
Metal Craftsmen

Rino Greggio Argenterie
At the age of 14, Rino Greggio started his apprenticeship in a silversmith’s workshop in Padua, where he learned all the secrets of this ancient craft, making it his life’s objective. After the war, he used the 21 Lire (former Italian currency) earned from selling his bicycle to buy his first kilogram of silver. Rino Greggio Argentierie was established in 1948 in a small 4x4 m room. Today, it has turned into a major Group, reference point for the whole silver industry.

Danese Milano
Since its foundation in the fifties Danese Milano has been a company that gives value to space. The spirit of the time and the centrality of the human being are reflected in the importance that the company assigns to the choice of authors it involves. The quality of the materials it applies and the synthesis of forms achieved so far transcend seasonality. The story of Danese Milano is a narration of material culture, suggested functions, discreet pedagogies and practical beauty.

De Castelli
Drawing from the metalworking tradition deeply rooted in the local territory, De Castelli bases its industrial processes on craftsman quality and mindset, leading to unexpected and special results. When industry meets design, materials are explored to find new possibilities and solutions, revealing themselves (even the most hidden ones) in a collection of serial yet unique products. All this is made possible not only by unique manual skills but also by De Castelli’s unique culture, focused on both aesthetic and functional value of the metals used to shape living spaces.

Officine Tamborrino
The brand aims at expressing the aesthetic values inspired by the same simplicity and linearity that characterized the Italian design of the Fifties. Constant research on materials is a key feature for Officine Tamborrino, as it specifically focuses itself on steel applications for interior design by expressing its values in terms of durability, stability and lightness at the same time. This project derives from Tamborrino’s family know-how in working steel, as they founded Scaffsystem company in Ostuni for the design and production of warehousing solutions and industrial metal structures.


Convivium’s name comes from the concept of “convivere”, the Italian “living together”, and it is inspired by the traditional cookhouse, where individual elements are arranged to be carried and stored in smallest spaces.

The set consists of two foldable boxes containing different items, made of different, sustainable, materials: solid wood, recycled non-stick aluminium, glass, and terracotta.

This choice stems from our desire to respect the environment in terms of product recycling, with a focus on the concept of healthy cooking.

Every accessory has a specific purpose and can be used in combination with the other items of the set: the pans and the stockpot can be used with the steamer basket, the chopping board can be used as a base plate for all the pans, and the lid of the bread baker can be turned into a container for the ceramic casserole dishes.

This compact, portable set guarantees a unique and versatile cooking experience.

Material Recycled aluminium, borosilicate glass, steel, wood, ceramic
Inspiration Historic camp kitchen
Production TVS
Year 2024
Visual MCA Visual
Project team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca, Bianca Gabrielli


Convivium’s name comes from the concept of “convivere”, the Italian “living together”, and it is inspired by the traditional cookhouse, where individual elements are arranged to be carried and stored in smallest spaces.

The set consists of two foldable boxes containing different items, made of different, sustainable, materials: solid wood, recycled non-stick aluminium, glass, and terracotta.

This choice stems from our desire to respect the environment in terms of product recycling, with a focus on the concept of healthy cooking.

Every accessory has a specific purpose and can be used in combination with the other items of the set: the pans and the stockpot can be used with the steamer basket, the chopping board can be used as a base plate for all the pans, and the lid of the bread baker can be turned into a container for the ceramic casserole dishes.

This compact, portable set guarantees a unique and versatile cooking experience.

Material Recycled aluminium, borosilicate glass, steel, wood, ceramic
Inspiration Historic camp kitchen
Production TVS
Year 2024
Visual MCA Visual
Project team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca, Bianca Gabrielli


Convivium’s name comes from the concept of “convivere”, the Italian “living together”, and it is inspired by the traditional cookhouse, where individual elements are arranged to be carried and stored in smallest spaces.

The set consists of two foldable boxes containing different items, made of different, sustainable, materials: solid wood, recycled non-stick aluminium, glass, and terracotta.

This choice stems from our desire to respect the environment in terms of product recycling, with a focus on the concept of healthy cooking.

Every accessory has a specific purpose and can be used in combination with the other items of the set: the pans and the stockpot can be used with the steamer basket, the chopping board can be used as a base plate for all the pans, and the lid of the bread baker can be turned into a container for the ceramic casserole dishes.

This compact, portable set guarantees a unique and versatile cooking experience.

