The e-building of Ferrari

Industrial architecture that respects the environment

The context

The project by MCA - Mario Cucinella Architects for the new e-building of Ferrari included designing the external facades and the main internal spaces, as an example of industrial architecture that has been designed to meet Ferrari's most innovative and specific manufacturing needs. The project expresses excellence across processes and infrastructure.

The project

The project is situated within the new northern expansion area of the Maranello production site, which extends over a total area of 130,000 sqm. The design of the new building, which is on two main levels plus two mezzanine floors, encompasses a total area of 42,500 sqm., combining the functional requirements of this new production space and, by interacting with the surrounding environment, takes the opportunity to lay the groundwork for a high-quality regeneration process within Maranello's industrial area.

The building, which accommodates both the production and administrative functions, is devoted to the production of internal combustion, hybrid and, in the future, electric Ferraris.

The project

The project is situated within the new northern expansion area of the Maranello production site, which extends over a total area of 130,000 sqm. The design of the new building, which is on two main levels plus two mezzanine floors, encompasses a total area of 42,500 sqm., combining the functional requirements of this new production space and, by interacting with the surrounding environment, takes the opportunity to lay the groundwork for a high-quality regeneration process within Maranello's industrial area.

The building, which accommodates both the production and administrative functions, is devoted to the production of internal combustion, hybrid and, in the future, electric Ferraris.

The project

The project is situated within the new northern expansion area of the Maranello production site, which extends over a total area of 130,000 sqm. The design of the new building, which is on two main levels plus two mezzanine floors, encompasses a total area of 42,500 sqm., combining the functional requirements of this new production space and, by interacting with the surrounding environment, takes the opportunity to lay the groundwork for a high-quality regeneration process within Maranello's industrial area.

The building, which accommodates both the production and administrative functions, is devoted to the production of internal combustion, hybrid and, in the future, electric Ferraris.

Il progetto

The project

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Il progetto

L’intervento sorge all’interno della nuova area nord di espansione dell’insediamento produttivo di Maranello, che si sviluppa su una superficie complessiva di 130.000 mq. La progettazione del nuovo edificio – sviluppato su due livelli principali e 2 piani ammezzati, per una superficie totale di 42.500 mq - coniuga le esigenze funzionali di un nuovo spazio produttivo con l’opportunità, attraverso il dialogo con l’ambito di inserimento, di porre le basi per un processo rigenerativo di alta qualità nell’area industriale di Maranello.

L’edificio, che ospita sia la parte propriamente produttiva sia quella direzionale, è destinato alla produzione dell’intera gamma di Ferrari con ogni tipo di motorizzazione.

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The facades

The e-building, which is a volume reaching a maximum height of 25 metres, embraces an industrial aesthetic by the application of a continuous, luminous façade of opalescent windows.

Beneath, prefabricated panels with alternating finishes provide a rhythmic base, interspersed with sections of clear glass, offering glimpses into the interior activities of the building.

This choice of translucent materials serves to dematerialise the substantial presence of the building, reflecting the surrounding landscape during daylight hours and transforming it into an illuminated beacon after nightfall; additionally, the use of opaline glass enables efficient filtration of sunlight, achieving optimal levels of evenly distributed natural lighting within the building.

The facades

The e-building, which is a volume reaching a maximum height of 25 metres, embraces an industrial aesthetic by the application of a continuous, luminous façade of opalescent windows.

Beneath, prefabricated panels with alternating finishes provide a rhythmic base, interspersed with sections of clear glass, offering glimpses into the interior activities of the building.

This choice of translucent materials serves to dematerialise the substantial presence of the building, reflecting the surrounding landscape during daylight hours and transforming it into an illuminated beacon after nightfall; additionally, the use of opaline glass enables efficient filtration of sunlight, achieving optimal levels of evenly distributed natural lighting within the building.

The facades

The e-building, which is a volume reaching a maximum height of 25 metres, embraces an industrial aesthetic by the application of a continuous, luminous façade of opalescent windows.

Beneath, prefabricated panels with alternating finishes provide a rhythmic base, interspersed with sections of clear glass, offering glimpses into the interior activities of the building.

