Pioltello – Preliminary design for a masterplan

Pioltello – Preliminary design for a masterplan

“Telluric movement” is the essential gestural generator of the project.

Existing natural structures are the engine of this movement – water on one side and a park on the other – which seem to interpenetrate, creating a sequence of ripples in the landscape.

The result of these tensions is a sequence of parallel “fingers”, which rise and fall as “waves” of various shapes to contain the various functions provided by the plan. Promoted by Pirelli Real Estate, the intervention has a cost of 110 million Euros and covers an area of 82,000 m2.

Client: Pirelli & C. Real Estate Project Management Spa
Surface area: 82 000 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Stefano Brunelli, Tommaso Bettini, Carmine Concas, Eva Cantwell, Cristina Garavelli
Engineering for structures: Favero e Milan
Mechanical, electrical and lighting engineering: Manens Intertecnica
Quantity Surveyor: Mario Cucinella Architects, Geom. Capriati
Photo credit: MCArchive

Existing natural structures are the engine of this movement – water on one side and a park on the other – which seem to interpenetrate, creating a sequence of ripples in the landscape.

The result of these tensions is a sequence of parallel “fingers”, which rise and fall as “waves” of various shapes to contain the various functions provided by the plan. Promoted by Pirelli Real Estate, the intervention has a cost of 110 million Euros and covers an area of 82,000 m2.

Client: Pirelli & C. Real Estate Project Management Spa
Surface area: 82 000 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Stefano Brunelli, Tommaso Bettini, Carmine Concas, Eva Cantwell, Cristina Garavelli
Engineering for structures: Favero e Milan
Mechanical, electrical and lighting engineering: Manens Intertecnica
Quantity Surveyor: Mario Cucinella Architects, Geom. Capriati
Photo credit: MCArchive

Existing natural structures are the engine of this movement – water on one side and a park on the other – which seem to interpenetrate, creating a sequence of ripples in the landscape.

The result of these tensions is a sequence of parallel “fingers”, which rise and fall as “waves” of various shapes to contain the various functions provided by the plan. Promoted by Pirelli Real Estate, the intervention has a cost of 110 million Euros and covers an area of 82,000 m2.

Client: Pirelli & C. Real Estate Project Management Spa
Surface area: 82 000 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Stefano Brunelli, Tommaso Bettini, Carmine Concas, Eva Cantwell, Cristina Garavelli
Engineering for structures: Favero e Milan
Mechanical, electrical and lighting engineering: Manens Intertecnica
Quantity Surveyor: Mario Cucinella Architects, Geom. Capriati
Photo credit: MCArchive

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Le preesistenze naturali sono il motore di questo movimento; l’acqua da un lato e il parco dall’altro sembrano compenetrarsi, creando una sequenza di increspature del terreno.

Risultato di queste tensioni è la sequenza di una serie di “dita” parallele, che si alzano e si abbassano come “onde” di diversa forma a contenere le diverse funzioni previste dal piano. Promosso da Pirelli Real Estate, l’intervento ha un costo di 110 milioni di euro e occupa una superficie di 82 mila mq.

Tipologia: Commessa
Cliente: Pirelli & C. Real Estate Project Management Spa
Superficie: 82 000 m2
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Stefano Brunelli, Tommaso Bettini, Carmine Concas, Eva Cantwell, Cristina Garavelli
Ingegneria delle strutture: Favero e Milan Ingegneria
Ingegneria elettrica, meccanica e illuminazione: Manens Intertecnica
Quantity Surveyor: Mario Cucinella Architects, Geom. Capriati
Photo credit: MCArchive

Mixed-use Building, Offices, Residential, Retail
Architecture, Masterplan


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