Material Recycled aluminium, borosilicate glass, steel, wood, ceramic
Inspiration Historic camp kitchen
Production TVS
Year 2024
Visual MCA Visual
Project team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca, Bianca Gabrielli



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Convivium, il cui nome deriva dal concetto di “convivere, vivere insieme”, si ispira ad una storica cucina da campo i cui singoli elementi sono organizzati per poter essere trasportati e riposti nel minor spazio possibile.

Il set si compone di due box richiudibili, al cui interno sono organizzati vari elementi realizzati con diversi materiali sostenibili: legno massello, alluminio riciclato antiaderente, vetro e terracotta.

Questa scelta è legata alla volontà di rispettare l’ambiente in termini di riciclo del prodotto, con un’attenzione rivolta ad un’idea di cottura sana degli alimenti.

Ogni accessorio risponde ad una specifica funzione e può essere utilizzato in combinazione con gli altri che compongono il set: le pentole e la casseruola possono essere abbinate al cestello per la cottura a vapore, il tagliere può fungere da base di appoggio per tutti i tegami ed il coperchio del cuoci pane può divenire contenitore per le cocotte in ceramica.

Trasportabile e compatto, offre un’esperienza di cottura unica, versatile e in poco spazio.

Materiale Alluminio riciclato, vetro borosilicato, acciaio, legno, ceramica
Ispirazione Cucina da campo storica
Produzione TVS
Anno 2024
Visual MCA Visual
Team di progetto Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca, Bianca Gabrielli

inspiration: historical camp kitchen
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Sketch by MCA
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Visual MCA Visual
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Visual MCA Visual
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Visual MCA Visual
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01 di 00

Zoon table (Cutlery)

Zoon table (Cutlery)

Zoon table (Cutlery)

Tavola Zoon (Posate)

Zoon table (Cutlery)

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Tavola Zoon (Posate)

The Zoon Etruscan table setting draws inspiration from Etruscan artifacts and consists of white porcelain stoneware plates, blue extra clear sandblasted crystal glasses and jugs, and brass cutlery. Various animals inspired by Etruscan paintings decorate the bottom of the plates. The glasses and jugs stand out for their essential design – based on the simplicity of a cylinder – and neutral colors. The cutlery recalls Etruscan artifacts and features thin handles.

Collection Building Objects
Material Platinum finish brass
Inspiration Impasto and bucchero pottery collection at the Nuovo Museo dell’Arte, Fondazione Luigi Rovati – Milano
Production Rino Greggio Argenterie
Year 2019
Photo Lenny Pellico, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

The Zoon Etruscan table setting draws inspiration from Etruscan artifacts and consists of white porcelain stoneware plates, blue extra clear sandblasted crystal glasses and jugs, and brass cutlery. Various animals inspired by Etruscan paintings decorate the bottom of the plates. The glasses and jugs stand out for their essential design – based on the simplicity of a cylinder – and neutral colors. The cutlery recalls Etruscan artifacts and features thin handles.

Collection Building Objects
Material Platinum finish brass
Inspiration Impasto and bucchero pottery collection at the Nuovo Museo dell’Arte, Fondazione Luigi Rovati – Milano
Production Rino Greggio Argenterie
Year 2019
Photo Lenny Pellico, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

The Zoon Etruscan table setting draws inspiration from Etruscan artifacts and consists of white porcelain stoneware plates, blue extra clear sandblasted crystal glasses and jugs, and brass cutlery. Various animals inspired by Etruscan paintings decorate the bottom of the plates. The glasses and jugs stand out for their essential design – based on the simplicity of a cylinder – and neutral colors. The cutlery recalls Etruscan artifacts and features thin handles.

Collection Building Objects
Material Platinum finish brass
Inspiration Impasto and bucchero pottery collection at the Nuovo Museo dell’Arte, Fondazione Luigi Rovati – Milano
Production Rino Greggio Argenterie
Year 2019
Photo Lenny Pellico, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

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La Tavola Etrusca Zoon si ispira ai manufatti etruschi ed è composta da piatti in gres porcellanato bianco, bicchieri e brocche in cristallo sabbiato extrachiaro blu e posate in ottone. Vari animali ispirati alle pitture etrusche decorano il fondo dei piatti. I bicchieri e le brocche si distinguono per il loro design essenziale – basato sulla semplicità di un cilindro – e per i colori neutri. Le posate richiamano i manufatti etruschi e presentano manici sottili.

