innovation centre. Additionally there will be significant amounts of built-to-rent residential accommodation, student halls of residence, and residential care homes.

The buildings containing the spaces for work and light industrial uses are compact and flexible, whilst the residential buildings are tall and slender. Both functional types are inter-related by a zone that we define as the vertical common ground, i.e. a pause in the height of the buildings where the roofs and terraces of the spaces for work link with the common spaces of the residential parts.

Mix funzionale

The functional mix

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Mix funzionale

Nel cuore dello sviluppo si trova il Parco del Cibo della Salute, nella sua parte est il Parco dello Sport e dell’Intrattenimento, nella sua parte ovest la connessione con la città di Rho e, in particolare, con il nuovo parco di Rho-Arese.
A livello programmatico il sistema delle grandi ancore pubbliche, tra le quali ricordiamo l’ospedale Galeazzi, il Tecnopolo,
la nuova Università di Milano e Fondazione Triulza, è circondato da un mix funzionale con prevalenza di spazi per uffici, laboratori e light-industry che ospitano la Federated Innovation. A questi si aggiunge una componente significativa di residenziale Built-to-Rent, di spazi per studentati e di spazi per residenze per anziani.
Le volumetrie degli spazi di lavoro e light-industry sono compatte e flessibili, mentre quelle dedicate agli spazi dell’abitare sono alte e slanciate.
Entrambe sono connesse da quello che definiamo common ground verticale, ovvero uno stacco in altezza che unisce i tetti e le terrazze degli spazi del lavoro con gli spazi comuni dedicati all’abitare.

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Slow mobility and sustainability

The new district is almost entirely car-free, as a new paradigm of urban space that gives precedence to pedestrians, bicycles and slow movement, constantly seeking to dissolve the boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Very high standards of sustainability are a particularly important feature of the MIND project: as a district, MIND will receive LEED certification for Cities and Communities whilst for the buildings, principles based on DfMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) were applied from the very earliest stages of master planning: a method that enables lifetime control and assessment of the carbon and CO2 emissions. Additionally, all the buildings will be LEED BD+C and WELL AP certified.

Slow mobility and sustainability

The new district is almost entirely car-free, as a new paradigm of urban space that gives precedence to pedestrians, bicycles and slow movement, constantly seeking to dissolve the boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Very high standards of sustainability are a particularly important feature of the MIND project: as a district, MIND will receive LEED certification for Cities and Communities whilst for the buildings, principles based on DfMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) were applied from the very earliest stages of master planning: a method that enables lifetime control and assessment of the carbon and CO2 emissions. Additionally, all the buildings will be LEED BD+C and WELL AP certified.

Slow mobility and sustainability

The new district is almost entirely car-free, as a new paradigm of urban space that gives precedence to pedestrians, bicycles and slow movement, constantly seeking to dissolve the boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Very high standards of sustainability are a particularly important feature of the MIND project: as a district, MIND will receive LEED certification for Cities and Communities whilst for the buildings, principles based on DfMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) were applied from the very earliest stages of master planning: a method that enables lifetime control and assessment of the carbon and CO2 emissions. Additionally, all the buildings will be LEED BD+C and WELL AP certified.

Mobilità lenta e sostenibilità

Slow mobility and sustainability

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Mobilità lenta e sostenibilità

Il distretto è quasi interamente car-free: un nuovo paradigma di spazio urbano che dà precedenza a pedoni, biciclette e mobilità lenta e che cerca costantemente di rompere il confine tra spazi interni e spazi esterni.
Altra grande peculiarità del progetto MIND sono i suoi altissimi standard di sostenibilità: a scala di distretto, MIND riceverà la certificazione LEED for Cities and Communities; a scala di edifici, già dalle primissime fasi di masterplan, sono stati applicati principi basati sul DFMA – Design For Manufacturing and Assembly -, metodo che consente di controllare e garantire le emissioni di carbonio e di CO2 per l’intero ciclo di vita degli edifici stessi. Inoltre, tutti gli edifici saranno certificati LEED BD+C e Well.

