Fo.Ro Living – Piazza dei Navigatori Rome

The new urban forest


This development is predominantly for residential accommodation with a retail and office component, and three below-ground floors for parking and plantrooms.

Nature and architecture

It is located in an area that has been densely urbanised but is rich in strongly characterising natural elements. From these we drew inspiration to develop a new concept of residential architecture that is firmly integrated with the particular features offered by the natural surroundings in this location, and that aims to identify, in its style, a trace of thematic continuity that makes it a coherent reworking of some salient elements of twentieth-century architecture in Rome.

The arrival from Via Cristoforo Colombo, passing under the canopies of the wonderful avenue of maritime pines (a tree species with strong roots in the collective imagination of Rome and a constant presence in the landscape) was an opportunity for us to develop a building that offers itself as the point of arrival of this “promenade”.

Breaking away from the heavy blockiness and monolithic nature of the neighbouring buildings, the project takes the suggestions it derives from the surrounding landsc[...]ape, and incorporates them into the architecture.

Nature and architecture

It is located in an area that has been densely urbanised but is rich in strongly characterising natural elements. From these we drew inspiration to develop a new concept of residential architecture that is firmly integrated with the particular features offered by the natural surroundings in this location, and that aims to identify, in its style, a trace of thematic continuity that makes it a coherent reworking of some salient elements of twentieth-century architecture in Rome.

The arrival from Via Cristoforo Colombo, passing under the canopies of the wonderful avenue of maritime pines (a tree species with strong roots in the collective imagination of Rome and a constant presence in the landscape) was an opportunity for us to develop a building that offers itself as the point of arrival of this “promenade”.

Breaking away from the heavy blockiness and monolithic nature of the neighbouring buildings, the project takes the suggestions it derives from the surrounding landsc[...]ape, and incorporates them into the architecture.

Nature and architecture

It is located in an area that has been densely urbanised but is rich in strongly characterising natural elements. From these we drew inspiration to develop a new concept of residential architecture that is firmly integrated with the particular features offered by the natural surroundings in this location, and that aims to identify, in its style, a trace of thematic continuity that makes it a coherent reworking of some salient elements of twentieth-century architecture in Rome.

The arrival from Via Cristoforo Colombo, passing under the canopies of the wonderful avenue of maritime pines (a tree species with strong roots in the collective imagination of Rome and a constant presence in the landscape) was an opportunity for us to develop a building that offers itself as the point of arrival of this “promenade”.

Breaking away from the heavy blockiness and monolithic nature of the neighbouring buildings, the project takes the suggestions it derives from the surrounding landsc[...]ape, and incorporates them into the architecture.

Natura e architettura

Nature and architecture

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Natura e architettura

Il progetto si colloca nel punto della Via Cristoforo Colombo che piega verso sud-ovest e incrocia Via Delle Sette Chiese, un’area densamente urbanizzata ma ricca di elementi naturali fortemente connotanti, dai quali si è tratta ispirazione per sviluppare un nuovo concept di architettura residenziale, saldamente integrato alle peculiarità che la natura del luogo offre, e rivolto a tracciare un segno di continuità con il tema degli edifici romani del secolo scorso, diventando una coerente rielaborazione degli elementi salienti.

L’arrivo dalla Cristoforo Colombo accompagnato dalle ampie chiome dei meravigliosi filari di pini marittimi, albero fortemente radicato nell’immaginario della città e presenza costante nel paesaggio romano, diventa occasione per sviluppare un edificio concepito come culmine di tale promenade di avvicinamento.

Il progetto fa proprie e traduce in architettura le suggestioni provenienti dal paesaggio che lo circonda, pur distaccandosi dalla[...] pesante stereometria e monoliticità dei vicini palazzi.

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The composition of the building

The building rises to 12 floors above ground and is conceived as an inhabited forest with tree-trunks and branches of different heights that combine to break down the architectural volume into fragments; the chromatic tensions of the extruded terracotta façade elements generate an artefact reminiscent of a bark.