Collezione Building Objects
Materiale Ottone finitura platino
Ispirazione Impasto e collezione di ceramiche in bucchero del Nuovo Museo dell’Arte, Fondazione Luigi Rovati – Milano
Produzione Rino Greggio Argenterie
Anno 2019
Foto Lenny Pellico, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

Inspiration: Impasto and bucchero pottery collection at the Nuovo Museo dell’Arte, Fondazione Luigi Rovati – Milan
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Sketch by MCA
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©Lenny Pellico
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©Lenny Pellico
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©Lenny Pellico
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01 di 00

Tirana Coffee and Tea

Tirana Coffee and Tea

Tirana Coffee and Tea

Tirana Coffee and Tea

Tirana Coffee and Tea

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Tirana Coffee and Tea

Tirana Coffee and Tea takes its inspiration from the Ekspozita Building to be built in the centre of Tirana, Albania. The unusual shape of the building generates a new green area that embraces public space. The geometric composition of Tirana Coffee and Tea recalls the skyline of the building and its particular texture engraved on the surface. The set consists of five elements composed within a tray that contains them. The set is made of brass with a platinum finish and solid beechwood handles, while the tray is in steel.

Collection Building Objects
Material Brass with a platinum finish
Inspiration Ekspozita Building, Tirana
Production Rino Greggio Argenterie
Year 2022
Photo Francesco Paolucci, Luciano Cipullo, Greggio Argenterie, Giovanni De Sandre
Visual Giovanni Checchia...

Tirana Coffee and Tea takes its inspiration from the Ekspozita Building to be built in the centre of Tirana, Albania. The unusual shape of the building generates a new green area that embraces public space. The geometric composition of Tirana Coffee and Tea recalls the skyline of the building and its particular texture engraved on the surface. The set consists of five elements composed within a tray that contains them. The set is made of brass with a platinum finish and solid beechwood handles, while the tray is in steel.

Collection Building Objects
Material Brass with a platinum finish
Inspiration Ekspozita Building, Tirana
Production Rino Greggio Argenterie
Year 2022
Photo Francesco Paolucci, Luciano Cipullo, Greggio Argenterie, Giovanni De Sandre
Visual Giovanni Checchia...

Tirana Coffee and Tea takes its inspiration from the Ekspozita Building to be built in the centre of Tirana, Albania. The unusual shape of the building generates a new green area that embraces public space. The geometric composition of Tirana Coffee and Tea recalls the skyline of the building and its particular texture engraved on the surface. The set consists of five elements composed within a tray that contains them. The set is made of brass with a platinum finish and solid beechwood handles, while the tray is in steel.

Collection Building Objects
Material Brass with a platinum finish
Inspiration Ekspozita Building, Tirana
Production Rino Greggio Argenterie
Year 2022
Photo Francesco Paolucci, Luciano Cipullo, Greggio Argenterie, Giovanni De Sandre
Visual Giovanni Checchia...

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01 di 00

Tirana Coffee and Tea si ispira all’edificio Ekspozita che sarà costruito nel centro di Tirana, in Albania. La forma insolita dell’edificio genera una nuova area verde che abbraccia lo spazio pubblico. La composizione geometrica di Tirana Coffee and Tea richiama lo skyline dell’edificio e la sua particolare texture incisa sulla superficie. Il set è costituito da cinque elementi composti all’interno di un vassoio che li contiene. E’ realizzato in ottone con finitura platino e manici in faggio massiccio, mentre il vassoio è in acciaio.

Collezione Building Objects
Materiale Ottone con finitura platino
Ispirazione Edificio Ekspozita, Tirana
Produzione Rino Greggio Argenterie
Anno 2022
Foto Francesco Paolucci, Luciano Cipullo, Greggio Argenterie, Giovanni De Sandre
Visual Giovanni Checchia...

Visual di Giovanni Checchia
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Sketch by MCA
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©Greggio Argenterie
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©Francesco Paolucci
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©Giovanni De Sandre
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The brass KNK centerpiece draws inspiration from the Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library that rises near Lake Volta, in Ghana. This library is intended to be a knowledge hub and will serve as a catalyst for society and a driving force for social innovation. The three-level centerpiece is made of polished brass and recalls the external architecture of the building. For every level, the arched strips are welded one by one to the round base and then polished, creating a precious centerpiece.

Collection Building Objects
Material Polished brass
Inspiration Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library, Ghana
Production Rino Greggio Argenterie
Year 2019
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Francesco Paolucci, Giovanni De Sandre, Fabrizio Cicconi
Visual Engram Studio
Team Mario Cucine...