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Milan, Italy
Mixed-use Building
1,100,000 sqm
In Progress


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Design Leader
Project Leader
Stefano Massa
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Luca Galli
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Giulia Mariotti
Team Member
Elena De Pascalis
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Design Manager
Andrea Debilio
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
BIM Manager
BIM Coordinator
Laura Tiburzi
BIM Specialist
Team Member
Mariangela Toscano
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Senior R&D Specialist
R&D Specialist
Monica Palladino
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Design Leader
Project Leader
Stefano Massa
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Luca Galli
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Giulia Mariotti
Team Member
Elena De Pascalis
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Design Manager
Andrea Debilio
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
BIM Manager
BIM Coordinator
Laura Tiburzi
BIM Specialist
Team Member
Mariangela Toscano
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Senior R&D Specialist
R&D Specialist
Monica Palladino
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Design Leader
Project Leader
Stefano Massa
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Luca Galli
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Giulia Mariotti
Team Member
Elena De Pascalis
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Design Manager
Andrea Debilio
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
BIM Manager
BIM Coordinator
Laura Tiburzi
BIM Specialist
Team Member
Mariangela Toscano
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Senior R&D Specialist
R&D Specialist
Monica Palladino
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Design Leader
Project Leader
Stefano Massa
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Luca Galli
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Giulia Mariotti
Team Member
Elena De Pascalis
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Design Manager
Andrea Debilio
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
BIM Manager
BIM Coordinator
Laura Tiburzi
BIM Specialist
Team Member
Mariangela Toscano
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Senior R&D Specialist
R&D Specialist
Monica Palladino
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Design Leader
Project Leader
Stefano Massa
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Luca Galli
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Giulia Mariotti
Team Member
Elena De Pascalis
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Design Manager
Andrea Debilio
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
BIM Manager
BIM Coordinator
Laura Tiburzi
BIM Specialist
Team Member
Mariangela Toscano
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Senior R&D Specialist
R&D Specialist
Monica Palladino
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Design Leader
Project Leader
Stefano Massa
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Luca Galli
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Giulia Mariotti
Team Member
Elena De Pascalis
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Design Manager
Andrea Debilio
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
BIM Manager
BIM Coordinator
Laura Tiburzi
BIM Specialist
Team Member
Mariangela Toscano
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Senior R&D Specialist
R&D Specialist
Monica Palladino
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Design Leader
Project Leader
Stefano Massa
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Luca Galli
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Giulia Mariotti
Team Member
Elena De Pascalis
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Design Manager
Andrea Debilio
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
BIM Manager
BIM Coordinator
Laura Tiburzi
BIM Specialist
Team Member
Mariangela Toscano
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Senior R&D Specialist
R&D Specialist
Monica Palladino
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Design Leader
Project Leader
Stefano Massa
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Luca Galli
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Giulia Mariotti
Team Member
Elena De Pascalis
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Design Manager
Andrea Debilio
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
BIM Manager
BIM Coordinator
Laura Tiburzi
BIM Specialist
Team Member
Mariangela Toscano
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Senior R&D Specialist
R&D Specialist
Monica Palladino
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Design Leader
Project Leader
Stefano Massa
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Luca Galli
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Giulia Mariotti
Team Member
Elena De Pascalis
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Design Manager
Andrea Debilio
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
BIM Manager
BIM Coordinator
Laura Tiburzi
BIM Specialist
Team Member
Mariangela Toscano
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Senior R&D Specialist
R&D Specialist
Monica Palladino
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mobility Consultant
Structural and Building Service Engineering and Sustainability
ARUP Italia
Landscape Design
MCA Visual
Mobility Consultant
Structural and Building Service Engineering and Sustainability
ARUP Italia
Landscape Design
MCA Visual
Mobility Consultant
Structural and Building Service Engineering and Sustainability
ARUP Italia
Landscape Design
MCA Visual
Mobility Consultant
Structural and Building Service Engineering and Sustainability
ARUP Italia
Landscape Design
MCA Visual
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