From the earliest stages, the project was oriented towards the use – as far as possible – of dry construction systems, aligning itself with the vision according to which contemporary buildings, in order not to further burden the building heritage, must be partially or completely demountable or readaptable to different uses and functions, all with the least impact on the environment.

The composition of the building

The building rises to 12 floors above ground and is conceived as an inhabited forest with tree-trunks and branches of different heights that combine to break down the architectural volume into fragments; the chromatic tensions of the extruded terracotta façade elements generate an artefact reminiscent of a bark.

From the earliest stages, the project was oriented towards the use – as far as possible – of dry construction systems, aligning itself with the vision according to which contemporary buildings, in order not to further burden the building heritage, must be partially or completely demountable or readaptable to different uses and functions, all with the least impact on the environment.

The composition of the building

The building rises to 12 floors above ground and is conceived as an inhabited forest with tree-trunks and branches of different heights that combine to break down the architectural volume into fragments; the chromatic tensions of the extruded terracotta façade elements generate an artefact reminiscent of a bark.

From the earliest stages, the project was oriented towards the use – as far as possible – of dry construction systems, aligning itself with the vision according to which contemporary buildings, in order not to further burden the building heritage, must be partially or completely demountable or readaptable to different uses and functions, all with the least impact on the environment.

Composizione dell’edificio

The composition of the building

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Composizione dell’edificio

L’edificio, che si sviluppa su 12 livelli fuori terra, viene concepito come una sorta di “foresta abitata”, un accostamento di steli e tronchi di altezze diverse; la frammentazione del volume, i giochi di convessità dei profili, le tensioni cromatiche degli elementi estrusi in cotto di facciata generano un manufatto che ricorda una corteccia. Il progetto sin dalle prime fasi si è orientato verso l’utilizzo –  per quanto possibile – di sistemi costruttivi a secco, allineandosi alla visione secondo la quale gli edifici contemporanei, per non gravare ulteriormente sul patrimonio edilizio, debbano essere parzialmente o completamente smontabili o riadattabili a diversi usi e funzioni, il tutto con il minor impatto sull’ambiente.

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Views and exposure

Rather than constructing the complex as a group of separate towers whose coexistence would have weakened the unity and strength of the project as a unified whole, and would also have introduced a further problem of different frontages overlooking one another, it was decided to organise the development as a single volume so as to maximize the southern exposure and the views to the north that look towards the centre of Rome.

This continuous block was then further subdivided into smaller parts, so that as many rooms as possible would be on corners with views towards the east and west.

The result is a multifaceted volume that breaks down as it rises, encased within a system of curved terraces that gradually project further and further outwards.

Views and exposure

Rather than constructing the complex as a group of separate towers whose coexistence would have weakened the unity and strength of the project as a unified whole, and would also have introduced a further problem of different frontages overlooking one another, it was decided to organise the development as a single volume so as to maximize the southern exposure and the views to the north that look towards the centre of Rome.

This continuous block was then further subdivided into smaller parts, so that as many rooms as possible would be on corners with views towards the east and west.

The result is a multifaceted volume that breaks down as it rises, encased within a system of curved terraces that gradually project further and further outwards.

Views and exposure

Rather than constructing the complex as a group of separate towers whose coexistence would have weakened the unity and strength of the project as a unified whole, and would also have introduced a further problem of different frontages overlooking one another, it was decided to organise the development as a single volume so as to maximize the southern exposure and the views to the north that look towards the centre of Rome.

This continuous block was then further subdivided into smaller parts, so that as many rooms as possible would be on corners with views towards the east and west.

The result is a multifaceted volume that breaks down as it rises, encased within a system of curved terraces that gradually project further and further outwards.

Viste ed esposizione

Views and exposure

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Viste ed esposizione

Piuttosto che optare per più torri separate, la cui convivenza avrebbe indebolito l’unitarietà e la forza del progetto, oltre ad introdurre un’ulteriore problematica in termini di vis a vis tra fronti prospicienti, la scelta è ricaduta sull’organizzazione di un volume che andasse a massimizzare sia l’esposizione verso sud sia la vista verso il centro di Roma a nord.

