iGuzzini Headquarters

IGuzzini Illuminazione headquarters expansion

The building has been designed to house iGuzzini’s administrative, commercial and management offices, with a particular focus on controlling natural light, exploiting natural ventilation and using thermal mass.

The offices are spread over four floors and are organised around a central atrium with a garden. The development of the atrium at full height up to the skylights and the prevalent use of glass ensure maximum entry of natural light; moreover, the central space is the fulcrum of a natural air circulation system, acting as a “plant vacuum”. The hot air coming from the offices is collected there and then expelled through the ventilation grilles located on the sides of the skylights, contributing – together with the control of the openings of the facade – to the cooling in the middle of the seasons.

The southern and northern facades are completely transparent; protection from sunlight is ensured throughout the building by a metal slatted roof, which in part descends to the south facade, ensuring adequate shading / irradiation at different times of the year. Inside, further control of the lighting is given by the use of Venetian blinds and a shelf that reflects natural light towards the ceiling for its best distribution in depth in the offices. The care for visual and environmental quality is also revealed outside in the access area to the south front, with an inclined green plane that serves as a covered parking lot and hides the heating plants.

iGuzzini Headquarters has been particularly studied not only from the point of view of architecture but also from that of technologies to ensure the same climate comfort and minimum energy consumption at the same time. The first place is given to the study on the exposure: the north and south facades are entirely transparent, consisting of glazing with the following layers: horizontal sunshades, low-emission glass, non-ventilated cavity, floating transparent glass. The east and west facades are opaque and made up of the following layers: light plaster, dense perforated masonry, ventilated cavity, dense perforated masonry, mineral wool insulation.

Commission: Private
Client: iGuzzini Illuminazione
Surface area: 2.700 sqm.
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Edoardo Badano, Simona Agabio, Francesco Bombardi, Nadia Perticone, Cristina Pin, James Tynan, Elisabetta Trezzani
Structural engineering: Stefano Sabbatici
Environmental Strategies: Alistair Guthrie, Ove Arup & Partners
Site Managers: Andrea Biti, Mario Cucinella
Façade and Metal Work: Promo Srl, Giuliano Procaccino
Photo Credit: Jean de Calan, MCArchive

The offices are spread over four floors and are organised around a central atrium with a garden. The development of the atrium at full height up to the skylights and the prevalent use of glass ensure maximum entry of natural light; moreover, the central space is the fulcrum of a natural air circulation system, acting as a “plant vacuum”. The hot air coming from the offices is collected there and then expelled through the ventilation grilles located on the sides of the skylights, contributing – together with the control of the openings of the facade – to the cooling in the middle of the seasons.

The southern and northern facades are completely transparent; protection from sunlight is ensured throughout the building by a metal slatted roof, which in part descends to the south facade, ensuring adequate shading / irradiation at different times of the year. Inside, further control of the lighting is given by the use of Venetian blinds and a shelf that reflects natural light towards the ceiling for its best distribution in depth in the offices. The care for visual and environmental quality is also revealed outside in the access area to the south front, with an inclined green plane that serves as a covered parking lot and hides the heating plants.

iGuzzini Headquarters has been particularly studied not only from the point of view of architecture but also from that of technologies to ensure the same climate comfort and minimum energy consumption at the same time. The first place is given to the study on the exposure: the north and south facades are entirely transparent, consisting of glazing with the following layers: horizontal sunshades, low-emission glass, non-ventilated cavity, floating transparent glass. The east and west facades are opaque and made up of the following layers: light plaster, dense perforated masonry, ventilated cavity, dense perforated masonry, mineral wool insulation.

Commission: Private
Client: iGuzzini Illuminazione
Surface area: 2.700 sqm.
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Edoardo Badano, Simona Agabio, Francesco Bombardi, Nadia Perticone, Cristina Pin, James Tynan, Elisabetta Trezzani
Structural engineering: Stefano Sabbatici
Environmental Strategies: Alistair Guthrie, Ove Arup & Partners
Site Managers: Andrea Biti, Mario Cucinella
Façade and Metal Work: Promo Srl, Giuliano Procaccino
Photo Credit: Jean de Calan, MCArchive

The offices are spread over four floors and are organised around a central atrium with a garden. The development of the atrium at full height up to the skylights and the prevalent use of glass ensure maximum entry of natural light; moreover, the central space is the fulcrum of a natural air circulation system, acting as a “plant vacuum”. The hot air coming from the offices is collected there and then expelled through the ventilation grilles located on the sides of the skylights, contributing – together with the control of the openings of the facade – to the cooling in the middle of the seasons.

