New Campus for the Bologna Business School

A new university hub where history converses with the contemporary, and merges into the surrounding landscape

The context

The campus project arises from the need to create new educational and shared spaces for the Bologna Business School, revitalising a historically significant site and integrating new cultural and environmental functions. This university hub, located in the hills of Bologna, emerges from the redevelopment of several buildings already present on the site owned by the Bologna Business School Foundation. The new configuration makes it possible to rethink the distribution of the services currently hosted in Villa Guastavillani, a landmark of the campus, by including new facilities. The project aims to enhance the whole potential of the area and its territorial connections, giving the school an international scope.

The architectural project

Combining the redevelopment and functional integration of the buildings with the surrounding environment, the new focal point on the ridge of the hill seamlessly integrates with nature and the landscape. The project has a "light touch," with indoor and outdoor spaces blending seamlessly, allowing for maximum enjoyment of the views and a wide range of outdoor activities. Additionally, the new campus connects to Villa Guastavillani via a rectilinear direct pedestrian route, ensuring visual and physical continuity that creates a constant dialogue between the present and the past.

The architectural project

Combining the redevelopment and functional integration of the buildings with the surrounding environment, the new focal point on the ridge of the hill seamlessly integrates with nature and the landscape. The project has a "light touch," with indoor and outdoor spaces blending seamlessly, allowing for maximum enjoyment of the views and a wide range of outdoor activities. Additionally, the new campus connects to Villa Guastavillani via a rectilinear direct pedestrian route, ensuring visual and physical continuity that creates a constant dialogue between the present and the past.

The architectural project

Combining the redevelopment and functional integration of the buildings with the surrounding environment, the new focal point on the ridge of the hill seamlessly integrates with nature and the landscape. The project has a "light touch," with indoor and outdoor spaces blending seamlessly, allowing for maximum enjoyment of the views and a wide range of outdoor activities. Additionally, the new campus connects to Villa Guastavillani via a rectilinear direct pedestrian route, ensuring visual and physical continuity that creates a constant dialogue between the present and the past.

Il progetto architettonico

The architectural project

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Il progetto architettonico

Coniugando riqualificazione e funzionalità degli edifici con l’ambiente circostante, la nuova polarità posta sul crinale della collina risulta perfettamente integrata nella natura e nel paesaggio. Un intervento “leggero” in cui spazi interni ed esterni si compongono quasi senza soluzione di continuità, consentendo una fruibilità massima in termini di veduta e un’ampia gamma di attività all’aperto. Il nuovo campus, inoltre, attraverso un asse pedonale diretto e rettilineo, si pone in continuità sia visiva sia fisica con Villa Guastavillani, generando un dialogo continuo tra presente e passato.

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The two most architecturally valuable buildings, the farmhouse and the former oven, have been restored to accommodate some of the campus services. The farmhouse houses flexible classrooms for lectures and study, offices, and a meeting room, while the former oven hosts a reception area to guide students within the university grounds. Three other buildings on the site have been reconfigured into a single functional block that will host the main educational activities. The new part, which consists of two floors with a large basement, is connected to the farmhouse via an underground tunnel, ensuring under-cover continuity between the academic spaces. Outside, a large canopy serves as a piazza, creating a social space for student interaction. Two terraced gardens with a solarium mark the edges of the basement spaces, ensuring them of ample natural daylight and giving students an outdoor extension of the study area and cafeteria.

The two most architecturally valuable buildings, the farmhouse and the former oven, have been restored to accommodate some of the campus services. The farmhouse houses flexible classrooms for lectures and study, offices, and a meeting room, while the former oven hosts a reception area to guide students within the university grounds. Three other buildings on the site have been reconfigured into a single functional block that will host the main educational activities. The new part, which consists of two floors with a large basement, is connected to the farmhouse via an underground tunnel, ensuring under-cover continuity between the academic spaces. Outside, a large canopy serves as a piazza, creating a social space for student interaction. Two terraced gardens with a solarium mark the edges of the basement spaces, ensuring them of ample natural daylight and giving students an outdoor extension of the study area and cafeteria.

