Asilo Nido Iride

When design has a positive impact on education

Creative Empathy for children's education

The infant and nursery school in Guastalla perfectly represents one of the fundamental themes of MCA's vision: the spirit of creative empathy, as part of a philosophy that embraces the idea of architecture as a didactic tool.

The result of a dialogue between different disciplines

Commissioned following the 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna and the Lower Po Valley, the infant and nursery school in Guastalla is also the result of a dialogue between architecture, pedagogy, psychology, and anthropology. The quality of the spaces derives from an interaction of these fields of study, taking into account the numerous aspects of architecture that affect child development, from the shape and layout of the rooms to the sensory perception of light, color, sounds, and tactile experiences.

The result of a dialogue between different disciplines

Commissioned following the 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna and the Lower Po Valley, the infant and nursery school in Guastalla is also the result of a dialogue between architecture, pedagogy, psychology, and anthropology. The quality of the spaces derives from an interaction of these fields of study, taking into account the numerous aspects of architecture that affect child development, from the shape and layout of the rooms to the sensory perception of light, color, sounds, and tactile experiences.

The result of a dialogue between different disciplines

Commissioned following the 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna and the Lower Po Valley, the infant and nursery school in Guastalla is also the result of a dialogue between architecture, pedagogy, psychology, and anthropology. The quality of the spaces derives from an interaction of these fields of study, taking into account the numerous aspects of architecture that affect child development, from the shape and layout of the rooms to the sensory perception of light, color, sounds, and tactile experiences.

Il risultato di un dialogo multidisciplinare

The result of a dialogue between different disciplines

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Il risultato di un dialogo multidisciplinare

Sorto a seguito del terremoto che nel 2012 ha colpito l’Emilia, il nido d’infanzia di Guastalla è frutto di un dialogo multidisciplinare tra architettura, pedagogia, psicologia e antropologia. Il progetto ha tenuto conto di molteplici aspetti collegati alla crescita del bambino; dalla forma degli spazi, alla loro organizzazione, fino all’insieme delle percezioni sensoriali: luce, colore, suono e sensazioni tattili.

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“I started with the idea that children shouldn't stay closed in space but live in space. Space is already a form of education”

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Design elements

The architecture is based on a series of vertical timber structural elements that create a dialogue with the Po Valley landscape’s typical poplar groves, planted in orderly rows. This structural framework gives the building considerable lightness of form, quite unlike the compact and monolithic volumes usually associated with schools. The guiding design elements were natural light and direct contact between the interior and exterior spaces. The outdoor areas as essential spatial elements are immediately perceivable from the interiors through ample glazing on all sides of the building.

Design elements

The architecture is based on a series of vertical timber structural elements that create a dialogue with the Po Valley landscape’s typical poplar groves, planted in orderly rows. This structural framework gives the building considerable lightness of form, quite unlike the compact and monolithic volumes usually associated with schools. The guiding design elements were natural light and direct contact between the interior and exterior spaces. The outdoor areas as essential spatial elements are immediately perceivable from the interiors through ample glazing on all sides of the building.

Design elements

The architecture is based on a series of vertical timber structural elements that create a dialogue with the Po Valley landscape’s typical poplar groves, planted in orderly rows. This structural framework gives the building considerable lightness of form, quite unlike the compact and monolithic volumes usually associated with schools. The guiding design elements were natural light and direct contact between the interior and exterior spaces. The outdoor areas as essential spatial elements are immediately perceivable from the interiors through ample glazing on all sides of the building.

Elementi di design

Design elements

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Elementi di design

In stretto dialogo formale con la serialità dei pioppeti tipici del paesaggio padano, l’edificio prende vita dalla moltiplicazione degli elementi verticali lignei che ne caratterizzano l’impianto, conferendo all’insieme leggerezza e scardinando la tipica immagine della scuola come volume compatto e monolitico. La luce naturale e il diretto contatto tra lo spazio interno e l’esterno sono gli elementi guida della progettazione.

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“The environment as a “third educator””

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Materials and environmental strategies

The pedagogical characteristics of the architectural elements, the shapes of the interior spaces, the furnishings, and their layouts, the selection of materials, and the sensory perception of light, colors, sounds, and tactile experiences were all taken into account in the design of the nursery school.

