Design with Nature

For new materials. For a new habitat. For a better city.

The Future of Living goes on stage

Ethics, circularity, domestic space, participatory architecture and urban regeneration. It is a design and emotive exercise in pursuit of recycling and upcycling, entering into the debate on the importance of sustainable living.


Design with Nature therefore explores the themes of circular economy and reuse, starting with the idea that cities could be possible “reserves” of the future, where most of the raw materials used in construction could be sourced.

We can come up with a different way of building and creating products in conjunction with nature, without continuing to consume raw materials but by triggering virtuous ecological behaviours.

The installation channels three themes: ecological transition, the home as the first urban building block and the city as a mine, ranging over a large area that turns into both a landscape and a space for dialogue, a refuge for discussion, sharing, reading, and reflecting.


Design with Nature therefore explores the themes of circular economy and reuse, starting with the idea that cities could be possible “reserves” of the future, where most of the raw materials used in construction could be sourced.

We can come up with a different way of building and creating products in conjunction with nature, without continuing to consume raw materials but by triggering virtuous ecological behaviours.

The installation channels three themes: ecological transition, the home as the first urban building block and the city as a mine, ranging over a large area that turns into both a landscape and a space for dialogue, a refuge for discussion, sharing, reading, and reflecting.


Design with Nature therefore explores the themes of circular economy and reuse, starting with the idea that cities could be possible “reserves” of the future, where most of the raw materials used in construction could be sourced.

We can come up with a different way of building and creating products in conjunction with nature, without continuing to consume raw materials but by triggering virtuous ecological behaviours.

The installation channels three themes: ecological transition, the home as the first urban building block and the city as a mine, ranging over a large area that turns into both a landscape and a space for dialogue, a refuge for discussion, sharing, reading, and reflecting.



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“Design with Nature” ragiona sui temi dell’economia circolare e del riuso, partendo dall’idea che la città è la possibile “riserva” del futuro, dove trovare gran parte delle materie prime utili alla costruzione.

È possibile immaginare un altro modo di costruire e realizzare prodotti in complicità con la natura, senza continuare a consumare materie prime ma attivando percorsi ecologici virtuosi.

La transizione ecologica, la casa come primo tassello urbano e la città come miniera sono i tre temi di cui si fa portatrice l’installazione attraverso una grande superficie che diventa paesaggio, ma anche spazio per dialogare, rifugio per condividere, leggere, riflettere, lavorare.

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“A large space mindful of design and the environment, dedicated to the new sociality. An installation in which the word ecosystem, seen as capable of bringing knowledge, skills, and technologies together for a new generation of materials and design, is fundamental. The final and specific goal is to make life better through a rediscovered respect for nature.”

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The Installation

Two large tables, 68x22m over 1,400 sqm, narrate the materials for the ecological transition and the city and represent a space around which people can gather because, after the events of the last couple of years, we’ve rediscovered the value of sociality, which needs to forge a new equilibrium with our surroundings (in terms of space and available resources). A new, fundamental and crucial friendship with nature.

Just as everything that makes up nature changes, has more than one function and more than one life, the same is true of the components of Design with Nature, an assemblage of forms and functions that will find new lives and new destinations: a small library for a school, a classroom, a chair for a public space, a table for a laboratory and more.

The Installation

Two large tables, 68x22m over 1,400 sqm, narrate the materials for the ecological transition and the city and represent a space around which people can gather because, after the events of the last couple of years, we’ve rediscovered the value of sociality, which needs to forge a new equilibrium with our surroundings (in terms of space and available resources). A new, fundamental and crucial friendship with nature.

Just as everything that makes up nature changes, has more than one function and more than one life, the same is true of the components of Design with Nature, an assemblage of forms and functions that will find new lives and new destinations: a small library for a school, a classroom, a chair for a public space, a table for a laboratory and more.

The Installation

Two large tables, 68x22m over 1,400 sqm, narrate the materials for the ecological transition and the city and represent a space around which people can gather because, after the events of the last couple of years, we’ve rediscovered the value of sociality, which needs to forge a new equilibrium with our surroundings (in terms of space and available resources). A new, fundamental and crucial friendship with nature.

Just as everything that makes up nature changes, has more than one function and more than one life, the same is true of the components of Design with Nature, an assemblage of forms and functions that will find new lives and new destinations: a small library for a school, a classroom, a chair for a public space, a table for a laboratory and more.


The Installation

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Due grandi tavoli, 68X22m su 1.400 mq, raccontano i materiali della transizione ecologica e della città e rappresentano uno spazio intorno al quale riunirsi, perché, dopo gli eventi degli ultimi anni, abbiamo riscoperto il valore della socialità e la necessità di ritrovare un nuovo equilibrio con ciò che ci circonda in termini di spazio e di risorse a disposizione, una nuova, fondamentale amicizia con la natura.

Così come tutto ciò che fa parte della natura si trasforma, ha più funzioni e più vite, ugualmente accade per le parti che compongono “Design with Nature”: un puzzle di forme e funzioni che, terminato il Salone del Mobile, potranno vivere nuova vita e avranno nuove destinazioni – una piccola biblioteca per una scuola, un’aula didattica, una seduta per uno spazio pubblico, un tavolo per un laboratorio e tanto altro.

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The materials in this installation derive from natural supply chains – demonstrating that ecological transition is already ongoing and that businesses can be the catalysts of this change – or from waste products upcycled and recycled. Cities are rich fonts of the latter, veritable reserves of resources and materials recoverable through circular processes.


