The House of Music of Pieve di Cento

The House of Music of Pieve di Cento

House of Music

The House of Music of Pieve di Cento is a project born with the desire to give space and facilities to the two schools of music in the municipality.

The architectural language used is inspired by the deeply rooted musical tradition of the city.
Hence the desire to recall, even from a material point of view, the theme of the soul of musical instruments, in particular referring to the sound box.

For this reason wood was chosen as a material for the realization of external coatings and connective spaces. The interior of the House of Music is composed of individual units with their own autonomy and intimacy, echo of the wooden diaphragm that allows the harmonic box of the instruments to contain and amplify the sounds.

The intent is to create a covered square that houses inside small single-instrument musical laboratories, circular in shape, communicating with a square that acts as a distributive element and at the same time a common place to stop for the sharing of music. This central space is also intended for weekly tests and for small essays.

The building is equipped on the outside with fixed benches that curvedly define small squares that become a gathering and resting place overlooking the park. The environment of the square can also be used as a place of study, or as a location from which to use the WIFI inside the building.

The House of Music aims to provide a space that can be used at any time of the day, able to represent a meeting place and gathering place for the community, not only in the musical field.

In line with this primary project, in order to make this building a meeting point for the community, it will be reachable by a cycle path connecting it to the city center and the new expansion area located south of the historic center. Externally illuminated, during the night, the House of Music appears to the citizens as a constant reference point, a lantern of comfort to encourage the resumption of musical and recreational activities after the earthquake’s discomfort.

The constructive package of the external curtain walls consists of a ventilated wooden façade and a reinforced masonry having great thermal inertia, which package is an element of architectural quality and at the same time thermal, which together with the solar filtering system ensures an energy supply passive, both as regards the lighting of the interior spaces and as regards the heating of these during the winter period and the cooling during the summer period.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli con Federico La Piccirella, Clelia Zappalà
Project team: Arianna Balboni, Mirco Bianchini, Francesco Galli, Valentino Gareri
Visual: cc79 Cristian Chierici
Photo credit: Moreno Maggi
Mechanical design: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Electrical planning: P.S.
Structural design: Engineering Departments
Calculation: Geom. Roberto Guidi
Acoustic Advice: Ing. Gabriele Raffelini


Mechanical design: Ing. Danilo Facchini
Electrical planning: P.I. Gaetano Calcara
Structural design: Sarti Ingegneria, Ing. Dimitri Mutussis


Construction of the first phase: Montanari spa
Second phase construction: Uragani srl
Works: Uragani srl
Wooden works: Lorenzo Chiesa woodworking shop
Iron Works: Meccanica Faro srl

The architectural language used is inspired by the deeply rooted musical tradition of the city.
Hence the desire to recall, even from a material point of view, the theme of the soul of musical instruments, in particular referring to the sound box.

For this reason wood was chosen as a material for the realization of external coatings and connective spaces. The interior of the House of Music is composed of individual units with their own autonomy and intimacy, echo of the wooden diaphragm that allows the harmonic box of the instruments to contain and amplify the sounds.

The intent is to create a covered square that houses inside small single-instrument musical laboratories, circular in shape, communicating with a square that acts as a distributive element and at the same time a common place to stop for the sharing of music. This central space is also intended for weekly tests and for small essays.

The building is equipped on the outside with fixed benches that curvedly define small squares that become a gathering and resting place overlooking the park. The environment of the square can also be used as a place of study, or as a location from which to use the WIFI inside the building.

The House of Music aims to provide a space that can be used at any time of the day, able to represent a meeting place and gathering place for the community, not only in the musical field.

In line with this primary project, in order to make this building a meeting point for the community, it will be reachable by a cycle path connecting it to the city center and the new expansion area located south of the historic center. Externally illuminated, during the night, the House of Music appears to the citizens as a constant reference point, a lantern of comfort to encourage the resumption of musical and recreational activities after the earthquake’s discomfort.

The constructive package of the external curtain walls consists of a ventilated wooden façade and a reinforced masonry having great thermal inertia, which package is an element of architectural quality and at the same time thermal, which together with the solar filtering system ensures an energy supply passive, both as regards the lighting of the interior spaces and as regards the heating of these during the winter period and the cooling during the summer period.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli con Federico La Piccirella, Clelia Zappalà
Project team: Arianna Balboni, Mirco Bianchini, Francesco Galli, Valentino Gareri
Visual: cc79 Cristian Chierici
Photo credit: Moreno Maggi
Mechanical design: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Electrical planning: P.S.
Structural design: Engineering Departments
Calculation: Geom. Roberto Guidi
Acoustic Advice: Ing. Gabriele Raffelini


Mechanical design: Ing. Danilo Facchini
Electrical planning: P.I. Gaetano Calcara
Structural design: Sarti Ingegneria, Ing. Dimitri Mutussis


Construction of the first phase: Montanari spa
Second phase construction: Uragani srl
Works: Uragani srl
Wooden works: Lorenzo Chiesa woodworking shop
Iron Works: Meccanica Faro srl

The architectural language used is inspired by the deeply rooted musical tradition of the city.
Hence the desire to recall, even from a material point of view, the theme of the soul of musical instruments, in particular referring to the sound box.

For this reason wood was chosen as a material for the realization of external coatings and connective spaces. The interior of the House of Music is composed of individual units with their own autonomy and intimacy, echo of the wooden diaphragm that allows the harmonic box of the instruments to contain and amplify the sounds.