This choice of translucent materials serves to dematerialise the substantial presence of the building, reflecting the surrounding landscape during daylight hours and transforming it into an illuminated beacon after nightfall; additionally, the use of opaline glass enables efficient filtration of sunlight, achieving optimal levels of evenly distributed natural lighting within the building.

Le facciate

The facades

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Le facciate

L’e-building, di forma parallelepipeda e di altezza complessiva di 25 metri, rispecchia il linguaggio industriale attraverso una facciata continua e luminosa costituita da vetrate opaline.

Queste, intervallate da porzioni vetrate trasparenti attraverso cui è possibile percepire l’operatività interna, sono appoggiate su un basamento composto da pannelli prefabbricati ritmati da due diverse finiture.

La scelta del materiale traslucido smaterializza la massa imponente dell’edificio, che di giorno riflette il paesaggio circostante, mentre di notte si trasforma in lanterna luminosa; il vetro opalino, inoltre, permette di filtrare i raggi solari e di ottenere valori ottimali di luce naturale all’interno dell’edificio, distribuendola in maniera diffusa.

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EAST Elevation by MCA
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NORTH Elevation by MCA
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WEST Elevation by MCA
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SOUTH  Elevation by MCA
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Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA)

The solution proposed was meticulously tailored to suit this manufacturing facility, akin to a bespoke garment. The outer skin, elegant yet highly efficient, was created to establish a distinctive identity that aligns with Ferrari's aesthetic standards. Moreover, the design and fabrication of the facade components were rooted in the engineering methodologies of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA), to streamline on-site assembly.

This approach enabled a reduction in the environmental footprint associated with the materials and the processes, fostering efficiency in the post-construction and assembly phases.

The processes underlying the design concept align closely with Ferrari's dedication to efficiency in production methods to mitigate climate-changing gas emissions and to minimise resource consumption.

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA)

The solution proposed was meticulously tailored to suit this manufacturing facility, akin to a bespoke garment. The outer skin, elegant yet highly efficient, was created to establish a distinctive identity that aligns with Ferrari's aesthetic standards. Moreover, the design and fabrication of the facade components were rooted in the engineering methodologies of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA), to streamline on-site assembly.

This approach enabled a reduction in the environmental footprint associated with the materials and the processes, fostering efficiency in the post-construction and assembly phases.

The processes underlying the design concept align closely with Ferrari's dedication to efficiency in production methods to mitigate climate-changing gas emissions and to minimise resource consumption.

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA)

The solution proposed was meticulously tailored to suit this manufacturing facility, akin to a bespoke garment. The outer skin, elegant yet highly efficient, was created to establish a distinctive identity that aligns with Ferrari's aesthetic standards. Moreover, the design and fabrication of the facade components were rooted in the engineering methodologies of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA), to streamline on-site assembly.

This approach enabled a reduction in the environmental footprint associated with the materials and the processes, fostering efficiency in the post-construction and assembly phases.

The processes underlying the design concept align closely with Ferrari's dedication to efficiency in production methods to mitigate climate-changing gas emissions and to minimise resource consumption.

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA)

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA)

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Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA)

La soluzione proposta è stata ideata in maniera sartoriale sull’edificio produttivo: una pelle elegante e altamente efficiente per creare un’immagine riconoscibile in linea con i canoni estetici di Ferrari. Inoltre, le componenti di facciata sono state progettate e prodotte secondo le logiche di Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA), in modo da facilitarne l’assemblaggio in sito.

Ciò ha permesso di ridurre gli impatti ambientali legati ai materiali utilizzati e ai processi, favorendo anche l’efficientamento nelle fasi successive alla costruzione e/o assemblaggio.

I processi alla base del concept proposto sono in linea con l’impegno di Ferrari nell’ottimizzazione della produzione con la finalità di ridurre le emissioni di gas climalteranti e di contenere il consumo di risorse.

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“The project for Ferrari's new e-building in Maranello embodies an industrial architecture that will rejuvenate a significant portion of the city's manufacturing district. The building has been designed to achieve the highest energy certification levels while minimising environmental footprint through the usage of renewable energy sources. Innovation and design come together to enhance the project across all levels, from the building's form and façades to the identity of the surrounding environment in which it is located, an area recognised worldwide for Italian excellence in industrial and manufacturing expertise".