L’edificio è stato poi ulteriormente suddiviso in parallelepipedi più piccoli, moltiplicando le soluzioni d’angolo e le possibilità di affacci e scorci verso est ed ovest.

Ne risulta un volume sfaccettato che si sgretola salendo, avvolto da un sistema di balconi curvilinei, il cui aggetto aumenta progressivamente.

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The inhabited forest

This allegory of the inhabited forest is made stronger by the way in which the base is configured: whilst the residential accommodation above makes allusions to the bark of a tree, the two bottom floors (containing commercial spaces at the ground floor and a single floor of offices at the first floor) have been designed as a man-made topographical platform, like layers of ground that have stratified at different levels; their rounded corners and straight edges mediate between the alignments of the urban context and the organic nature of the balconies overhead. The whole top floor of the complex consists of large terraces with swimming pools, planted ponds, and 360° views over the surrounding landscape.

The inhabited forest

This allegory of the inhabited forest is made stronger by the way in which the base is configured: whilst the residential accommodation above makes allusions to the bark of a tree, the two bottom floors (containing commercial spaces at the ground floor and a single floor of offices at the first floor) have been designed as a man-made topographical platform, like layers of ground that have stratified at different levels; their rounded corners and straight edges mediate between the alignments of the urban context and the organic nature of the balconies overhead. The whole top floor of the complex consists of large terraces with swimming pools, planted ponds, and 360° views over the surrounding landscape.

The inhabited forest

This allegory of the inhabited forest is made stronger by the way in which the base is configured: whilst the residential accommodation above makes allusions to the bark of a tree, the two bottom floors (containing commercial spaces at the ground floor and a single floor of offices at the first floor) have been designed as a man-made topographical platform, like layers of ground that have stratified at different levels; their rounded corners and straight edges mediate between the alignments of the urban context and the organic nature of the balconies overhead. The whole top floor of the complex consists of large terraces with swimming pools, planted ponds, and 360° views over the surrounding landscape.

La foresta abitata

The inhabited forest

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La foresta abitata

L’allegoria della foresta abitata viene rafforzata dalla conformazione del basamento: se il volume residenziale riprende la corteccia, i primi due livelli (nei quali sono collocati una piastra commerciale al piano terra e un piano uffici al livello +1) si connotano come un’orografia artificiale, quasi fossero zolle di terreno poste a quote diverse, elementi dagli spigoli arrotondati e i bordi dritti, mediazione tra gli allineamenti urbani e l’organicità dei balconi. A coronamento dell’intero intervento, grandi terrazzi dotati di piscine e vasche verdi, consentono di spaziare visivamente a 360 gradi sul panorama circostante.

The bioclimatic project

The objective pursued from the initial design phases was to focus on environmental conditions that would guarantee functional and quality living spaces, maximising the contribution of the natural resources present in the context. The proposed strategies also aim to strengthen the relationship between the external and internal environment and contribute to ensuring a high level of comfort for all types of users.

The climate analysis and the study of the context have provided preliminary indications to outline environmental strategies since the development of the concept. In fact, the project aims to achieve a high standard of quality, minimise the impact on the environment and limit the use of active systems, through the definition of a series of passive strategies such as wind permeability, natural lighting, rainwater harvesting and the production of energy from renewable sources on site.

In summer, transparent surfaces are well screened to reduce the penetration of direct sunlight, thus minimising the use of active cooling systems in favour of natural room ventilation. During the winter, solar inputs are maximised to ensure adequate levels of lighting and reduce heating from systems. To achieve the highest possible efficiency, a high-performance envelope has been designed to limit heat loss. In addition, part of the energy needed to power the active systems is directly produced on site through the installation of a photovoltaic system on the roof.

The project achieves an energy class A3 for the residences, with an annual energy consumption of between 0.40 and 0.60 kWh/m2.