The intent is to create a covered square that houses inside small single-instrument musical laboratories, circular in shape, communicating with a square that acts as a distributive element and at the same time a common place to stop for the sharing of music. This central space is also intended for weekly tests and for small essays.

The building is equipped on the outside with fixed benches that curvedly define small squares that become a gathering and resting place overlooking the park. The environment of the square can also be used as a place of study, or as a location from which to use the WIFI inside the building.

The House of Music aims to provide a space that can be used at any time of the day, able to represent a meeting place and gathering place for the community, not only in the musical field.

In line with this primary project, in order to make this building a meeting point for the community, it will be reachable by a cycle path connecting it to the city center and the new expansion area located south of the historic center. Externally illuminated, during the night, the House of Music appears to the citizens as a constant reference point, a lantern of comfort to encourage the resumption of musical and recreational activities after the earthquake’s discomfort.

The constructive package of the external curtain walls consists of a ventilated wooden façade and a reinforced masonry having great thermal inertia, which package is an element of architectural quality and at the same time thermal, which together with the solar filtering system ensures an energy supply passive, both as regards the lighting of the interior spaces and as regards the heating of these during the winter period and the cooling during the summer period.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli con Federico La Piccirella, Clelia Zappalà
Project team: Arianna Balboni, Mirco Bianchini, Francesco Galli, Valentino Gareri
Visual: cc79 Cristian Chierici
Photo credit: Moreno Maggi
Mechanical design: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Electrical planning: P.S.
Structural design: Engineering Departments
Calculation: Geom. Roberto Guidi
Acoustic Advice: Ing. Gabriele Raffelini


Mechanical design: Ing. Danilo Facchini
Electrical planning: P.I. Gaetano Calcara
Structural design: Sarti Ingegneria, Ing. Dimitri Mutussis


Construction of the first phase: Montanari spa
Second phase construction: Uragani srl
Works: Uragani srl
Wooden works: Lorenzo Chiesa woodworking shop
Iron Works: Meccanica Faro srl

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Il linguaggio architettonico utilizzato si ispira alla radicata tradizione musicale della città. Da qui deriva la volontà di richiamare, anche da un punto di vista materico, il tema dell’anima degli strumenti musicali, in particolare riferendosi alla cassa armonica.

Per questo motivo è stato scelto il legno come materiale per la realizzazione dei rivestimenti esterni e degli spazi connettivi. L’interno della Casa della Musica è composto di singole unità dotate di una propria autonomia e intimità, eco del diaframma ligneo che consente alla cassa armonica degli strumenti di contenere e amplificare i suoni.

L’intento è quello di creare una piazza coperta che alloggi al suo interno piccoli laboratori musicali mono-strumento, di forma circolare, comunicanti con una piazza che funga da elemento distributivo e al contempo luogo comune di sosta per la condivisione della musica. Tale spazio centrale è destinato inoltre per le prove a cadenza settimanale e per i piccoli saggi. L’edificio è dotato  sull’esterno di panche fisse che con andamento curvo definiscono delle piccole piazze che diventano luogo di ritrovo e di sosta affaccianti sul parco prospiciente. L’ambiente della piazza potrà essere utilizzato inoltre come luogo di studio, o come postazione da dove usufruire del WIFI all’interno dell’edificio.

La Casa della Musica si pone così l’obiettivo di fornire uno spazio fruibile in ogni momento della giornata, in grado di rappresentare un luogo di ritrovo e di aggregazione per la comunità, non soltanto in ambito musicale. Coerentemente con tale istanza primaria del progetto, al fine di rendere tale edificio un punto di ritrovo per la comunità sarà raggiungibile da una pista ciclabile che lo connette al centro cittadino e al nuovo quartiere di espansione posto a sud del centro storico. Illuminata esternamente, durante la notte, la Casa della Musica appare ai cittadini come un costante punto di richiamo, una lanterna di conforto per favorire la ripresa delle attività musicali e ricreative dopo il disagio del sisma.

Il pacchetto costruttivo dei tamponamenti esterni è costituito da una facciata lignea ventilata ed una muratura armata avente grande inerzia termica, il quale pacchetto costituisce un elemento di qualità architettonica e allo stesso tempo termico, che insieme al sistema di filtraggio dei raggi solari garantisce un apporto energetico passivo, sia per quanto riguarda l’illuminazione degli spazi interni sia per quanto riguarda il ri­scaldamento di questi durante il periodo inver­nale ed il raffrescamento durante il periodo estivo.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli con Federico La Piccirella, Clelia Zappalà
Team di progetto: Arianna Balboni, Mirco Bianchini, Francesco Galli, Valentino Gareri
Visual: cc79 Cristian Chierici
Photo credit: Moreno Maggi
Progettazione meccanica: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Progettazione elettrica: Studio tecnico P.S.
Progettazione delle strutture: Sarti Ingegneria
Computo: Geom. Roberto Guidi
Consulenza Acustica: Ing. Gabriele Raffelini


Progettazione meccanica: Ing. Danilo Facchini
​Progettazione elettrica: P.I. Gaetano Calcara
Progettazione delle strutture: Sarti Ingegneria, Ing. Dimitri Mutussis


Edile prima fase: Montanari spa
Edile seconda fase: Uragani srl
Impianti: Uragani srl
Opere in legno: Falegnameria Lorenzo Chiesa
Opere in ferro: Meccanica Faro srl



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