New Roma Tre University Rectorate

A university campus to regenerate one of Rome's neighborhoods

Distributed collective intelligence

The project is an example of educational architecture in which flexibility and spatial fluidity became essential characterizing elements. The spaces follow the idea of “diffusion” in the plant world, designed to interact with each other while nonetheless remaining autonomous.

Continuity with the historical context

Positioned on Via Ostiense, a road that dates to ancient Rome, the new complex was born of a project financing operation that has provided an excellent opportunity to regenerate one of the city’s neighborhoods. The project is part of a later phase of new development along the ancient thoroughfare, in continuity with the historically industrial nature of the area still characterized by the gasometers.

Continuity with the historical context

Positioned on Via Ostiense, a road that dates to ancient Rome, the new complex was born of a project financing operation that has provided an excellent opportunity to regenerate one of the city’s neighborhoods. The project is part of a later phase of new development along the ancient thoroughfare, in continuity with the historically industrial nature of the area still characterized by the gasometers.

Continuity with the historical context

Positioned on Via Ostiense, a road that dates to ancient Rome, the new complex was born of a project financing operation that has provided an excellent opportunity to regenerate one of the city’s neighborhoods. The project is part of a later phase of new development along the ancient thoroughfare, in continuity with the historically industrial nature of the area still characterized by the gasometers.

Architettura in continuità con la vocazione del contesto storico

Continuity with the historical context

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Architettura in continuità con la vocazione del contesto storico

Il nuovo edificio che sorge lungo l’antica via Ostiense, e che nasce a partire da un’operazione di project financing, diventa occasione per la rigenerazione di un frammento di città. Il progetto si colloca in un’ulteriore fase di trasformazione, dopo quelle che si sono susseguite sull’antico asse, ponendosi in continuità con la storica vocazione industriale della via, caratterizzata proprio dalla presenza di landmark dalla morfologia cilindrica, come i gasometri.

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Inspiration from industrial architecture

Thus, taking cues from the nearby industrial architecture, the new university headquarters consists of three ellipsoidal towers rising from a large covered public piazza that faces onto Via Ostiense with a fully glazed facade. Above, a large hanging garden links the three towers and acts as a second, semi-public piazza for the office occupants and others at the university and as a space for events. From an urban design standpoint, the covered street-level piazza provides public pedestrian access to the neighboring areas and its role as a gathering place.

Inspiration from industrial architecture

Thus, taking cues from the nearby industrial architecture, the new university headquarters consists of three ellipsoidal towers rising from a large covered public piazza that faces onto Via Ostiense with a fully glazed facade. Above, a large hanging garden links the three towers and acts as a second, semi-public piazza for the office occupants and others at the university and as a space for events. From an urban design standpoint, the covered street-level piazza provides public pedestrian access to the neighboring areas and its role as a gathering place.

Inspiration from industrial architecture

Thus, taking cues from the nearby industrial architecture, the new university headquarters consists of three ellipsoidal towers rising from a large covered public piazza that faces onto Via Ostiense with a fully glazed facade. Above, a large hanging garden links the three towers and acts as a second, semi-public piazza for the office occupants and others at the university and as a space for events. From an urban design standpoint, the covered street-level piazza provides public pedestrian access to the neighboring areas and its role as a gathering place.

L'architettura industriale come ispirazione

Inspiration from industrial architecture

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L'architettura industriale come ispirazione

Il progetto, ponendosi in continuità con la storica vocazione industriale della via, prende vita da una grande piazza pubblica coperta dalla quale sorgono tre elementi dalla forma ellissoidale e dalla facciata completamente vetrata, collegati tra loro da un grande giardino sopraelevato che si erge come una seconda piazza, con vocazione semipubblica, di pertinenza degli uffici e per gli utenti dell’università, ma anche nuovo spazio per eventi. La piazza pubblica, coperta alla quota strada, oltre che assolvere a un ruolo aggregativo, da un punto di vista urbanistico costituisce una connessione pedonale con le aree limitrofe.

“We wanted the university to be as if projected towards the city, not a closed place but a clear representation of continuity and openness towards the outside world.”

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Functionality of the spaces

Two piazzas and the interior vertical circulation at those levels link the three towers. The ground floor and first floor levels of the towers contain reception spaces, pedestrian traffic distribution, and public access points for university services. The tallest building hosts the Aula Magna on the second floor and the management offices on the floors above, up to the eighth floor. The other two towers host the remaining university administrative offices, from the second floor to the top floor.

Functionality of the spaces

Two piazzas and the interior vertical circulation at those levels link the three towers. The ground floor and first floor levels of the towers contain reception spaces, pedestrian traffic distribution, and public access points for university services. The tallest building hosts the Aula Magna on the second floor and the management offices on the floors above, up to the eighth floor. The other two towers host the remaining university administrative offices, from the second floor to the top floor.

Functionality of the spaces

Two piazzas and the interior vertical circulation at those levels link the three towers. The ground floor and first floor levels of the towers contain reception spaces, pedestrian traffic distribution, and public access points for university services. The tallest building hosts the Aula Magna on the second floor and the management offices on the floors above, up to the eighth floor. The other two towers host the remaining university administrative offices, from the second floor to the top floor.

Funzionalità degli spazi

Functionality of the spaces

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Funzionalità degli spazi

I tre nuovi edifici sono messi in comunicazione tra loro dalle due piazze e dai collegamenti verticali interni. Da un punto di vista funzionale al piano terra e al piano primo si trovano aree di accoglienza e distribuzione dei flussi, oltre ad attività di sportello con il pubblico.
Il secondo piano del blocco più alto ospita l’Aula Magna e gli uffici dirigenziali nei piani successivi, fino all’ottavo. Gli altri due volumi ospitano, tra il secondo e l’ultimo piano, i restanti uffici di segreteria di Ateneo.