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Mitigating environmental impact: strategies to minimise the ecological footprint

The design concept is based on the shared necessity to reduce environmental impact. The building was constructed without using new land, instead utilising the existing footprints of old industrial buildings in a newly designated expansion area of the Maranello production site, where Ferrari has been undertaking a complete territorial upgrade. From an environmental standpoint, removing these old industrial constructions will contribute in the reduction of CO2 emissions, and will additionally yield new public parking spaces, many of them equipped with electric charging points.

The entire building is designed to achieve a NZeb performance level of Class A2, with recyclable materials certified by leading organisations for minimal emissions of substances into the environment. Additionally, it features heat pump air conditioning systems, complemented by a substantial amount of energy production from renewable sources (1.3 MW of photovoltaic panels installed on the roof).

Water is managed by collecting it in a storage tank, enabling it to be reused within the building.
The building enclosure has been designed to deliver significant thermal performance, characteristic of the most modern office buildings but unusual for a production facility.

Mitigating environmental impact: strategies to minimise the ecological footprint

The design concept is based on the shared necessity to reduce environmental impact. The building was constructed without using new land, instead utilising the existing footprints of old industrial buildings in a newly designated expansion area of the Maranello production site, where Ferrari has been undertaking a complete territorial upgrade. From an environmental standpoint, removing these old industrial constructions will contribute in the reduction of CO2 emissions, and will additionally yield new public parking spaces, many of them equipped with electric charging points.

The entire building is designed to achieve a NZeb performance level of Class A2, with recyclable materials certified by leading organisations for minimal emissions of substances into the environment. Additionally, it features heat pump air conditioning systems, complemented by a substantial amount of energy production from renewable sources (1.3 MW of photovoltaic panels installed on the roof).

Water is managed by collecting it in a storage tank, enabling it to be reused within the building.
The building enclosure has been designed to deliver significant thermal performance, characteristic of the most modern office buildings but unusual for a production facility.

Mitigating environmental impact: strategies to minimise the ecological footprint

The design concept is based on the shared necessity to reduce environmental impact. The building was constructed without using new land, instead utilising the existing footprints of old industrial buildings in a newly designated expansion area of the Maranello production site, where Ferrari has been undertaking a complete territorial upgrade. From an environmental standpoint, removing these old industrial constructions will contribute in the reduction of CO2 emissions, and will additionally yield new public parking spaces, many of them equipped with electric charging points.

The entire building is designed to achieve a NZeb performance level of Class A2, with recyclable materials certified by leading organisations for minimal emissions of substances into the environment. Additionally, it features heat pump air conditioning systems, complemented by a substantial amount of energy production from renewable sources (1.3 MW of photovoltaic panels installed on the roof).

Water is managed by collecting it in a storage tank, enabling it to be reused within the building.
The building enclosure has been designed to deliver significant thermal performance, characteristic of the most modern office buildings but unusual for a production facility.

Impronta ecologica: soluzioni per mitigare l’impatto ambientale

Mitigating environmental impact: strategies to minimise the ecological footprint

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Impronta ecologica: soluzioni per mitigare l’impatto ambientale

Il concept progettuale si basa sulla condivisa necessità di riduzione dell’impatto ambientale: l’edificio, sviluppato senza consumo di nuovo suolo sulle impronte di vecchi edifici industriali, sorge all’interno di una nuova area di espansione dell’insediamento produttivo di Maranello, nella quale Ferrari ha operato una completa riqualificazione territoriale. Dal punto di vista ambientale l’eliminazione delle vecchie realizzazioni industriali ha contribuito alla riduzione delle emissioni di Co2 in atmosfera, rendendo inoltre disponibili al territorio nuovi posti auto a uso pubblico con numerosi stalli dotati di colonnine per la ricarica elettrica.

Tutto l’edificio è progettato per raggiungere un livello di prestazione NZeb di classe A2, con materiali riciclabili e certificati dai principali enti per le minime emissioni di sostanze nell’ambiente e sistemi di climatizzazione a pompa di calore, a cui si somma una significativa quantità di produzione di energia da fonte rinnovabile (1.3 MW di fotovoltaico installato sulla copertura).