The bioclimatic project

The objective pursued from the initial design phases was to focus on environmental conditions that would guarantee functional and quality living spaces, maximising the contribution of the natural resources present in the context. The proposed strategies also aim to strengthen the relationship between the external and internal environment and contribute to ensuring a high level of comfort for all types of users.

The climate analysis and the study of the context have provided preliminary indications to outline environmental strategies since the development of the concept. In fact, the project aims to achieve a high standard of quality, minimise the impact on the environment and limit the use of active systems, through the definition of a series of passive strategies such as wind permeability, natural lighting, rainwater harvesting and the production of energy from renewable sources on site.

In summer, transparent surfaces are well screened to reduce the penetration of direct sunlight, thus minimising the use of active cooling systems in favour of natural room ventilation. During the winter, solar inputs are maximised to ensure adequate levels of lighting and reduce heating from systems. To achieve the highest possible efficiency, a high-performance envelope has been designed to limit heat loss. In addition, part of the energy needed to power the active systems is directly produced on site through the installation of a photovoltaic system on the roof.

The project achieves an energy class A3 for the residences, with an annual energy consumption of between 0.40 and 0.60 kWh/m2.

The bioclimatic project

The objective pursued from the initial design phases was to focus on environmental conditions that would guarantee functional and quality living spaces, maximising the contribution of the natural resources present in the context. The proposed strategies also aim to strengthen the relationship between the external and internal environment and contribute to ensuring a high level of comfort for all types of users.

The climate analysis and the study of the context have provided preliminary indications to outline environmental strategies since the development of the concept. In fact, the project aims to achieve a high standard of quality, minimise the impact on the environment and limit the use of active systems, through the definition of a series of passive strategies such as wind permeability, natural lighting, rainwater harvesting and the production of energy from renewable sources on site.

In summer, transparent surfaces are well screened to reduce the penetration of direct sunlight, thus minimising the use of active cooling systems in favour of natural room ventilation. During the winter, solar inputs are maximised to ensure adequate levels of lighting and reduce heating from systems. To achieve the highest possible efficiency, a high-performance envelope has been designed to limit heat loss. In addition, part of the energy needed to power the active systems is directly produced on site through the installation of a photovoltaic system on the roof.

The project achieves an energy class A3 for the residences, with an annual energy consumption of between 0.40 and 0.60 kWh/m2.

Il progetto bioclimatico

The bioclimatic project

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Il progetto bioclimatico

L’obiettivo perseguito fin dalle fasi iniziali della progettazione è stato quello di concentrarsi sulle condizioni ambientali atte a garantire spazi abitativi funzionali e di qualità, massimizzando il contributo delle risorse naturali presenti nel contesto. Le strategie proposte mirano a rafforzare altresì la relazione tra ambiente esterno ed interno e contribuiscono a garantire un elevato livello di comfort per ogni tipologia di utente.

L’analisi climatica e lo studio del contesto hanno fornito indicazioni preliminari per delineare strategie ambientali fin dallo sviluppo del concept. Il progetto infatti, mira a raggiungere un elevato standard qualitativo, minimizzare l’impatto sull’ambiente e contenere il ricorso a sistemi attivi, attraverso la definizione di una serie di strategie passive come la permeabilità ai venti, l’illuminazione naturale, la raccolta delle acque meteoriche e la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili in sito.

In estate le superfici trasparenti sono ben schermate in modo da ridurre la penetrazione della luce solare diretta, minimizzando così il ricorso a sistemi di raffrescamento attivi a favore di una ventilazione naturale degli ambienti. Durante l’inverno sono massimizzati gli apporti solari utili a garantire adeguati livelli di illuminazione e a ridurre il riscaldamento da impianti. Per ottenere il maggior rendimento possibile è stato progettato un involucro performante che limita le dispersioni termiche. Inoltre, parte dell’energia necessaria ad alimentare i sistemi attivi viene direttamente prodotta in sito, tramite l’installazione in copertura di un impianto fotovoltaico.

Il progetto raggiunge per le residenze una classe energetica A3, con un consumo annuo di energia compreso tra 0,40 e 0,60 kWh/m2.