The brass KNK centerpiece draws inspiration from the Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library that rises near Lake Volta, in Ghana. This library is intended to be a knowledge hub and will serve as a catalyst for society and a driving force for social innovation. The three-level centerpiece is made of polished brass and recalls the external architecture of the building. For every level, the arched strips are welded one by one to the round base and then polished, creating a precious centerpiece.

Collection Building Objects
Material Polished brass
Inspiration Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library, Ghana
Production Rino Greggio Argenterie
Year 2019
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Francesco Paolucci, Giovanni De Sandre, Fabrizio Cicconi
Visual Engram Studio
Team Mario Cucine...

The brass KNK centerpiece draws inspiration from the Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library that rises near Lake Volta, in Ghana. This library is intended to be a knowledge hub and will serve as a catalyst for society and a driving force for social innovation. The three-level centerpiece is made of polished brass and recalls the external architecture of the building. For every level, the arched strips are welded one by one to the round base and then polished, creating a precious centerpiece.

Collection Building Objects
Material Polished brass
Inspiration Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library, Ghana
Production Rino Greggio Argenterie
Year 2019
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Francesco Paolucci, Giovanni De Sandre, Fabrizio Cicconi
Visual Engram Studio
Team Mario Cucine...

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01 di 00

Il centrotavola KNK in ottone trae ispirazione dalla Biblioteca Presidenziale Kwame Nkrumah che sorge vicino al Lago Volta, in Ghana. Questa biblioteca è destinata a essere un centro di conoscenza e servirà da catalizzatore per la società e contribuirà all’innovazione sociale. L’elemento centrale a tre livelli è realizzato in ottone lucido e richiama l’architettura esterna dell’edificio. Per ogni livello, le strisce ad arco sono saldate una ad una alla base rotonda e poi lucidate, creando un centrotavola prezioso.

Collezione Building Objects
Materiale Ottone lucido
Ispirazione Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library, Ghana
Produzione Rino Greggio Argenterie
Anno 2019
Foto Giovanni Gastel, Francesco Paolucci, Giovanni De Sandre, Fabrizio Cicconi
Visual Engram Studio
Team Mario Cucine...

Inspiration: Kwame Nkrumah Presidential Library, Ghana – Visual by Engram Studio
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Sketch by MCA
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©Francesco Paolucci
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©Francesco Paolucci
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©Giovanni De Sandre
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01 di 00






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01 di 00


A centrepiece in polished brass, inspired by the House of Peace in Scanzano Jonico, Matera, a project donated to the Foundation City of Peace for children, established by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Betty Williams in Basilicata.
The Apax centrepiece comes from a single sheet folded in the origami technique to create the shape of a butterfly.

Collection Building Objects
Material Polished brass with transparent finish
Inspiration Home for Peace, Matera
Production Danese
Year 2021
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Fabrizio Cicconi, Federico Villa, Giovanni De Sandre, Giulia Cucinella
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

A centrepiece in polished brass, inspired by the House of Peace in Scanzano Jonico, Matera, a project donated to the Foundation City of Peace for children, established by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Betty Williams in Basilicata.
The Apax centrepiece comes from a single sheet folded in the origami technique to create the shape of a butterfly.

Collection Building Objects
Material Polished brass with transparent finish
Inspiration Home for Peace, Matera
Production Danese
Year 2021
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Fabrizio Cicconi, Federico Villa, Giovanni De Sandre, Giulia Cucinella
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

A centrepiece in polished brass, inspired by the House of Peace in Scanzano Jonico, Matera, a project donated to the Foundation City of Peace for children, established by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Betty Williams in Basilicata.
The Apax centrepiece comes from a single sheet folded in the origami technique to create the shape of a butterfly.

Collection Building Objects
Material Polished brass with transparent finish
Inspiration Home for Peace, Matera
Production Danese
Year 2021
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Fabrizio Cicconi, Federico Villa, Giovanni De Sandre, Giulia Cucinella
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

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01 di 00

Un centrotavola in ottone lucido, ispirato all’Abitazione per la Pace di Scanzano Jonico, Matera. Un progetto donato alla Fondazione Città della Pace per i bambini, istituita dal Premio Nobel per la Pace Betty Williams in Basilicata.
Il centrotavola Apax nasce da un unico foglio piegato con la tecnica dell’origami per creare la forma di una farfalla.