The materials in this installation derive from natural supply chains – demonstrating that ecological transition is already ongoing and that businesses can be the catalysts of this change – or from waste products upcycled and recycled. Cities are rich fonts of the latter, veritable reserves of resources and materials recoverable through circular processes.


The materials in this installation derive from natural supply chains – demonstrating that ecological transition is already ongoing and that businesses can be the catalysts of this change – or from waste products upcycled and recycled. Cities are rich fonts of the latter, veritable reserves of resources and materials recoverable through circular processes.



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I materiali di questo allestimento derivano da filiere naturali – a dimostrazione che la transizione ecologica è già in atto e che le aziende possono essere protagoniste di questo cambiamento – o da scarti trasformati e riusati. Di questi ultimi le città sono ricche, vere e proprie riserve di risorse e di materiali recuperabili attraverso processi circolari.






©Giovanni De Sandre
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©Giovanni De Sandre
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Giovanni De Sandre
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Giovanni De Sandre
This is some text inside of a div block.
©Giovanni De Sandre
This is some text inside of a div block.
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The project thus demonstrates how vegetable and animal waste, and waste generated by human beings – be it agricultural, industrial or urban – is already being transformed into “something else,” into new raw materials that give a second and third life to the material being generated. This means not just plastic bottles, waste from shoe making and furnishing processes, and sun awnings but the creation of new fabrics for the fashion and textile worlds; from coffee to floor coverings; from the skin and peel of fruit to leather; from mycelium to insulating panels – just to mention some of the new materials on show.


The project thus demonstrates how vegetable and animal waste, and waste generated by human beings – be it agricultural, industrial or urban – is already being transformed into “something else,” into new raw materials that give a second and third life to the material being generated. This means not just plastic bottles, waste from shoe making and furnishing processes, and sun awnings but the creation of new fabrics for the fashion and textile worlds; from coffee to floor coverings; from the skin and peel of fruit to leather; from mycelium to insulating panels – just to mention some of the new materials on show.


The project thus demonstrates how vegetable and animal waste, and waste generated by human beings – be it agricultural, industrial or urban – is already being transformed into “something else,” into new raw materials that give a second and third life to the material being generated. This means not just plastic bottles, waste from shoe making and furnishing processes, and sun awnings but the creation of new fabrics for the fashion and textile worlds; from coffee to floor coverings; from the skin and peel of fruit to leather; from mycelium to insulating panels – just to mention some of the new materials on show.



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Il progetto mostra, allora, come gli scarti vegetali, animali e quelli generati dall’essere umano – agricolo, industriale e urbano che sia – vengano, già oggi, trasformati in “altro”, in nuove materie prime che danno una seconda e terza vita al materiale generato. Si passa così dalle bottigliette di plastica, dagli sfridi di lavorazione di calzature e arredi, dalle tende da sole alla creazione di nuovi tessuti per il mondo della moda e del tessile; dal caffè ai pannelli fonoassorbenti; dalla buccia della frutta alla pelle di natura vegetale; dal micelio ai pannelli isolanti – solo per citare alcuni esempi di nuovi materiali in esposizione.

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Salone del Mobile Milano, FederlegnoArredo, Federlegno Arredo Eventi
Milan, Italy
1.400 sqm


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Team Member
Project Leader
Valentina Torrente
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Team Member
Project Leader
Valentina Torrente
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Team Member
Project Leader
Valentina Torrente
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Team Member
Project Leader
Valentina Torrente
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Team Member
Project Leader
Valentina Torrente
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Team Member
Project Leader
Valentina Torrente
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Team Member
Project Leader
Valentina Torrente
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Team Member
Project Leader
Valentina Torrente
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
Mario Cucinella
Interior Design
Team Member
Project Leader
Donato Labella
Interior Design
Team Member
Interior Design Specialist
Project Leader
Michela Galli
Project Leader
Team Member
Laura Zevi
Team Member
Interior Design
Senior Material Specialist
Lucrezia Rendace
Team Member
R&D Unit Manager
Senior R&D Specialist
Valentina Porceddu
R&D Unit Manager
Lori Zillante
Team Member
Project Leader
Valentina Torrente
Visual Artist Coordinator
Visual Unit Manager
Alessia Monacelli
Visual Artist
Senior Visual Artist Specialist
Walter Vecchio
MCA Visual
Scientific Support
Ingrid Paoletti, Olga Carcassi (Politecnico di Milano)
Data Visualization and Graphic Design
Technical support
Zeranta Edutainment Srl
VIdeo mapping
Zeranta Edutainment Srl
Giovanni De Sandre
MCA Visual
Scientific Support
Ingrid Paoletti, Olga Carcassi (Politecnico di Milano)
Data Visualization and Graphic Design
Technical support
Zeranta Edutainment Srl
VIdeo mapping
Zeranta Edutainment Srl
Giovanni De Sandre
MCA Visual
Scientific Support
Ingrid Paoletti, Olga Carcassi (Politecnico di Milano)
Data Visualization and Graphic Design
Technical support
Zeranta Edutainment Srl
VIdeo mapping
Zeranta Edutainment Srl
Giovanni De Sandre
MCA Visual
Scientific Support
Ingrid Paoletti, Olga Carcassi (Politecnico di Milano)
Data Visualization and Graphic Design
Technical support
Zeranta Edutainment Srl
VIdeo mapping
Zeranta Edutainment Srl
Giovanni De Sandre
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