The layout

The locations of the entrances, and the way in which the residential block is positioned, are strongly influenced by the configuration of the ground floor as a commercial space.

The main entrance hall on the south side is given emphasis by its double-height architectural volume directly overlooking the plaza. Residents and office workers share this entrance; the lifts and stairs, passing through this iconic space, lead up to the first floor where the circulation routes separate. At this point the common hall, which contains the atrium to the north and the three distribution cores serving the apartments, distributes the office users towards their workplaces and the residents towards the private parts of the building. Roof terraces on top of the two lowest floors have made it possible to create spacious roof gardens where both the residents and the office workers can spend time outdoors.

At levels +8 and +9, where the verticality of the building is interrupted, are covered terraces. In almost every case, except for a shared portion for condominium use, these are for private use and are reserved for the larger apartments at the floors below. The gradual widening of the volume as the building rises also makes it possible to give each floor a different layout, and allows for variety in the sizes and types of the apartments, which can become larger at the upper floors.

The layout

The locations of the entrances, and the way in which the residential block is positioned, are strongly influenced by the configuration of the ground floor as a commercial space.

The main entrance hall on the south side is given emphasis by its double-height architectural volume directly overlooking the plaza. Residents and office workers share this entrance; the lifts and stairs, passing through this iconic space, lead up to the first floor where the circulation routes separate. At this point the common hall, which contains the atrium to the north and the three distribution cores serving the apartments, distributes the office users towards their workplaces and the residents towards the private parts of the building. Roof terraces on top of the two lowest floors have made it possible to create spacious roof gardens where both the residents and the office workers can spend time outdoors.

At levels +8 and +9, where the verticality of the building is interrupted, are covered terraces. In almost every case, except for a shared portion for condominium use, these are for private use and are reserved for the larger apartments at the floors below. The gradual widening of the volume as the building rises also makes it possible to give each floor a different layout, and allows for variety in the sizes and types of the apartments, which can become larger at the upper floors.

The layout

The locations of the entrances, and the way in which the residential block is positioned, are strongly influenced by the configuration of the ground floor as a commercial space.

The main entrance hall on the south side is given emphasis by its double-height architectural volume directly overlooking the plaza. Residents and office workers share this entrance; the lifts and stairs, passing through this iconic space, lead up to the first floor where the circulation routes separate. At this point the common hall, which contains the atrium to the north and the three distribution cores serving the apartments, distributes the office users towards their workplaces and the residents towards the private parts of the building. Roof terraces on top of the two lowest floors have made it possible to create spacious roof gardens where both the residents and the office workers can spend time outdoors.

At levels +8 and +9, where the verticality of the building is interrupted, are covered terraces. In almost every case, except for a shared portion for condominium use, these are for private use and are reserved for the larger apartments at the floors below. The gradual widening of the volume as the building rises also makes it possible to give each floor a different layout, and allows for variety in the sizes and types of the apartments, which can become larger at the upper floors.

Il layout

The layout

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Il layout

La collocazione degli accessi ed il posizionamento della volumetria residenziale all’interno del lotto di progetto, sono stati fortemente influenzati dalla configurazione a piastra commerciale del piano terra.

La hall di accesso principale è posizionata a sud, evidenziata dal volume architettonico a doppia altezza che affaccia direttamente sulla piazza interna che godrà di nuova vita. I residenti e il personale diretto agli uffici sono condotti dal piano terra al piano primo tramite ascensori e scale attraverso uno spazio iconico; una volta raggiunto il livello +1 avviene la vera e propria distribuzione. La hall comune a questo livello permette la distribuzione verso gli spazi del terziario e verso quelli ad accesso unicamente residenziale, rappresentati dall’atrio comune a nord e dai tre core di distribuzione agli appartamenti. Le coperture dei terrazzi del basamento offrono la possibilità per creare dei veri e propri giardini pensili dalle superfici generose, luoghi adatti alla permanenza all’aria aperta sia dei residenti sia di chi lavorerà in questi spazi. Ai livelli +8 e +9 – dove si interrompe l’edificio – sono ricavati terrazzi privati; i terrazzi in copertura restano privati nella quasi totalità dei casi, dedicati agli appartamenti di maggiore metratura posti immediatamente al piano inferiore, ad eccezione di una porzione condominiale. La scansione volumetrica che si allarga in sommità definisce anche un differente layout ai singoli piani consentendo di creare varietà nel taglio e nel tipo di alloggi che diventano più ampi ai piani superiori.