Collezione Building Objects
Materiale Ottone lucidato con finitura trasparente
Ispirazione Casa per la Pace, Matera
Produzione Danese
Anno 2021
Foto Giovanni Gastel, Fabrizio Cicconi, Federico Villa, Giovanni De Sandre, Giulia Cucinella
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

Ispirazione: Casa per la Pace, Matera
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Sketch by MCA
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©Federico Villa
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©Federico Villa
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©Federico Villa
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01 di 00






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01 di 00


The OAS centerpiece recalls One Airport Square, the mixed-use building located in the commercial area of Airport City in Accra, Ghana. The iron centerpiece features the same angular shapes that wrap the building, creating a game of solid and void between the various components. The DeMarea iron finish is made with multiple manual oxidations that create a “watercolor” effect recalling breaking waves.

Collection Building Objects
Material DeMarea iron
Inspiration One Airport Square, Accra
Production De Castelli
Year 2019
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Giulia Cucinella, Giovanni De Sandre, Fabrizio Cicconi, Fernando Guerra
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

The OAS centerpiece recalls One Airport Square, the mixed-use building located in the commercial area of Airport City in Accra, Ghana. The iron centerpiece features the same angular shapes that wrap the building, creating a game of solid and void between the various components. The DeMarea iron finish is made with multiple manual oxidations that create a “watercolor” effect recalling breaking waves.

Collection Building Objects
Material DeMarea iron
Inspiration One Airport Square, Accra
Production De Castelli
Year 2019
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Giulia Cucinella, Giovanni De Sandre, Fabrizio Cicconi, Fernando Guerra
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

The OAS centerpiece recalls One Airport Square, the mixed-use building located in the commercial area of Airport City in Accra, Ghana. The iron centerpiece features the same angular shapes that wrap the building, creating a game of solid and void between the various components. The DeMarea iron finish is made with multiple manual oxidations that create a “watercolor” effect recalling breaking waves.

Collection Building Objects
Material DeMarea iron
Inspiration One Airport Square, Accra
Production De Castelli
Year 2019
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Giulia Cucinella, Giovanni De Sandre, Fabrizio Cicconi, Fernando Guerra
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

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Il centrotavola OAS richiama One Airport Square, l’edificio a uso misto situato nell’area commerciale di Airport City ad Accra, in Ghana. Il centrotavola in ferro presenta le stesse forme angolari che avvolgono l’edificio, creando un gioco di pieni e vuoti tra i vari componenti. La finitura del ferro di DeMarea è realizzata con ossidazioni manuali multiple che creano un effetto “acquerello” che ricorda l’infrangersi delle onde.

Collezione Building Objects
Materiale Ferro DeMarea
Ispirazione One Airport Square, Accra
Produzione De Castelli
Anno 2019
Foto Giovanni Gastel, Giulia Cucinella, Giovanni De Sandre, Fabrizio Cicconi, Fernando Guerra
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

Ispirazione: One Airport Square, Accra
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Schizzo di MCA
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©Giulia Cucinella
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Giovanni De Sandre
This is some text inside of a div block.
chizzo di MCA   ©Giulia Cucinella   ©Giovanni De Sandre   ©Fabrizio Cicconi
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01 di 00






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The burnished iron Pieve centerpiece draws inspiration from the House of Music of Pieve di Cento, whose architectural language is deeply rooted in the town’s musical tradition. The overlapping elliptical shapes that recall the building’s roof are the most iconic element of this centerpiece. The handcrafted finish was specifically created for indoor use and consists of various stages: oxidation, brushing (to create the “scratched” effect) and transparent coating.

Collection Building Objects
Material Burnished iron
Inspiration House of Music, Pieve di Cento
Production De Castelli
Year 2019
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Moreno Maggi, Giulia Cucinella, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

The burnished iron Pieve centerpiece draws inspiration from the House of Music of Pieve di Cento, whose architectural language is deeply rooted in the town’s musical tradition. The overlapping elliptical shapes that recall the building’s roof are the most iconic element of this centerpiece. The handcrafted finish was specifically created for indoor use and consists of various stages: oxidation, brushing (to create the “scratched” effect) and transparent coating.

Collection Building Objects
Material Burnished iron
Inspiration House of Music, Pieve di Cento
Production De Castelli
Year 2019
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Moreno Maggi, Giulia Cucinella, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

The burnished iron Pieve centerpiece draws inspiration from the House of Music of Pieve di Cento, whose architectural language is deeply rooted in the town’s musical tradition. The overlapping elliptical shapes that recall the building’s roof are the most iconic element of this centerpiece. The handcrafted finish was specifically created for indoor use and consists of various stages: oxidation, brushing (to create the “scratched” effect) and transparent coating.