The two most architecturally valuable buildings, the farmhouse and the former oven, have been restored to accommodate some of the campus services. The farmhouse houses flexible classrooms for lectures and study, offices, and a meeting room, while the former oven hosts a reception area to guide students within the university grounds. Three other buildings on the site have been reconfigured into a single functional block that will host the main educational activities. The new part, which consists of two floors with a large basement, is connected to the farmhouse via an underground tunnel, ensuring under-cover continuity between the academic spaces. Outside, a large canopy serves as a piazza, creating a social space for student interaction. Two terraced gardens with a solarium mark the edges of the basement spaces, ensuring them of ample natural daylight and giving students an outdoor extension of the study area and cafeteria.

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I due edifici di maggior pregio, la casa colonica e l’ex forno, sono stati recuperati per accogliere alcuni dei servizi del campus: nella casa colonica, aule flessibili per lo svolgimento di lezioni e momenti di studio, uffici e una sala riunioni; nell’ex forno, invece, una reception al servizio degli studenti per orientarli all’interno dell’area universitaria. Altri tre edifici presenti nel sito sono stati, invece, riconfigurati in un unico blocco per dare vita a uno spazio più funzionale e capace di ospitare le funzioni didattiche principali. La nuova edificazione si sviluppa su due piani con un grande interrato ed è collegata attraverso un tunnel sotterraneo alla casa colonica, così da dare una continuità “coperta” agli spazi accademici. All’esterno, un grande canopy che, come una piazza, crea uno spazio sociale di interazione tra gli studenti, e due giardini a gradoni, con solarium, che delimitano gli spazi del piano interrato garantendo il giusto apporto di luce e offrendo agli studenti un’estensione naturale della zona studio e della mensa.

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The landscaping design

The landscape design is inspired by waves, evoking circular forms. From the heart of the new campus, a series of fluid pathways extend outward like concentric circles, integrating into the terrain and forming terraces for hosting sports and recreational activities. This fluidity contrasts with the rigid regularity of the surrounding buildings, reflecting the juxtaposition between the enjoyment of sports and the discipline of study.

The landscaping design

The landscape design is inspired by waves, evoking circular forms. From the heart of the new campus, a series of fluid pathways extend outward like concentric circles, integrating into the terrain and forming terraces for hosting sports and recreational activities. This fluidity contrasts with the rigid regularity of the surrounding buildings, reflecting the juxtaposition between the enjoyment of sports and the discipline of study.

The landscaping design

The landscape design is inspired by waves, evoking circular forms. From the heart of the new campus, a series of fluid pathways extend outward like concentric circles, integrating into the terrain and forming terraces for hosting sports and recreational activities. This fluidity contrasts with the rigid regularity of the surrounding buildings, reflecting the juxtaposition between the enjoyment of sports and the discipline of study.

Il disegno del paesaggio

The landscaping design

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Il disegno del paesaggio

Il disegno del paesaggio si ispira alle onde, richiamando la forma del cerchio. Dal fulcro del nuovo campus si irradiano, infatti, come cerchi di propagazione una serie di percorsi fluidi che, immettendosi nel paesaggio, formano dei terrazzamenti per ospitare attività sportive e di svago. Tale fluidità contrapposta alla rigidità e alla regolarità dei fabbricati fa da eco al contrasto tra la spensieratezza del praticare attività fisica e il rigore e la dedizione dello studio.

Floor plan 0 building A by MCA
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Floor plan -1 building A by MCA
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Floor plan 0 building F-G by MCA
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Floor plan +1 building F-G
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Floor plans

“The New Campus for the Bologna Business School develops around the concept of unity in diversity where the building acts as a dominant element in the landscape and serves as a unifier and generator, establishing an empathetic dialogue between the surrounding environment and the architecture. The historical significance of these places intertwines with contemporary elements, creating a reciprocal exchange that inspires young students.”

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The roofs are a distinctive element of the project, combining architectural aspects with sustainability in an optimal way. In the new building, a system of sunshade louvres has been implemented specifically to limit the entry of thermal radiation and regulate the amount of light in the educational spaces. The roof of the farmhouse, on the other hand, is designed to generate electricity from a photovoltaic system, thus powering the entire campus.

Thanks to the extensive surrounding park, the campus is equipped with a dedicated system for collecting and managing rainwater, which can be reused during the summer months.


