
An architecture in dialogue with the landscape

The context

Girondella is the name of this new low environmental impact residential project, designed for the zHero group by Mario Cucinella Architects in collaboration with the Tognola Group. It occupies the site of the historic watchmaking factory in Arogno, which was built in 1873 but has been in disuse since 1978.

The project

The particular characteristics of this site, adjacent to a stream that carries the water of the “Sorgente Santa” down to the valley, made it possible to bring back into use a hydroelectric turbine which at one time generated energy for the watchmaking factory. Following a major technological update, the turbine is now able to generate enough clean electricity to power all the dwellings, ensuring that the whole complex can sustain itself autonomously. The project is currently under construction.

The project

The particular characteristics of this site, adjacent to a stream that carries the water of the “Sorgente Santa” down to the valley, made it possible to bring back into use a hydroelectric turbine which at one time generated energy for the watchmaking factory. Following a major technological update, the turbine is now able to generate enough clean electricity to power all the dwellings, ensuring that the whole complex can sustain itself autonomously. The project is currently under construction.

The project

The particular characteristics of this site, adjacent to a stream that carries the water of the “Sorgente Santa” down to the valley, made it possible to bring back into use a hydroelectric turbine which at one time generated energy for the watchmaking factory. Following a major technological update, the turbine is now able to generate enough clean electricity to power all the dwellings, ensuring that the whole complex can sustain itself autonomously. The project is currently under construction.

Il progetto

The project

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Il progetto

La speciale conformazione del lotto, adiacente ad un riale che porta a valle l’acqua della “Sorgente Santa”, ha permesso il recupero di una turbina idroelettrica, un tempo usata per fornire energia alla fabbrica di orologi. Grazie ad un importante aggiornamento tecnologico, questa stessa turbina è in grado di generare energia elettrica pulita in quantità tale da servire gli appartamenti, garantendo il sostentamento autonomo di tutto il complesso. Il progetto è attualmente in fase di cantiere.

The environment is an integral part of the project

The idea behind the Girondella development, which has been designed to high standards of energy efficiency and sustainability, is to make the surrounding environment an integral part of the concept; the greenery here is not mere decoration, but a generating force.

Thus the building is a promoter for a new way of conceiving the space and the environment, as a virtuous complex – consisting of 14 apartments, 1 single house, and 2 penthouses – that takes advantage of its orientation and its exposure to the sun and local winds, using advanced technologies to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions.

The environment is an integral part of the project

The idea behind the Girondella development, which has been designed to high standards of energy efficiency and sustainability, is to make the surrounding environment an integral part of the concept; the greenery here is not mere decoration, but a generating force.

Thus the building is a promoter for a new way of conceiving the space and the environment, as a virtuous complex – consisting of 14 apartments, 1 single house, and 2 penthouses – that takes advantage of its orientation and its exposure to the sun and local winds, using advanced technologies to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions.

The environment is an integral part of the project

The idea behind the Girondella development, which has been designed to high standards of energy efficiency and sustainability, is to make the surrounding environment an integral part of the concept; the greenery here is not mere decoration, but a generating force.

Thus the building is a promoter for a new way of conceiving the space and the environment, as a virtuous complex – consisting of 14 apartments, 1 single house, and 2 penthouses – that takes advantage of its orientation and its exposure to the sun and local winds, using advanced technologies to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions.

L’ambiente è parte integrante del progetto

The environment is an integral part of the project

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L’ambiente è parte integrante del progetto

Girondella, dagli alti standard di efficienza energetica e sostenibilità, è stato progettato con l’idea che l’ambiente circostante divenisse parte integrante dell’intervento: il verde non ne è solo decoro, ma forza generatrice.

L’edificio si fa promotore di un nuovo modo di concepire lo spazio e l’ambiente: un complesso virtuoso – composto da 14 abitazioni, 1 casa singola, 2 penthouse – che sfrutta orientamento, irraggiamento solare, venti e tecnologie all’avanguardia per risparmiare energia e abbattere le emissioni di anidride carbonica.

A virtuous recovery

The complex presents as an urban landscape consisting of solids, voids, volumes of different heights, transparencies and opacities, colours, and nuances, in a design approach that was guided by the intention to preserve the outlines that give the former watch factory its character. In fact one of the design commitments was to recover the old buildings in a conservative manner. The new volumes of the residential accommodation step down like an extension of these old parts, spreading out along curving terraces that follow the natural contour lines of the land. These create new landscaped terraces that extend forward from the building. The terracing then steps down through the lower levels until it merges into the natural morphology of the terrain.