La gestione delle acque avviene invece attraverso la raccolta in una vasca di accumulo così da potere essere riutilizzate all’interno dell’edificio.
L’involucro edilizio è stato progettato con importanti prestazioni termiche, tipiche dei più moderni edifici direzionali ma inusuali per un edificio produttivo.

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Efficiency and comfort

Ferrari envisioned this project to maximise people wellbeing. The internal configuration is based on arranging the production lines on two levels, to further optimize land usage.

Attention for people is expressed through every design aspect:
- the presence of numerous break areas, designed using materials and colours intended to enhance visual well-being;
- green spaces, both internal and external, such as the expansive garden overlooking the production activities. The outdoor space provides for the planting of approximately 200 new trees aimed at mitigating summer heat island;
- the design of the road network restricts heavy traffic to a specific area of the plant, thus reducing interference with pedestrian pathways.

Efficiency and comfort

Ferrari envisioned this project to maximise people wellbeing. The internal configuration is based on arranging the production lines on two levels, to further optimize land usage.

Attention for people is expressed through every design aspect:
- the presence of numerous break areas, designed using materials and colours intended to enhance visual well-being;
- green spaces, both internal and external, such as the expansive garden overlooking the production activities. The outdoor space provides for the planting of approximately 200 new trees aimed at mitigating summer heat island;
- the design of the road network restricts heavy traffic to a specific area of the plant, thus reducing interference with pedestrian pathways.

Efficiency and comfort

Ferrari envisioned this project to maximise people wellbeing. The internal configuration is based on arranging the production lines on two levels, to further optimize land usage.

Attention for people is expressed through every design aspect:
- the presence of numerous break areas, designed using materials and colours intended to enhance visual well-being;
- green spaces, both internal and external, such as the expansive garden overlooking the production activities. The outdoor space provides for the planting of approximately 200 new trees aimed at mitigating summer heat island;
- the design of the road network restricts heavy traffic to a specific area of the plant, thus reducing interference with pedestrian pathways.

Efficienza e comfort

Efficiency and comfort

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Efficienza e comfort

Ferrari ha concepito il progetto per massimizzare il benessere delle persone, in particolare studiando le migliori configurazioni ergonomiche per i dipendenti.
La sua configurazione interna prevede la disposizione delle linee di produzione su due livelli per ottimizzare ulteriormente il consumo di suolo.

L’attenzione alle persone si esprime in tutte le soluzioni di progettazione:
- la presenza di numerose aree relax, concepite attraverso l’utilizzo di materiali e cromie pensati per favorire il benessere visivo;
- aree verdi, sia interne sia esterne all’edificio come l’ampio giardino pensile sul quale si affacciano le attività produttive. Lo spazio esterno all’edificio prevede la piantumazione di circa 200 nuove alberature atte a mitigare l’isola di calore estiva;
- la progettazione della viabilità vede la circoscrizione del traffico pesante a un’area specifica del Plant riducendo così le interferenze con i percorsi pedonali.

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The e-building is hosting an exhibition about the project

The exhibition explains the architecture beginning from its five guiding elements: light, urban regeneration, people well-being, innovation in construction processes and the efficient use of resources.

The exhibition focuses on the concept of the facade, and particularly the materials used.

The e-building is hosting an exhibition about the project

The exhibition explains the architecture beginning from its five guiding elements: light, urban regeneration, people well-being, innovation in construction processes and the efficient use of resources.

The exhibition focuses on the concept of the facade, and particularly the materials used.

The e-building is hosting an exhibition about the project

The exhibition explains the architecture beginning from its five guiding elements: light, urban regeneration, people well-being, innovation in construction processes and the efficient use of resources.

The exhibition focuses on the concept of the facade, and particularly the materials used.

L’e-building ospita un’esposizione sul progetto

The e-building is hosting an exhibition about the project

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L’e-building ospita un’esposizione sul progetto

Un racconto dell’architettura dell’edificio a partire dai cinque elementi che ne hanno guidato la realizzazione: la luce, la rigenerazione urbana, il benessere delle persone, l’innovazione del processo costruttivo e, infine, l’uso efficiente delle risorse.

