Veneto City Masterplan

Urban and architectural quality

MCA, in cooperation with the firm LAND, has been engaged by the company Veneto City Spa to realize masterplan on an area of approximately 750.000 m2 in the widespread city of Veneto. Architecture, urban development, intelligence, sustainability and land reutilisation are the key elements in this new centre of gravity in the Veneto.

Office space, a shopping promenade, a great shop window for local companies, training, leisure and free time – these are the vocations of Veneto City which integrates and develops concepts and aspects which transform a “normal” city into a “smart” city.

Starting from reuse of land which would otherwise be designated for industrial/manufacturing purposes Veneto City constructs a “green” urban-architectural format. The concept behind realization  of this “smart green city” is based on a design and construction system complying with high quality and environmental standards. Trigeneration, geothermal and photovoltaic power… these are the keywords at the centre of Veneto City’s response to the energy challenge to guarantee low cost energy supplies with low environmental impact.  The design of the buildings integrates renewable sources with sources looking to the future such as geothermal and photovoltaic energy.

Besides, Veneto City is a green hub and a crossroads for the area’s main infrastructure arteries, symbol of the modern face of one of Europe’s most important manufacturing areas.

Client: Veneto City Spa
Surface: 750.000 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Michele Olivieri with Alberto Menozzi, Riccardo Minghini, Giulia Pentella. Models: Yuri Costantini
Images: MCA Archive


Landscape Design: LAND
Infrastructure consultant: Alia E-Farm Engineering & Consulting; Hydrostudio Consulting Engineers
Energy consultant: Manens-Tifs
Hydraulic consultant: Nordest Engineering; Engineering 2p & Associates
Security consultant: Marco Bizzotto Architect

Office space, a shopping promenade, a great shop window for local companies, training, leisure and free time – these are the vocations of Veneto City which integrates and develops concepts and aspects which transform a “normal” city into a “smart” city.

Starting from reuse of land which would otherwise be designated for industrial/manufacturing purposes Veneto City constructs a “green” urban-architectural format. The concept behind realization  of this “smart green city” is based on a design and construction system complying with high quality and environmental standards. Trigeneration, geothermal and photovoltaic power… these are the keywords at the centre of Veneto City’s response to the energy challenge to guarantee low cost energy supplies with low environmental impact.  The design of the buildings integrates renewable sources with sources looking to the future such as geothermal and photovoltaic energy.

Besides, Veneto City is a green hub and a crossroads for the area’s main infrastructure arteries, symbol of the modern face of one of Europe’s most important manufacturing areas.

Client: Veneto City Spa
Surface: 750.000 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Michele Olivieri with Alberto Menozzi, Riccardo Minghini, Giulia Pentella. Models: Yuri Costantini
Images: MCA Archive


Landscape Design: LAND
Infrastructure consultant: Alia E-Farm Engineering & Consulting; Hydrostudio Consulting Engineers
Energy consultant: Manens-Tifs
Hydraulic consultant: Nordest Engineering; Engineering 2p & Associates
Security consultant: Marco Bizzotto Architect

Office space, a shopping promenade, a great shop window for local companies, training, leisure and free time – these are the vocations of Veneto City which integrates and develops concepts and aspects which transform a “normal” city into a “smart” city.

Starting from reuse of land which would otherwise be designated for industrial/manufacturing purposes Veneto City constructs a “green” urban-architectural format. The concept behind realization  of this “smart green city” is based on a design and construction system complying with high quality and environmental standards. Trigeneration, geothermal and photovoltaic power… these are the keywords at the centre of Veneto City’s response to the energy challenge to guarantee low cost energy supplies with low environmental impact.  The design of the buildings integrates renewable sources with sources looking to the future such as geothermal and photovoltaic energy.

Besides, Veneto City is a green hub and a crossroads for the area’s main infrastructure arteries, symbol of the modern face of one of Europe’s most important manufacturing areas.

Client: Veneto City Spa
Surface: 750.000 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Michele Olivieri with Alberto Menozzi, Riccardo Minghini, Giulia Pentella. Models: Yuri Costantini
Images: MCA Archive


Landscape Design: LAND
Infrastructure consultant: Alia E-Farm Engineering & Consulting; Hydrostudio Consulting Engineers
Energy consultant: Manens-Tifs
Hydraulic consultant: Nordest Engineering; Engineering 2p & Associates
Security consultant: Marco Bizzotto Architect

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Architettura, urbanistica, intelligenza, sostenibilità e riuso del territorio sono gli elementi sui quali si incardina il nuovo baricentro del Veneto. Spazi direzionali, una proménade commerciale, una grande vetrina per le aziende del territorio, formazione, svago e tempo libero: queste le vocazioni di Veneto City che insieme integra e sviluppa concetti e aspetti che fanno di una città “normale”, una città intelligente. Si parte dal riuso di un territorio altrimenti votato alla edilizia industriale/produttiva per costruire un format urbanistico-architettonico “green”.

La realizzazione di questa “smart city green” è stata concepita prevedendo un sistema di progettazione e costruzione che tiene conto di elevati standard qualitativi e ambientali. Trigenerazione, geotermia e fotovoltaico sono le parole chiave attorno alle quali Veneto City raccoglie la sfida energetica per garantire un approvvigionamento conveniente e a basso impatto. La progettazione degli edifici infatti integra fonti rinnovabili con fonti energetiche di lunga prospettiva e controllabili in remoto. Veneto City è inoltre un hub green che incrocia le principali arterie infrastrutturali presenti sul territorio, simbolo della faccia moderna di una delle aree produttive più importanti d’Europa.

Cliente: Veneto City Spa
Superficie: 750.000 m2
Progettazione Architettonica e Ambientale: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Michele Olivieri con Alberto Menozzi, Riccardo Minghini, Giulia Pentella. Modelli: Yuri Costantini
Immagini: MCArchive


Landscape Design: LAND
Consulente ambientale: Alia  E-Farm  Engineering & Consulting; Hydrostudio Consulting Engineers
Consulente energetico: Manens-Tifs
Consulente Idraulica: Nordest Ingegneria; Ingegneria 2p & Associati
Consulente sicurezza: Marco Bizzotto Architetto

Architecture, Masterplan


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