Thus the shapes of the new building, arranged as a volumetric grid, develop in a way that enables them to become an element of the landscape itself. The refurbished hydroelectric turbine – from which the project takes its name – is moved away from the complex so that it can operate more efficiently. It has been brought down the hill and relocated behind a stone wall, on flat ground beside the old factory.

A virtuous recovery

The complex presents as an urban landscape consisting of solids, voids, volumes of different heights, transparencies and opacities, colours, and nuances, in a design approach that was guided by the intention to preserve the outlines that give the former watch factory its character. In fact one of the design commitments was to recover the old buildings in a conservative manner. The new volumes of the residential accommodation step down like an extension of these old parts, spreading out along curving terraces that follow the natural contour lines of the land. These create new landscaped terraces that extend forward from the building. The terracing then steps down through the lower levels until it merges into the natural morphology of the terrain.

Thus the shapes of the new building, arranged as a volumetric grid, develop in a way that enables them to become an element of the landscape itself. The refurbished hydroelectric turbine – from which the project takes its name – is moved away from the complex so that it can operate more efficiently. It has been brought down the hill and relocated behind a stone wall, on flat ground beside the old factory.

A virtuous recovery

The complex presents as an urban landscape consisting of solids, voids, volumes of different heights, transparencies and opacities, colours, and nuances, in a design approach that was guided by the intention to preserve the outlines that give the former watch factory its character. In fact one of the design commitments was to recover the old buildings in a conservative manner. The new volumes of the residential accommodation step down like an extension of these old parts, spreading out along curving terraces that follow the natural contour lines of the land. These create new landscaped terraces that extend forward from the building. The terracing then steps down through the lower levels until it merges into the natural morphology of the terrain.

Thus the shapes of the new building, arranged as a volumetric grid, develop in a way that enables them to become an element of the landscape itself. The refurbished hydroelectric turbine – from which the project takes its name – is moved away from the complex so that it can operate more efficiently. It has been brought down the hill and relocated behind a stone wall, on flat ground beside the old factory.

Un recupero virtuoso

A virtuous recovery

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Un recupero virtuoso

Il complesso residenziale definisce un paesaggio urbano fatto di pieni e di vuoti, di volumi di diverse altezze, di trasparenze e opacità, di colori e sfumature. La scelta progettuale è guidata dalla volontà di salvaguardare la leggibilità dell’ex fabbrica di orologi nelle sue linee caratterizzanti. Il progetto si impegna infatti ad un recupero conservativo degli stabili esistenti. I nuovi volumi a destinazione residenziale si sviluppano come un prolungamento graduale dell’edificio verso valle, seguendo l’andamento delle curve dei terrazzamenti naturali della zona. Si delineano così nuovi terrazzamenti artificiali adibiti a verde, che continuano nella parte sottostante con ulteriori sbalzi fino a legarsi con la morfologia naturale del pendio.

La trama volumetrica si sviluppa in modo da risultare elemento del paesaggio. La turbina idroelettrica esistente – che dà il nome al progetto – viene spostata dal complesso residenziale per un beneficio nel funzionamento: portata più a valle, viene progettata e ricollocata nelle adiacenze del pianoro accanto alla ex fabbrica, nascosta da una muratura in sassi.

“The intention of this project is to merge the building with all the natural elements of the place, adapting perfectly to the context as though belonging to it. Girondella is an exemplification of how designing in harmony with the environment is not just a matter of aesthetics, but of materials and energy”

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The building services

The life of every organism depends on how it uses, stores, and exchanges energy. Like any other living being, the Girondella complex is designed for optimal resource management, with close to zero energy waste. When the refurbished Francis stainless steel turbine, which dates from 1939, becomes fully operational it will not only generate enough electricity to sustain the whole residential development; its energy is being used now for the construction on site, reducing the CO2 emissions even at this stage. Because the water that passes through the turbine comes directly down from the mountain, it remains at an almost stable temperature throughout the year, making it an excellent vector for the production of winter heating using a water-to-water heat pump. In summer, the height of the buildings above sea level, and the way in which they are positioned at the centre of the valley, mean that they enjoy pleasant continuous natural ventilation. The internal rooms are further protected from the direct heat of the sun by the insulation, which has been carefully designed using natural wool, and by the deep projections of the south-facing roof canopies.