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@Moreno Maggi
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@Moreno Maggi
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@Moreno Maggi
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@Moreno Maggi
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Interior view of the rectorate building

The green elements

Both the Aula Magna and the offices overlook the hanging garden marking the separation between outdoor spaces open to the public and those that belong to the university. The green acts as a distribution element and a visual buffer. The transparency of the three volumes contributes to ensuring a continuous dialogue between the two main exterior spaces and the interior spaces.

The green elements

Both the Aula Magna and the offices overlook the hanging garden marking the separation between outdoor spaces open to the public and those that belong to the university. The green acts as a distribution element and a visual buffer. The transparency of the three volumes contributes to ensuring a continuous dialogue between the two main exterior spaces and the interior spaces.

The green elements

Both the Aula Magna and the offices overlook the hanging garden marking the separation between outdoor spaces open to the public and those that belong to the university. The green acts as a distribution element and a visual buffer. The transparency of the three volumes contributes to ensuring a continuous dialogue between the two main exterior spaces and the interior spaces.

Il verde

The green elements

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Il verde

Il giardino sospeso, sul quale si affacciano l’aula magna e gli uffici, rimarca la separazione tra la parte pubblica aperta alla città, e quella di pertinenza dell’università, oltre a diventare un elemento di distribuzione e di mitigazione visuale. La trasparenza dei tre volumi contribuisce a garantire un dialogo continuo tra i due principali spazi esterni e quelli interni.

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The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

Il progetto bioclimatico

The bioclimatic project

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Il progetto bioclimatico

The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

The bioclimatic project

Il progetto bioclimatico

The bioclimatic project

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Il progetto bioclimatico

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Rome, Italy
12,000 sqm


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bonatti
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Team Member
Serena Carrisi
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Giovanni Lenci
Competition team
Team Member
Pietro Marziali
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Alessandro Miele
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Senior Architect
Kseniya Shkroban
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Vernocchi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bonatti
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Team Member
Serena Carrisi
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Giovanni Lenci
Competition team
Team Member
Pietro Marziali
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Alessandro Miele
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Senior Architect
Kseniya Shkroban
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Vernocchi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bonatti
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Team Member
Serena Carrisi
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Giovanni Lenci
Competition team
Team Member
Pietro Marziali
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Alessandro Miele
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Senior Architect
Kseniya Shkroban
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Vernocchi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bonatti
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Team Member
Serena Carrisi
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Giovanni Lenci
Competition team
Team Member
Pietro Marziali
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Alessandro Miele
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Senior Architect
Kseniya Shkroban
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Vernocchi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bonatti
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Team Member
Serena Carrisi
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Giovanni Lenci
Competition team
Team Member
Pietro Marziali
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Alessandro Miele
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Senior Architect
Kseniya Shkroban
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Vernocchi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bonatti
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Team Member
Serena Carrisi
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Giovanni Lenci
Competition team
Team Member
Pietro Marziali
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Alessandro Miele
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Senior Architect
Kseniya Shkroban
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Vernocchi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bonatti
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Team Member
Serena Carrisi
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Giovanni Lenci
Competition team
Team Member
Pietro Marziali
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Alessandro Miele
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Senior Architect
Kseniya Shkroban
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Vernocchi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bonatti
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Team Member
Serena Carrisi
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Giovanni Lenci
Competition team
Team Member
Pietro Marziali
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Alessandro Miele
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Senior Architect
Kseniya Shkroban
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Vernocchi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bonatti
Team member
Project Director
Esperto in Architettura Sanitaria
Giulio Desiderio
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Team Member
Serena Carrisi
Team Member
Project Leader
Emanuele Dionigi
Team Member
Giovanni Lenci
Competition team
Team Member
Pietro Marziali
Team Member
Giuseppe Perrone
Team Member
Project Leader
Giovanni Sanna
Team Member
Alessandro Miele
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Senior Architect
Kseniya Shkroban
Team Member
Project Leader
Antonio Nardozzi
Team Member
Project Leader
Luca Vernocchi
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Università Roma Tre
Camar Tre S.r.l
MAC S.r.l
Landscape Design
LAND Milano
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Building Services Engineering
Manens-Tifs Spa
Fire Consultancy
Ing. Gabriele Raffellini
Safety Coordinator
Ing. Giuseppe Omodeo
MCA Visual; Engram studio
Moreno Maggi
Università Roma Tre
Camar Tre S.r.l
MAC S.r.l
Landscape Design
LAND Milano
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Building Services Engineering
Manens-Tifs Spa
Fire Consultancy
Ing. Gabriele Raffellini
Safety Coordinator
Ing. Giuseppe Omodeo
MCA Visual; Engram studio
Moreno Maggi
Università Roma Tre
Camar Tre S.r.l
MAC S.r.l
Landscape Design
LAND Milano
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Building Services Engineering
Manens-Tifs Spa
Fire Consultancy
Ing. Gabriele Raffellini
Safety Coordinator
Ing. Giuseppe Omodeo
MCA Visual; Engram studio
Moreno Maggi
Università Roma Tre
Camar Tre S.r.l
MAC S.r.l
Landscape Design
LAND Milano
Structural Engineering
Milan Ingegneria
Building Services Engineering
Manens-Tifs Spa
Fire Consultancy
Ing. Gabriele Raffellini
Safety Coordinator
Ing. Giuseppe Omodeo
MCA Visual; Engram studio
Moreno Maggi
BLT - Built Design Awards
Architecture MasterPrize
DNA Paris Design Awards