The southern and northern facades are completely transparent; protection from sunlight is ensured throughout the building by a metal slatted roof, which in part descends to the south facade, ensuring adequate shading / irradiation at different times of the year. Inside, further control of the lighting is given by the use of Venetian blinds and a shelf that reflects natural light towards the ceiling for its best distribution in depth in the offices. The care for visual and environmental quality is also revealed outside in the access area to the south front, with an inclined green plane that serves as a covered parking lot and hides the heating plants.

iGuzzini Headquarters has been particularly studied not only from the point of view of architecture but also from that of technologies to ensure the same climate comfort and minimum energy consumption at the same time. The first place is given to the study on the exposure: the north and south facades are entirely transparent, consisting of glazing with the following layers: horizontal sunshades, low-emission glass, non-ventilated cavity, floating transparent glass. The east and west facades are opaque and made up of the following layers: light plaster, dense perforated masonry, ventilated cavity, dense perforated masonry, mineral wool insulation.

Commission: Private
Client: iGuzzini Illuminazione
Surface area: 2.700 sqm.
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Edoardo Badano, Simona Agabio, Francesco Bombardi, Nadia Perticone, Cristina Pin, James Tynan, Elisabetta Trezzani
Structural engineering: Stefano Sabbatici
Environmental Strategies: Alistair Guthrie, Ove Arup & Partners
Site Managers: Andrea Biti, Mario Cucinella
Façade and Metal Work: Promo Srl, Giuliano Procaccino
Photo Credit: Jean de Calan, MCArchive

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Gli uffici sono distribuiti su quattro piani e organizzati attorno a un atrio centrale in cui è realizzato un giardino. Lo sviluppo dell’atrio a tutta altezza fino ai lucernari e l’uso prevalente del vetro assicurano il massimo ingresso della luce naturale; inoltre lo spazio centrale costituisce il fulcro di un naturale sistema di circolazione dell’aria, funzionando da “vuoto impiantistico”.

L’aria calda proveniente dagli uffici vi si raccoglie e viene poi espulsa attraverso le griglie di ventilazione collocate ai lati dei lucernari, contribuendo – congiuntamente al controllo delle aperture della facciata – al raffrescamento nelle mezze stagioni. Le facciate meridionale e settentrionale sono interamente trasparenti; la protezione dall’irraggiamento solare è assicurato su tutto l’edificio da una copertura metallica a lamelle, che in parte scende sulla facciata sud, assicurando l’adeguato ombreggiamento/irraggiamento nei diversi periodi dell’anno. All’interno un ulteriore controllo dell’illuminazione è dato dall’uso di tende veneziane e da una mensola che riflette la luce naturale verso il soffitto per la sua migliore distribuzione in profondità negli uffici. La cura della qualità visiva e ambientale si rivela anche all’esterno nella zona di accesso al fronte sud, con un piano verde inclinato che serve da parcheggio coperto e nasconde le centrali termiche.

iGuzzini Headquarter è stato particolarmente studiato non solo dal punto di vista dell’architettura ma anche da quello delle tecnologie per assicurare al tempo stesso comfort climatico e minimo consumo energetico. Al primo posto c’è lo studio sull’esposizione: Le facciate nord e sud sono interamente trasparenti composte da una vetratura con i seguenti strati: frangisole orizzontali, vetro basso-emissivo, intercapedine non ventilata, vetro trasparente flottante. Le facciate est ed ovest sono opache e composte dai seguenti strati: intonaco leggero, muratura a foratura densa, intercapedine ventilata, muratura a foratura densa, coibentazione in lana minerale.

Tipologia: Commessa
Cliente: iGuzzini Illuminazione
Superficie: 2.700 mq
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Edoardo Badano, Simona Agabio, Francesco Bombardi, Nadia Perticone, Cristina Pin, James Tynan, Elisabetta Trezzani
Strutture: Stefano Sabbatici
Strategie Ambientali: Alistair Guthrie; Ove Arup & Partners
Site Managers: Andrea Biti, Mario Cucinella
Facciate e Strutture metalliche: Promo Srl, Giuliano Procaccini
Photo credit: Jean de Calan, MCArchive

iGuzzini illuminazione
Recanati, Italy
Mixed-use Building
2.700 sqm


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