The roofs are a distinctive element of the project, combining architectural aspects with sustainability in an optimal way. In the new building, a system of sunshade louvres has been implemented specifically to limit the entry of thermal radiation and regulate the amount of light in the educational spaces. The roof of the farmhouse, on the other hand, is designed to generate electricity from a photovoltaic system, thus powering the entire campus.

Thanks to the extensive surrounding park, the campus is equipped with a dedicated system for collecting and managing rainwater, which can be reused during the summer months.


The roofs are a distinctive element of the project, combining architectural aspects with sustainability in an optimal way. In the new building, a system of sunshade louvres has been implemented specifically to limit the entry of thermal radiation and regulate the amount of light in the educational spaces. The roof of the farmhouse, on the other hand, is designed to generate electricity from a photovoltaic system, thus powering the entire campus.

Thanks to the extensive surrounding park, the campus is equipped with a dedicated system for collecting and managing rainwater, which can be reused during the summer months.

La sostenibilità


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La sostenibilità

Le coperture rappresentano uno degli elementi caratterizzanti dell’intervento, combinando al meglio gli aspetti architettonici e di sostenibilità. Per la copertura del nuovo edificio, è stato studiato un apposito sistema di lamelle frangisole che permette di limitare l’ingresso della radiazione termica e controllare la quantità di luce all’interno degli spazi didattici. Nel caso della casa colonica, invece, la copertura contribuisce alla produzione di energia elettrica da fotovoltaico, alimentando l’intero campus.

Grazie al grande parco in cui è immerso il campus, è stato previsto un sistema di raccolta e gestione delle acque meteoriche, riutilizzabili durante i mesi estivi.

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The interior design

For the new campus, MCA also designed the interiors, based on the principle of flexible teaching spaces that can be adapted to the daily needs of academic life and encouraging a seamless dialogue between the interiors and the outdoor spaces.

The interior design

For the new campus, MCA also designed the interiors, based on the principle of flexible teaching spaces that can be adapted to the daily needs of academic life and encouraging a seamless dialogue between the interiors and the outdoor spaces.

The interior design

For the new campus, MCA also designed the interiors, based on the principle of flexible teaching spaces that can be adapted to the daily needs of academic life and encouraging a seamless dialogue between the interiors and the outdoor spaces.

Il progetto di interior design

The interior design

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Il progetto di interior design

Per il nuovo campus, lo studio MCA ha curato anche il progetto di interior design ispirandosi al principio di flessibilità degli spazi didattici, che sono rimodulabili sulla base delle esigenze quotidiane della vita accademica, e sviluppando un dialogo continuo tra interni ed esterni.

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The new block features a natural oak theatre staircase that connects the two levels of the building. The staircase is surrounded by ring-shaped wooden book shelving, symbolising the cultural value of academic study and traditional learning, and includes seating for students. At the first floor, the lobby and classrooms feature large glazed surfaces alternating with opaque panels in warm tones, integrated with the slatted ceiling and offering a 360-degree panoramic view of the hilly landscape outside.

The new block features a natural oak theatre staircase that connects the two levels of the building. The staircase is surrounded by ring-shaped wooden book shelving, symbolising the cultural value of academic study and traditional learning, and includes seating for students. At the first floor, the lobby and classrooms feature large glazed surfaces alternating with opaque panels in warm tones, integrated with the slatted ceiling and offering a 360-degree panoramic view of the hilly landscape outside.

The new block features a natural oak theatre staircase that connects the two levels of the building. The staircase is surrounded by ring-shaped wooden book shelving, symbolising the cultural value of academic study and traditional learning, and includes seating for students. At the first floor, the lobby and classrooms feature large glazed surfaces alternating with opaque panels in warm tones, integrated with the slatted ceiling and offering a 360-degree panoramic view of the hilly landscape outside.

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Una grande scala teatro in rovere naturale caratterizza il blocco di nuova edificazione: pensata per connettere i due livelli dell’edificio, la scalinata è attorniata da una libreria lignea ad anello, simbolo del valore culturale dello studio e della formazione accademica tradizionale, e integra sedute per gli studenti. Al primo piano si trovano la hall e le aule didattiche con ampie superfici vetrate alternate a superfici opache dai toni caldi che si fondono con il controsoffitto a lamelle e offrono una vista a 360 gradi sul paesaggio collinare.