The building services

The life of every organism depends on how it uses, stores, and exchanges energy. Like any other living being, the Girondella complex is designed for optimal resource management, with close to zero energy waste. When the refurbished Francis stainless steel turbine, which dates from 1939, becomes fully operational it will not only generate enough electricity to sustain the whole residential development; its energy is being used now for the construction on site, reducing the CO2 emissions even at this stage. Because the water that passes through the turbine comes directly down from the mountain, it remains at an almost stable temperature throughout the year, making it an excellent vector for the production of winter heating using a water-to-water heat pump. In summer, the height of the buildings above sea level, and the way in which they are positioned at the centre of the valley, mean that they enjoy pleasant continuous natural ventilation. The internal rooms are further protected from the direct heat of the sun by the insulation, which has been carefully designed using natural wool, and by the deep projections of the south-facing roof canopies.

The building services

The life of every organism depends on how it uses, stores, and exchanges energy. Like any other living being, the Girondella complex is designed for optimal resource management, with close to zero energy waste. When the refurbished Francis stainless steel turbine, which dates from 1939, becomes fully operational it will not only generate enough electricity to sustain the whole residential development; its energy is being used now for the construction on site, reducing the CO2 emissions even at this stage. Because the water that passes through the turbine comes directly down from the mountain, it remains at an almost stable temperature throughout the year, making it an excellent vector for the production of winter heating using a water-to-water heat pump. In summer, the height of the buildings above sea level, and the way in which they are positioned at the centre of the valley, mean that they enjoy pleasant continuous natural ventilation. The internal rooms are further protected from the direct heat of the sun by the insulation, which has been carefully designed using natural wool, and by the deep projections of the south-facing roof canopies.


The building services

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Ogni organismo vive grazie all’utilizzo, immagazzinamento e scambio di energia. Proprio come qualsiasi altro essere vivente, il complesso Girondella è progettato per un’ottimale gestione delle risorse, con uno spreco energetico quasi pari a zero. La ripristinata turbina in acciaio inox Francis, del 1939, genera elettricità sufficiente per il sostentamento dell’intera residenza una volta a regime, ma non solo, la stessa energia viene usata anche per il cantiere, abbassando così le emissioni anche in questa fase. L’acqua che attraversa la turbina proviene direttamente dalla montagna, conserva perciò una temperatura pressoché stabile durante tutto l’arco dell’anno, risultando così un ottimo vettore per la produzione del caldo invernale tramite termopompa acqua-acqua. Nel periodo estivo, l’altezza sul livello del mare e la posizione dell’edifico, al centro della valle, favoriscono una costante e piacevole ventilazione naturale. Inoltre, una progettazione attenta dell’involucro isolante con lana naturale, insieme alle profonde tettoie esposte a sud, proteggono le stanze all’interno dal surriscaldamento diretto.

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The landscaped areas

The rich natural vegetation in the area is very important for controlling the microclimate. The project enhances this local identity by creating relationships between the new planting and materials, and the existing environment. Using native plants brings a number of advantages:

  • aesthetic and landscaping advantages: the local flora is rich in species with large blooms, evergreen leaves, and aromatic essences that have strong aesthetic landscape value.
  • Naturalistic advantages: by correctly designing the green areas, habitats can be created that are suitable for the local flora and fauna. A mixed composition of trees with native shrubs, mixed with open green spaces, ensures that the fauna will develop and increase into the future.
  • Economic advantages: the use of local species, perfectly adapted to the phytoclimatic characteristics of the site, enables any diseases in the flora, or problems of adaptation, to be reduced. This minimises the need for maintenance and the likelihood that any specimens might have to be replaced.

The landscaped areas

The rich natural vegetation in the area is very important for controlling the microclimate. The project enhances this local identity by creating relationships between the new planting and materials, and the existing environment. Using native plants brings a number of advantages:

  • aesthetic and landscaping advantages: the local flora is rich in species with large blooms, evergreen leaves, and aromatic essences that have strong aesthetic landscape value.
  • Naturalistic advantages: by correctly designing the green areas, habitats can be created that are suitable for the local flora and fauna. A mixed composition of trees with native shrubs, mixed with open green spaces, ensures that the fauna will develop and increase into the future.
  • Economic advantages: the use of local species, perfectly adapted to the phytoclimatic characteristics of the site, enables any diseases in the flora, or problems of adaptation, to be reduced. This minimises the need for maintenance and the likelihood that any specimens might have to be replaced.

The landscaped areas

The rich natural vegetation in the area is very important for controlling the microclimate. The project enhances this local identity by creating relationships between the new planting and materials, and the existing environment. Using native plants brings a number of advantages:

  • aesthetic and landscaping advantages: the local flora is rich in species with large blooms, evergreen leaves, and aromatic essences that have strong aesthetic landscape value.
  • Naturalistic advantages: by correctly designing the green areas, habitats can be created that are suitable for the local flora and fauna. A mixed composition of trees with native shrubs, mixed with open green spaces, ensures that the fauna will develop and increase into the future.
  • Economic advantages: the use of local species, perfectly adapted to the phytoclimatic characteristics of the site, enables any diseases in the flora, or problems of adaptation, to be reduced. This minimises the need for maintenance and the likelihood that any specimens might have to be replaced.