The terraces

The planting is an integral part of the building and contributes to the definition of its architecture; it is the planted balconies that give quality to the project and the apartments themselves. In continuity with the cladding of the façades, the large planting containers are integrated with openings at the edges of the building and support the ‘railings’ of the balconies; on the one hand these provide a ‘domestic’ element, and on the other they allow for a wide view of the surroundings. The conical/circular shape of the balconies gives them a cosy, introspective atmosphere whilst the panels on the parapets, which are more closely spaced to the sides and more widely spaced at the centre, serve to mitigate the introspectiveness and give unobstructed views of the panorama.

The terraces

The planting is an integral part of the building and contributes to the definition of its architecture; it is the planted balconies that give quality to the project and the apartments themselves. In continuity with the cladding of the façades, the large planting containers are integrated with openings at the edges of the building and support the ‘railings’ of the balconies; on the one hand these provide a ‘domestic’ element, and on the other they allow for a wide view of the surroundings. The conical/circular shape of the balconies gives them a cosy, introspective atmosphere whilst the panels on the parapets, which are more closely spaced to the sides and more widely spaced at the centre, serve to mitigate the introspectiveness and give unobstructed views of the panorama.

The terraces

The planting is an integral part of the building and contributes to the definition of its architecture; it is the planted balconies that give quality to the project and the apartments themselves. In continuity with the cladding of the façades, the large planting containers are integrated with openings at the edges of the building and support the ‘railings’ of the balconies; on the one hand these provide a ‘domestic’ element, and on the other they allow for a wide view of the surroundings. The conical/circular shape of the balconies gives them a cosy, introspective atmosphere whilst the panels on the parapets, which are more closely spaced to the sides and more widely spaced at the centre, serve to mitigate the introspectiveness and give unobstructed views of the panorama.

I balconi

The terraces

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I balconi

La vegetazione è parte integrante dell’edificio e contribuisce alla definizione dell’architettura. I balconi e i terrazzi diventano gli spazi che conferiscono qualità al progetto e alle residenze. Grandi vasche di piante sono integrate come asole ai bordi, ai quali sono ancorate le “ringhiere” che da un lato si pongono come un elemento “domestico”, dall’altro permettono un’ampia visuale del contesto circostante, in continuità con il rivestimento della facciata. La forma conico-circolare dei balconi crea un’atmosfera raccolta e introspettiva. I listelli di facciata assolvono alla mitigazione della introspezione, infittendosi nelle porzioni laterali e restando più rarefatti nelle porzioni centrali, a garantire una vista libera verso il panorama.