Collection Building Objects
Material Burnished iron
Inspiration House of Music, Pieve di Cento
Production De Castelli
Year 2019
Photo Giovanni Gastel, Moreno Maggi, Giulia Cucinella, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

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01 di 00

Il centrotavola Pieve in ferro brunito trae ispirazione dalla Casa della Musica di Pieve di Cento, il cui linguaggio architettonico è profondamente radicato nella tradizione musicale della città. Le forme ellittiche sovrapposte che richiamano il tetto dell’edificio sono l’elemento più iconico di questo centrotavola. La finitura artigianale è stata creata appositamente per l’uso interno ed è il risultato di varie fasi: ossidazione, spazzolatura (per creare l’effetto “graffiato”) e verniciatura trasparente.

Collezione Building Objects
Materiale Ferro brunito
Ispirazione Casa della Musica, Pieve di Cento
Produzione De Castelli
Anno 2019
Foto Giovanni Gastel, Moreno Maggi, Giulia Cucinella, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

Inspiration: House of Music, Pieve di Cento – ©Moreno Maggi
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Sketch by MCA
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Giulia Cucinella
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Giovanni De Sandre
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©Giovanni De Sandre
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No items found.
01 di 00

Collezione Nuvola

Collezione Nuvola

Collezione Nuvola

Collezione Nuvola

Collezione Nuvola

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01 di 00

Collezione Nuvola

The “Nuvola” collection was born in 2022 out of the collaboration between Mario Cucinella and Officine Tamborrino. It draws inspiration from the iconic shape of clouds. “Nuvola” consists of a dining table, a console table, a coffee table, a shelf system, a mirror, and a chandelier. The mirrors are unique pieces, as they are made entirely from sheet metal derived from production waste, thus following the principles of sustainability and recycling. The contrast between the hardness of the steel and the lightness of the rounded shapes makes it visually striking, light and sinuous, and adaptable to any living.

Collection Design for industry
Material Steel
Production Officine Tamborrino
Year 2022
Photo Gianluca Laneve, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

The “Nuvola” collection was born in 2022 out of the collaboration between Mario Cucinella and Officine Tamborrino. It draws inspiration from the iconic shape of clouds. “Nuvola” consists of a dining table, a console table, a coffee table, a shelf system, a mirror, and a chandelier. The mirrors are unique pieces, as they are made entirely from sheet metal derived from production waste, thus following the principles of sustainability and recycling. The contrast between the hardness of the steel and the lightness of the rounded shapes makes it visually striking, light and sinuous, and adaptable to any living.

Collection Design for industry
Material Steel
Production Officine Tamborrino
Year 2022
Photo Gianluca Laneve, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

The “Nuvola” collection was born in 2022 out of the collaboration between Mario Cucinella and Officine Tamborrino. It draws inspiration from the iconic shape of clouds. “Nuvola” consists of a dining table, a console table, a coffee table, a shelf system, a mirror, and a chandelier. The mirrors are unique pieces, as they are made entirely from sheet metal derived from production waste, thus following the principles of sustainability and recycling. The contrast between the hardness of the steel and the lightness of the rounded shapes makes it visually striking, light and sinuous, and adaptable to any living.

Collection Design for industry
Material Steel
Production Officine Tamborrino
Year 2022
Photo Gianluca Laneve, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

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La collezione Nuvola nasce nel 2022 dalla collaborazione tra Mario Cucinella e Officine Tamborrino. Si ispira alla forma iconica delle nuvole. Nuvola è composta da un tavolo da pranzo, una consolle, un tavolino, un sistema di mensole, uno specchio e un lampadario. Gli specchi sono pezzi unici, in quanto realizzati interamente con lamiere ricavate da scarti di produzione, seguendo così i principi della sostenibilità e del riciclo. Il contrasto tra la durezza dell’acciaio e la leggerezza delle forme arrotondate lo rende di grande impatto visivo, leggero e sinuoso, adattabile a qualsiasi ambiente.

Collezione Design for industry
Materiale Acciaio
Produzione Officine Tamborrino
Anno 2022
Foto Gianluca Laneve, Giovanni De Sandre
Team Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca

Sketch by MCA
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Gianluca Laneve
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Gianluca Laneve
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Gianluca Laneve
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Gianluca Laneve
This is some text inside of a div block.
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Product Design


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Project Team

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