Aree verdi

The landscaped areas

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Aree verdi

Il contesto è ricco di natura e di verde, elemento di grande importanza per il controllo del microclima locale. Il progetto prevede la valorizzazione dell’identità locale tramite la definizione di relazioni vegetali e materiche con il territorio di appartenenza. È stato promosso l’impiego di piante autoctone il cui utilizzo consente di ottenere diversi vantaggi:

  • estetico-paesaggistico. La flora locale è ricca di specie di grande valore estetico paesaggistico, fioriture evidenti, foglie sempreverdi, essenze aromatiche.
  • Una corretta progettazione degli spazi verdi consente la realizzazione di habitat idonei a supportare la flora e la fauna locale. Una composizione mista di alberi con arbusti autoctoni, frammista a spazi verdi aperti, garantisce lo sviluppo e l’implemento della fauna presente e futura.
  • L’impiego di specie locali, dunque perfettamente adatte alle caratteristiche fitoclimatiche del sito, consente di ridurre il numero di malattie e di problemi di adattamento della flora, diminuendo il grado di manutenzione richiesto e le probabilità di sostituzione degli esemplari.

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zHero SA
Arogno, Switzerland
3.000 sqm (2.000 sqm wooded area)
In Progress


Mario Cucinella Architects
Tognola Group General Contractor S.a.g.l.

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Giuliana Maggio
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Giuliana Maggio
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Giuliana Maggio
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Giuliana Maggio
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Giuliana Maggio
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Giuliana Maggio
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Giuliana Maggio
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Giuliana Maggio
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Mario Cucinella
Project Director
Project Leader
Enrico Iascone
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Design Director
Design Leader
Tommaso Bettini
Team Member
Daniele Morelli
Team Member
Giuliana Maggio
Team Member
Julissa Gutarra
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Work supervision
Tognola Group General Contractor S.a.g.l.
Construction engineering
Casanova Ingegneria SA
Building services design
Felpro S.a.g.l.
MEP design
Domenico Apollonio Consulenza Tecnica RVCS
Fire prevention design
TeaEngineering S.a.g.l.
Geological and geotechnical
Geostudio Galster
Environmental consultant
Progeo s.r.l.
Traffic engineer
Brugnoli e Gottardi SA
Demolition, excavation, and reclamation contractor
BetaCostruzioni SA
Timber construction
Veragouth e Xilema
Emme Works
Video Art Direction
Video Maker
Studio 9010
Work supervision
Tognola Group General Contractor S.a.g.l.
Construction engineering
Casanova Ingegneria SA
Building services design
Felpro S.a.g.l.
MEP design
Domenico Apollonio Consulenza Tecnica RVCS
Fire prevention design
TeaEngineering S.a.g.l.
Geological and geotechnical
Geostudio Galster
Environmental consultant
Progeo s.r.l.
Traffic engineer
Brugnoli e Gottardi SA
Demolition, excavation, and reclamation contractor
BetaCostruzioni SA
Timber construction
Veragouth e Xilema
Emme Works
Video Art Direction
Video Maker
Studio 9010
Work supervision
Tognola Group General Contractor S.a.g.l.
Construction engineering
Casanova Ingegneria SA
Building services design
Felpro S.a.g.l.
MEP design
Domenico Apollonio Consulenza Tecnica RVCS
Fire prevention design
TeaEngineering S.a.g.l.
Geological and geotechnical
Geostudio Galster
Environmental consultant
Progeo s.r.l.
Traffic engineer
Brugnoli e Gottardi SA
Demolition, excavation, and reclamation contractor
BetaCostruzioni SA
Timber construction
Veragouth e Xilema
Emme Works
Video Art Direction
Video Maker
Studio 9010
Work supervision
Tognola Group General Contractor S.a.g.l.
Construction engineering
Casanova Ingegneria SA
Building services design
Felpro S.a.g.l.
MEP design
Domenico Apollonio Consulenza Tecnica RVCS
Fire prevention design
TeaEngineering S.a.g.l.
Geological and geotechnical
Geostudio Galster
Environmental consultant
Progeo s.r.l.
Traffic engineer
Brugnoli e Gottardi SA
Demolition, excavation, and reclamation contractor
BetaCostruzioni SA
Timber construction
Veragouth e Xilema
Emme Works
Video Art Direction
Video Maker
Studio 9010
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