In the basement too, the louvred roof characterises the space, where a large open area is subdivided into areas for teaching, flexible spaces for study sessions, events, and conferences, as well as a dining area. The kitchen is designed as a completely transparent satin steel cube, intended for show-cooking, which can be closed and made opaque after service has ended. The dining area takes its inspiration from the plant world, with a large, flexible, dynamic table which, thanks to its modular elements, resembles the branches of a tree. Interspersed green elements enrich the table, reinforcing the connection between the interiors and the landscape of the Bolognese hills.

In the basement too, the louvred roof characterises the space, where a large open area is subdivided into areas for teaching, flexible spaces for study sessions, events, and conferences, as well as a dining area. The kitchen is designed as a completely transparent satin steel cube, intended for show-cooking, which can be closed and made opaque after service has ended. The dining area takes its inspiration from the plant world, with a large, flexible, dynamic table which, thanks to its modular elements, resembles the branches of a tree. Interspersed green elements enrich the table, reinforcing the connection between the interiors and the landscape of the Bolognese hills.

In the basement too, the louvred roof characterises the space, where a large open area is subdivided into areas for teaching, flexible spaces for study sessions, events, and conferences, as well as a dining area. The kitchen is designed as a completely transparent satin steel cube, intended for show-cooking, which can be closed and made opaque after service has ended. The dining area takes its inspiration from the plant world, with a large, flexible, dynamic table which, thanks to its modular elements, resembles the branches of a tree. Interspersed green elements enrich the table, reinforcing the connection between the interiors and the landscape of the Bolognese hills.

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La copertura a lamelle caratterizza anche il seminterrato, dove un ampio open-space è dedicato in parte alla didattica, con spazi modulabili per ospitare momenti di studio, eventi e conferenze, e in parte alla zona ristorazione. La cucina è concepita come un cubo in acciaio satinato, totalmente trasparente - per incarnare l’idea dello show-cooking -, opacizzabile a fine servizio. Lo spazio mensa si ispira, invece, al mondo vegetale, con un grande tavolo flessibile e dinamico che, con l’ausilio di elementi modulari, ricorda i rami di un albero. Episodi verdi, inoltre, arricchiscono il tavolo e rinsaldano la relazione tra gli interni e il paesaggio dei colli bolognesi.

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Inside the former farmhouse, a spiral oak staircase introduces curvilinear and dynamic forms into the space. In the basement, the underground connecting tunnel has been transformed into an area dedicated to the installation of artworks, giving it an iconic and communicative significance.

Inside the former farmhouse, a spiral oak staircase introduces curvilinear and dynamic forms into the space. In the basement, the underground connecting tunnel has been transformed into an area dedicated to the installation of artworks, giving it an iconic and communicative significance.

Inside the former farmhouse, a spiral oak staircase introduces curvilinear and dynamic forms into the space. In the basement, the underground connecting tunnel has been transformed into an area dedicated to the installation of artworks, giving it an iconic and communicative significance.

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Una scala elicoidale in rovere definisce gli interni dell’ex casa colonica, inserendo forme curvilinee e dinamiche nell’ambiente. Nell’interrato, il tunnel sotterraneo di collegamento è dedicato, invece, all’installazione di opere d’arte e acquisisce così una valenza iconica e comunicativa.

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Bologna Business School
Bologna, Italy
2500 sqm


