Exhibition Centre Artemide

Exhibition Centre Artemide

The new Artemide Exhibition Centre, designed by Mario Cucinella Architects, is an exhibition area connected to the Innovation Centre in the Pregnana Milanese Headquarters.

It is a living space that combines the history and future of the company with an interactive, digital experience, a story of content and dialogue with the most innovative management and communication systems. Directly connected to the testing and certification laboratories and to the research and development department, close to the design and production offices, it is a direct expression of Artemide’s know-how, where it will show off ideas, skills, and core values such as sustainability.

The space is defined by an architectural ribbon that runs fluidly over the space of 1000 square metres, generating environments in which to demonstrate the light.  The curved lines of the walls break and overlap to create passages and divide the space up without closures but by using cuts of light.

It is an open, permeable structure between inside and outside, between constructed and nature, it fits into an industrial building that is not masked but allowed to be glimpsed by way of the openings in the false ceilings. These generate a dialogue between existing and built, between natural and artificial light. The new Artemide Exhibition Centre is a place designed not only to present Artemide collections and services, it is also a space in which to host and listen to the world, closely linked to a centre of expertise, skilled in the interpretation of ideas and their distribution.

Client: Artemide
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca
Photo: Mario Cucinella Architects & Artemide
Gross area: 1500 sqm

It is a living space that combines the history and future of the company with an interactive, digital experience, a story of content and dialogue with the most innovative management and communication systems. Directly connected to the testing and certification laboratories and to the research and development department, close to the design and production offices, it is a direct expression of Artemide’s know-how, where it will show off ideas, skills, and core values such as sustainability.

The space is defined by an architectural ribbon that runs fluidly over the space of 1000 square metres, generating environments in which to demonstrate the light.  The curved lines of the walls break and overlap to create passages and divide the space up without closures but by using cuts of light.

It is an open, permeable structure between inside and outside, between constructed and nature, it fits into an industrial building that is not masked but allowed to be glimpsed by way of the openings in the false ceilings. These generate a dialogue between existing and built, between natural and artificial light. The new Artemide Exhibition Centre is a place designed not only to present Artemide collections and services, it is also a space in which to host and listen to the world, closely linked to a centre of expertise, skilled in the interpretation of ideas and their distribution.

Client: Artemide
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca
Photo: Mario Cucinella Architects & Artemide
Gross area: 1500 sqm

It is a living space that combines the history and future of the company with an interactive, digital experience, a story of content and dialogue with the most innovative management and communication systems. Directly connected to the testing and certification laboratories and to the research and development department, close to the design and production offices, it is a direct expression of Artemide’s know-how, where it will show off ideas, skills, and core values such as sustainability.

The space is defined by an architectural ribbon that runs fluidly over the space of 1000 square metres, generating environments in which to demonstrate the light.  The curved lines of the walls break and overlap to create passages and divide the space up without closures but by using cuts of light.

It is an open, permeable structure between inside and outside, between constructed and nature, it fits into an industrial building that is not masked but allowed to be glimpsed by way of the openings in the false ceilings. These generate a dialogue between existing and built, between natural and artificial light. The new Artemide Exhibition Centre is a place designed not only to present Artemide collections and services, it is also a space in which to host and listen to the world, closely linked to a centre of expertise, skilled in the interpretation of ideas and their distribution.

Client: Artemide
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca
Photo: Mario Cucinella Architects & Artemide
Gross area: 1500 sqm

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È uno spazio vivo che unisce storia e futuro dell’azienda con un’esperienza interattiva e digitale, un racconto di contenuti e di dialogo con i più innovativi sistemi di gestione e comunicazione. Direttamente collegato ai laboratori di test e certificazione e al dipartimento di ricerca e sviluppo, vicino agli uffici di progettazione e alla produzione, è espressione diretta del saper fare Artemide di cui mostrerà le idee, le competenze, ed i valori centrali come la sostenibilità.

Lo spazio è definito da un nastro architettonico che corre fluido nei più di 1000 mq generando ambienti in cui dimostrare la luce.  Le linee curve delle pareti si spezzano e si sovrappongono per creare passaggi e divedere lo spazio senza chiusure ma con tagli di luce.

È una struttura aperta e permeabile tra interno-esterno, tra costruito e natura, si inserisce in un edificio industriale che non viene mascherato ma lasciato intravedere dalle aperture nei controsoffitti. Queste generano un dialogo tra esistente e costruito, tra luce naturale ed artificiale. Il nuovo Exhibition Centre Artemide è un luogo pensato non solo per presentare le collezioni ed i servizi Artemide, è uno spazio in cui ospitare ed ascoltare il mondo, strettamente legato ad un centro di competenze capace di tradurre le idee e distribuirle.

Cliente: Artemide
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects, Bologna
Team: Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca
Foto: Mario Cucinella Architects e Artemide
Area Lorda: 1500 mq



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