Impreme SpA
Rome, Italy
Mixed-use Building
16.500 sqm
In Progress


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Teo Brandi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bassetta
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Giorgia Castelli
Team Member
Technical Leader
Simone Papucci
Team Member
Mirko Cardano
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Valerio Rompietti
Team Member
Project Director
Project Manager
Cristina Gambioli
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Ilaria Positano
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Team Member
Modeling Specialist
Antonino Cucinella
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Guglielmo Barbieri
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Teo Brandi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bassetta
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Giorgia Castelli
Team Member
Technical Leader
Simone Papucci
Team Member
Mirko Cardano
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Valerio Rompietti
Team Member
Project Director
Project Manager
Cristina Gambioli
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Ilaria Positano
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Team Member
Modeling Specialist
Antonino Cucinella
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Guglielmo Barbieri
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Teo Brandi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bassetta
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Giorgia Castelli
Team Member
Technical Leader
Simone Papucci
Team Member
Mirko Cardano
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Valerio Rompietti
Team Member
Project Director
Project Manager
Cristina Gambioli
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Ilaria Positano
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Team Member
Modeling Specialist
Antonino Cucinella
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Guglielmo Barbieri
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Teo Brandi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bassetta
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Giorgia Castelli
Team Member
Technical Leader
Simone Papucci
Team Member
Mirko Cardano
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Valerio Rompietti
Team Member
Project Director
Project Manager
Cristina Gambioli
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Ilaria Positano
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Team Member
Modeling Specialist
Antonino Cucinella
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Guglielmo Barbieri
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Teo Brandi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bassetta
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Giorgia Castelli
Team Member
Technical Leader
Simone Papucci
Team Member
Mirko Cardano
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Valerio Rompietti
Team Member
Project Director
Project Manager
Cristina Gambioli
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Ilaria Positano
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Team Member
Modeling Specialist
Antonino Cucinella
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Guglielmo Barbieri
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Teo Brandi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bassetta
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Giorgia Castelli
Team Member
Technical Leader
Simone Papucci
Team Member
Mirko Cardano
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Valerio Rompietti
Team Member
Project Director
Project Manager
Cristina Gambioli
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Ilaria Positano
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Team Member
Modeling Specialist
Antonino Cucinella
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Guglielmo Barbieri
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Teo Brandi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bassetta
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Giorgia Castelli
Team Member
Technical Leader
Simone Papucci
Team Member
Mirko Cardano
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Valerio Rompietti
Team Member
Project Director
Project Manager
Cristina Gambioli
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Ilaria Positano
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Team Member
Modeling Specialist
Antonino Cucinella
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Guglielmo Barbieri
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Teo Brandi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bassetta
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Giorgia Castelli
Team Member
Technical Leader
Simone Papucci
Team Member
Mirko Cardano
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Valerio Rompietti
Team Member
Project Director
Project Manager
Cristina Gambioli
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Ilaria Positano
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Team Member
Modeling Specialist
Antonino Cucinella
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Guglielmo Barbieri
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Michele Roveri
Team Member
Design Leader
Design Director
Michele Olivieri
Project Leader
Teo Brandi
Team Member
Project Leader
Paolo Greco
Team Member
Project Leader
Alberto Menozzi
Team Member
BIM Manager
Fabrizio Bassetta
Team Member
BIM Coordinator
Fabiola Verde
Team Member
Laura La Mendola
Team Member
Giorgia Castelli
Team Member
Technical Leader
Simone Papucci
Team Member
Mirko Cardano
Team Member
Senior Architect
Senior Architect, Computational Design Expert
Parametric Designer/Team Member
Angelo Ungarelli
Team Member
Valerio Rompietti
Team Member
Project Director
Project Manager
Cristina Gambioli
Team Member
Project Leader
Project Director
Project Manager
Damiano Comini
Team Member
Roberto Capuzzello
Team Member
Ilaria Positano
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Mancini
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Model Maker
Team Member
Modeling Specialist
Antonino Cucinella
Competition Team
Model Maker
Modeling Specialist
Eugenio Armando De Nicola
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Guglielmo Barbieri
Visual Artist
Sebastian Beldean
Visual Artist
Visual Artist Specialist
Lorenzo Mancini
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Structural design
STIMP S.r.l.
Fire protection project
S.T.Z. Studio tecnico Zaccarelli S.r.l.
Landscape design
Studio Laura Gatti
Structural design
STIMP S.r.l.
Fire protection project
S.T.Z. Studio tecnico Zaccarelli S.r.l.
Landscape design
Studio Laura Gatti
Structural design
STIMP S.r.l.
Fire protection project
S.T.Z. Studio tecnico Zaccarelli S.r.l.
Landscape design
Studio Laura Gatti
Structural design
STIMP S.r.l.
Fire protection project
S.T.Z. Studio tecnico Zaccarelli S.r.l.
Landscape design
Studio Laura Gatti
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