Mario Cucinella, Scrigno, YACademy and Arte Sella working together for the environment

The project was selected among those developed during the workshop “A Door to a Better World”. The young designers of YACademy worked under MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects and the architect Cucinella, in the development of a series of creative concepts for Arte Sella dedicated to the theme of sustainability and the future.

The new Arte Sella installation promoted by Scrigno and created by the young designers of YACademy under the guidance of MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects: a nomadic architecture, an invitation to experience the journey and sanctity of the relationship between man and nature. The Journey is the title of the new architectural installation inaugurated today at Arte Sella, the contemporary art park which, in the woods of Valsugana (North-eastern Italy), hosts works of art and architecture.

The architecture of “The Journey” is reminiscent of a curtain: simple profiles grafted onto a base in weighted sheet metal, among other things, with local stones. The structure consists of wooden rods starting from two bases designed on the profile of the golden spiral, meeting at the top. The visitor walks along a ring-shaped path to enter the structure, finding himself in the centre of a sort of observation point leading you to look towards the sky, which is the beginning of the “journey”: once you arrive in the heart of the structure, you are inside in an intimate but “open” space. You can stop, sit down on the boulder taken from the Moggio stream flowing a few metres away, and look towards the sky. In its simplicity, this meeting point between the earth and sky symbolises man’s return to his origins and the precarious and nomadic character of life’s permanence on a constantly changing planet: everyone, to a degree, is aware of their own smallness and transience in this regard.

The entire project was conceived to be “Climate Positive” thus providing for the absorption of more greenhouse gases than those emitted during the construction of the work, embodying the desire to leave new generations with a better world. To this end, the project’s installation was accompanied by restoration and maintenance work in the Val di Sella forests, reforestation by planting new trees of various species – maple, birch, rowan, beech, hornbeam, hazelnut and spruce – in the vicinity of the structure. The installation will therefore leave the territory that hosts it in a better condition than that in which it was found, thus creating a concrete synergy between art and nature. The environmental projects will be carried out within the 12 hectares of the Arte Sella exhibition areas that were severely damaged by the 2018 Vaia storm that hit the valley and the whole Triveneto, crushing millions of trees and disfiguring the mountains. The installation and maintenance works were coordinated by Etifor through the WOWnature initiative.

Typology: Installation
Project: Anna Collatuzzo, Arezoo Mohebpour, Paula Strieder (YACademy)
Team: Anna Collatuzzo, Arezoo Mohebpour, Paula Strieder with Mario Cucinella, Martina Ruini
Promoter: Scrigno
Photo credit: Giacomo Bianchi

The new Arte Sella installation promoted by Scrigno and created by the young designers of YACademy under the guidance of MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects: a nomadic architecture, an invitation to experience the journey and sanctity of the relationship between man and nature. The Journey is the title of the new architectural installation inaugurated today at Arte Sella, the contemporary art park which, in the woods of Valsugana (North-eastern Italy), hosts works of art and architecture.

The architecture of “The Journey” is reminiscent of a curtain: simple profiles grafted onto a base in weighted sheet metal, among other things, with local stones. The structure consists of wooden rods starting from two bases designed on the profile of the golden spiral, meeting at the top. The visitor walks along a ring-shaped path to enter the structure, finding himself in the centre of a sort of observation point leading you to look towards the sky, which is the beginning of the “journey”: once you arrive in the heart of the structure, you are inside in an intimate but “open” space. You can stop, sit down on the boulder taken from the Moggio stream flowing a few metres away, and look towards the sky. In its simplicity, this meeting point between the earth and sky symbolises man’s return to his origins and the precarious and nomadic character of life’s permanence on a constantly changing planet: everyone, to a degree, is aware of their own smallness and transience in this regard.

The entire project was conceived to be “Climate Positive” thus providing for the absorption of more greenhouse gases than those emitted during the construction of the work, embodying the desire to leave new generations with a better world. To this end, the project’s installation was accompanied by restoration and maintenance work in the Val di Sella forests, reforestation by planting new trees of various species – maple, birch, rowan, beech, hornbeam, hazelnut and spruce – in the vicinity of the structure. The installation will therefore leave the territory that hosts it in a better condition than that in which it was found, thus creating a concrete synergy between art and nature. The environmental projects will be carried out within the 12 hectares of the Arte Sella exhibition areas that were severely damaged by the 2018 Vaia storm that hit the valley and the whole Triveneto, crushing millions of trees and disfiguring the mountains. The installation and maintenance works were coordinated by Etifor through the WOWnature initiative.

Typology: Installation
Project: Anna Collatuzzo, Arezoo Mohebpour, Paula Strieder (YACademy)
Team: Anna Collatuzzo, Arezoo Mohebpour, Paula Strieder with Mario Cucinella, Martina Ruini
Promoter: Scrigno
Photo credit: Giacomo Bianchi

The new Arte Sella installation promoted by Scrigno and created by the young designers of YACademy under the guidance of MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects: a nomadic architecture, an invitation to experience the journey and sanctity of the relationship between man and nature. The Journey is the title of the new architectural installation inaugurated today at Arte Sella, the contemporary art park which, in the woods of Valsugana (North-eastern Italy), hosts works of art and architecture.