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Project Leader
Davide Raffaelli
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Senior Architect
Francesca Fochi
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Francesco Rosa
Interior & Product + Material Unit Manager
Elena Cerizza
Interior Design Specialist
Edoardo Caizzi
Interior Design Specialist
Ginevra Venturini
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Project Leader
Davide Raffaelli
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Senior Architect
Francesca Fochi
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Francesco Rosa
Interior & Product + Material Unit Manager
Elena Cerizza
Interior Design Specialist
Edoardo Caizzi
Interior Design Specialist
Ginevra Venturini
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Project Leader
Davide Raffaelli
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Senior Architect
Francesca Fochi
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Francesco Rosa
Interior & Product + Material Unit Manager
Elena Cerizza
Interior Design Specialist
Edoardo Caizzi
Interior Design Specialist
Ginevra Venturini
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Project Leader
Davide Raffaelli
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Senior Architect
Francesca Fochi
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Francesco Rosa
Interior & Product + Material Unit Manager
Elena Cerizza
Interior Design Specialist
Edoardo Caizzi
Interior Design Specialist
Ginevra Venturini
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Project Leader
Davide Raffaelli
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Senior Architect
Francesca Fochi
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Francesco Rosa
Interior & Product + Material Unit Manager
Elena Cerizza
Interior Design Specialist
Edoardo Caizzi
Interior Design Specialist
Ginevra Venturini
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Project Leader
Davide Raffaelli
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Senior Architect
Francesca Fochi
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Francesco Rosa
Interior & Product + Material Unit Manager
Elena Cerizza
Interior Design Specialist
Edoardo Caizzi
Interior Design Specialist
Ginevra Venturini
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Project Leader
Davide Raffaelli
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Senior Architect
Francesca Fochi
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Francesco Rosa
Interior & Product + Material Unit Manager
Elena Cerizza
Interior Design Specialist
Edoardo Caizzi
Interior Design Specialist
Ginevra Venturini
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Project Leader
Davide Raffaelli
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Senior Architect
Francesca Fochi
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Francesco Rosa
Interior & Product + Material Unit Manager
Elena Cerizza
Interior Design Specialist
Edoardo Caizzi
Interior Design Specialist
Ginevra Venturini
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Project Director
Team Member
Project Leader
R&D Specialist
Andrea Rossi
Project Leader
Davide Raffaelli
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Senior Architect
Francesca Fochi
Team Member
Stefano Bastia
Francesco Rosa
Interior & Product + Material Unit Manager
Elena Cerizza
Interior Design Specialist
Edoardo Caizzi
Interior Design Specialist
Ginevra Venturini
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Competition team
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Lapo Naldoni
R&D/Team Member
Team Member
R&D Specialist
Senior R&D Specialist
Elena Biason
Structural design
Studio Ballardini
Studio Ballardini
Building services design
Galileo Ingegneria, STEP Engineering
Galileo Ingegneria, STEP Engineering
Acoustic design
Studio Raffellini
Studio Raffellini
Fire safety design
IDF Ingegneria del Fuoco
IDF Ingegneria del Fuoco
Landscape design
La Stanza C
La Stanza C
Site supervision for building services
EN7 srl
EN7 srl
Site supervision for construction
Studio Ballardini
Studio Ballardini
Construction works and building services contractor
External works contractor
Arcadia Impianti s.r.l.
Arcadia Impianti s.r.l.
Henoto Spa e UniFor Spa
Henoto Spa and UniFor Spa
MCA Visual, GDA-V Studio
MCA Visual, GDA-V Studio
Walter Vecchio
Walter Vecchio
Structural design
Studio Ballardini
Building services design
Galileo Ingegneria, STEP Engineering
Acoustic design
Studio Raffellini
Fire safety design
IDF Ingegneria del Fuoco
Landscape design
La Stanza C
Site supervision for building services
EN7 srl
Site supervision for construction
Studio Ballardini
Construction works and building services contractor
External works contractor
Arcadia Impianti s.r.l.
Henoto Spa e UniFor Spa
MCA Visual, GDA-V Studio
Walter Vecchio
Structural design
Studio Ballardini
Building services design
Galileo Ingegneria, STEP Engineering
Acoustic design
Studio Raffellini
Fire safety design
IDF Ingegneria del Fuoco
Landscape design
La Stanza C
Site supervision for building services
EN7 srl
Site supervision for construction
Studio Ballardini
Construction works and building services contractor
External works contractor
Arcadia Impianti s.r.l.
Henoto Spa e UniFor Spa
MCA Visual, GDA-V Studio
Walter Vecchio
Structural design
Studio Ballardini
Building services design
Galileo Ingegneria, STEP Engineering
Acoustic design
Studio Raffellini
Fire safety design
IDF Ingegneria del Fuoco
Landscape design
La Stanza C
Site supervision for building services
EN7 srl
Site supervision for construction
Studio Ballardini
Construction works and building services contractor
External works contractor
Arcadia Impianti s.r.l.
Henoto Spa e UniFor Spa
MCA Visual, GDA-V Studio
Walter Vecchio
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