Attraverso l’allestimento si è voluto richiamare il concept della facciata e, in particolare, i materiali utilizzati.

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Ferrari S.p.A.
Maranello (Modena), Italy
Industrial, Offices
42,500 sqm


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader, Technical Expert
Project Leader
Alessandro Gazzoni
Benedetta Mingardi
Project Leader
Maria Elena Beccaria Balduzzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Visual Artist Specialist
Visual Artist
Gianlorenzo Petrini
Visual Artist Specialist
Vincenzo Metafora
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader, Technical Expert
Project Leader
Alessandro Gazzoni
Benedetta Mingardi
Project Leader
Maria Elena Beccaria Balduzzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Visual Artist Specialist
Visual Artist
Gianlorenzo Petrini
Visual Artist Specialist
Vincenzo Metafora
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader, Technical Expert
Project Leader
Alessandro Gazzoni
Benedetta Mingardi
Project Leader
Maria Elena Beccaria Balduzzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Visual Artist Specialist
Visual Artist
Gianlorenzo Petrini
Visual Artist Specialist
Vincenzo Metafora
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader, Technical Expert
Project Leader
Alessandro Gazzoni
Benedetta Mingardi
Project Leader
Maria Elena Beccaria Balduzzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Visual Artist Specialist
Visual Artist
Gianlorenzo Petrini
Visual Artist Specialist
Vincenzo Metafora
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader, Technical Expert
Project Leader
Alessandro Gazzoni
Benedetta Mingardi
Project Leader
Maria Elena Beccaria Balduzzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Visual Artist Specialist
Visual Artist
Gianlorenzo Petrini
Visual Artist Specialist
Vincenzo Metafora
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader, Technical Expert
Project Leader
Alessandro Gazzoni
Benedetta Mingardi
Project Leader
Maria Elena Beccaria Balduzzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Visual Artist Specialist
Visual Artist
Gianlorenzo Petrini
Visual Artist Specialist
Vincenzo Metafora
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader, Technical Expert
Project Leader
Alessandro Gazzoni
Benedetta Mingardi
Project Leader
Maria Elena Beccaria Balduzzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Visual Artist Specialist
Visual Artist
Gianlorenzo Petrini
Visual Artist Specialist
Vincenzo Metafora
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader, Technical Expert
Project Leader
Alessandro Gazzoni
Benedetta Mingardi
Project Leader
Maria Elena Beccaria Balduzzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Visual Artist Specialist
Visual Artist
Gianlorenzo Petrini
Visual Artist Specialist
Vincenzo Metafora
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader, Technical Expert
Project Leader
Alessandro Gazzoni
Benedetta Mingardi
Project Leader
Maria Elena Beccaria Balduzzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Senior R&D Specialist
Lorenzo Porcelli
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Visual Artist Specialist
Visual Artist
Gianlorenzo Petrini
Visual Artist Specialist
Vincenzo Metafora
Structural design
Planning Ingegneria
Planning Ingegneria
Building services and fire prevention design
Pool Progetti, SY.TEC Srl, Planning Ingegneria
Pool Progetti, SY.TEC Srl, Planning Ingegneria
MCA Visual, Hido Visual
MCA Visual, Hido Visual
Duccio Malagamba, Walter Vecchio
Duccio Malagamba, Walter Vecchio
Structural design
Planning Ingegneria
Building services and fire prevention design
Pool Progetti, SY.TEC Srl, Planning Ingegneria
MCA Visual, Hido Visual
Duccio Malagamba, Walter Vecchio
Structural design
Planning Ingegneria
Building services and fire prevention design
Pool Progetti, SY.TEC Srl, Planning Ingegneria
MCA Visual, Hido Visual
Duccio Malagamba, Walter Vecchio
Structural design
Planning Ingegneria
Building services and fire prevention design
Pool Progetti, SY.TEC Srl, Planning Ingegneria
MCA Visual, Hido Visual
Duccio Malagamba, Walter Vecchio
Architecture MasterPrize Awards 2024