The architecture of “The Journey” is reminiscent of a curtain: simple profiles grafted onto a base in weighted sheet metal, among other things, with local stones. The structure consists of wooden rods starting from two bases designed on the profile of the golden spiral, meeting at the top. The visitor walks along a ring-shaped path to enter the structure, finding himself in the centre of a sort of observation point leading you to look towards the sky, which is the beginning of the “journey”: once you arrive in the heart of the structure, you are inside in an intimate but “open” space. You can stop, sit down on the boulder taken from the Moggio stream flowing a few metres away, and look towards the sky. In its simplicity, this meeting point between the earth and sky symbolises man’s return to his origins and the precarious and nomadic character of life’s permanence on a constantly changing planet: everyone, to a degree, is aware of their own smallness and transience in this regard.

The entire project was conceived to be “Climate Positive” thus providing for the absorption of more greenhouse gases than those emitted during the construction of the work, embodying the desire to leave new generations with a better world. To this end, the project’s installation was accompanied by restoration and maintenance work in the Val di Sella forests, reforestation by planting new trees of various species – maple, birch, rowan, beech, hornbeam, hazelnut and spruce – in the vicinity of the structure. The installation will therefore leave the territory that hosts it in a better condition than that in which it was found, thus creating a concrete synergy between art and nature. The environmental projects will be carried out within the 12 hectares of the Arte Sella exhibition areas that were severely damaged by the 2018 Vaia storm that hit the valley and the whole Triveneto, crushing millions of trees and disfiguring the mountains. The installation and maintenance works were coordinated by Etifor through the WOWnature initiative.

Typology: Installation
Project: Anna Collatuzzo, Arezoo Mohebpour, Paula Strieder (YACademy)
Team: Anna Collatuzzo, Arezoo Mohebpour, Paula Strieder with Mario Cucinella, Martina Ruini
Promoter: Scrigno
Photo credit: Giacomo Bianchi

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Installazione di Arte Sella, il parco d’arte contemporanea i boschi della Valsugana (Tn) promossa da Scrigno e realizzata dai giovani progettisti di YACademy sotto la guida di MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects: un’architettura nomade, un invito al viaggio e alla sacralità del rapporto tra uomo e natura

L’architettura di “The Journey” ricorda quella di una tenda, composta di semplici profili innestati su una base in lamiera zavorrata, tra le altre cose, con pietre locali. La struttura è formata da aste lignee che partono da due basi disegnate sul profilo della sezione aurea, per incontrarsi alla sommità. Per entrare, il visitatore cammina su un percorso anulare, ritrovandosi al centro che è una sorta di punto di osservazione verso il cielo e l’inizio del “viaggio”: una volta arrivati nel cuore dell’opera, ci si trova all’interno in uno spazio raccolto ma all’ “aperto”, dove è anche possibile fermarsi e guardare verso il cielo sedendosi su un grande masso proveniente dal torrente Moggio, che scorre vicino a pochi metri. L’incontro tra l’elemento della terra e quello del cielo, nella sua semplicità, simboleggia il ritorno alle origini così come il carattere precario e nomade della permanenza dell’uomo rispetto alla vita di un pianeta in costante mutazione, rispetto al quale ognuno sperimenta la propria piccolezza e transitorietà.

L’intero progetto è stato concepito per essere “Climate Positive” prevedendo quindi di assorbire più gas serra di quello emesso durante la costruzione dell’opera e incarnando così la volontà di lasciare alle nuove generazioni un mondo migliore. Per ottenere questo risultato, all’installazione dell’opera sono stati affiancati interventi di ripristino e manutenzione delle foreste della Val di Sella e l’impianto di nuovi alberi di varie specie – aceri, betulle, sorbi, faggi, carpini, noccioli e abeti rossi – nelle vicinanze della struttura, come lavoro di rimboschimento dell’area. L’installazione lascerà dunque il territorio che la ospita meglio di come l’ha trovato, creando così una sinergia concreta fra arte e natura. I progetti ambientali verranno realizzati all’interno dei 12 ettari delle aree espositive di Arte Sella, duramente danneggiate dalla tempesta Vaia del 2018 che colpì la valle e tutto il Triveneto schiantando milioni di alberi e sfigurando le nostre montagne. Gli interventi di impianto e manutenzione sono stati coordinati da Etifor attraverso l’iniziativa WOWnature.

Tipologia: Installazione
Progetto: Anna Collatuzzo, Arezoo Mohebpour, Paula Strieder (YACademy)
Team di progetto: Anna Collatuzzo, Arezoo Mohebpour, Paula Strieder con Mario Cucinella, Martina Ruini
Promotore: Scrigno
Photo credit: Giacomo Bianchi



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