Materials and environmental strategies

The pedagogical characteristics of the architectural elements, the shapes of the interior spaces, the furnishings, and their layouts, the selection of materials, and the sensory perception of light, colors, sounds, and tactile experiences were all taken into account in the design of the nursery school.

Materials and environmental strategies

The pedagogical characteristics of the architectural elements, the shapes of the interior spaces, the furnishings, and their layouts, the selection of materials, and the sensory perception of light, colors, sounds, and tactile experiences were all taken into account in the design of the nursery school.

Materiali e strategie ambientali

Materials and environmental strategies

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Materiali e strategie ambientali

Gli elementi propriamente architettonici del nuovo nido d’infanzia, come la forma degli interni, gli arredi, la loro organizzazione, la scelta dei materiali, l’insieme delle percezioni sensoriali legate alla luce, ai colori, alle sonorità, alle suggestioni tattili, sono concepiti tenendo conto degli aspetti pedagogici collegati alla crescita del bambino.

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The Bioclimatic Project

The Bioclimatic Project

The Bioclimatic Project

Il progetto bioclimatico

The Bioclimatic Project

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Il progetto bioclimatico

The Bioclimatic Project

The Bioclimatic Project

The Bioclimatic Project

Il progetto bioclimatico

The Bioclimatic Project

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Il progetto bioclimatico

A project based on simplicity

The project is based on simplicity. It is a building with ample glass surfaces that allow the classrooms to interact closely with each other and the outdoors. Natural materials with low environmental impact were preferred. In particular, the loadbearing structure consists of a framework in timber, a safe material that is also ideal for thermal insulation. Optimally distributed glazing, efficient thermal insulation, an advanced rainwater recovery system, and a rooftop photovoltaic array made it possible to minimize both the consumption of resources and the use of mechanical systems to satisfy the building’s energy needs.

A project based on simplicity

The project is based on simplicity. It is a building with ample glass surfaces that allow the classrooms to interact closely with each other and the outdoors. Natural materials with low environmental impact were preferred. In particular, the loadbearing structure consists of a framework in timber, a safe material that is also ideal for thermal insulation. Optimally distributed glazing, efficient thermal insulation, an advanced rainwater recovery system, and a rooftop photovoltaic array made it possible to minimize both the consumption of resources and the use of mechanical systems to satisfy the building’s energy needs.

A project based on simplicity

The project is based on simplicity. It is a building with ample glass surfaces that allow the classrooms to interact closely with each other and the outdoors. Natural materials with low environmental impact were preferred. In particular, the loadbearing structure consists of a framework in timber, a safe material that is also ideal for thermal insulation. Optimally distributed glazing, efficient thermal insulation, an advanced rainwater recovery system, and a rooftop photovoltaic array made it possible to minimize both the consumption of resources and the use of mechanical systems to satisfy the building’s energy needs.

Un progetto che si basa sulla semplicità

A project based on simplicity

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Un progetto che si basa sulla semplicità

La struttura è dotata di ampie vetrate che consentono l’interazione tra le aree chiuse delle aule e l’esterno. L’edificio prevede l’uso di materiali naturali a basso impatto ambientale. In particolare, la struttura portante è costituita da telai di legno: un materiale sicuro e ideale per mantenere l’isolamento termico dell’edificio. L’elevata coibentazione, la distribuzione ottimale di superfici trasparenti, il ricorso a sistemi avanzati per il recupero dell’acqua piovana e l’inserimento in copertura di un impianto fotovoltaico consentono di ridurre al minimo il ricorso a impianti meccanici per soddisfare i fabbisogni energetici dell’edificio.

Sinuous spaces and warm materials

In a clear reference to the belly of Pinocchio’s whale, the sinuosity of the spaces and the warmth of the materials evoke a reassuring womb, a place from which the school’s young users can take their first steps towards growth and then return to a sensation of safety. They find themselves exploring spaces that are highly complex, but at the same time extraordinarily familiar, in which to develop their skills and personalities.

Sinuous spaces and warm materials

In a clear reference to the belly of Pinocchio’s whale, the sinuosity of the spaces and the warmth of the materials evoke a reassuring womb, a place from which the school’s young users can take their first steps towards growth and then return to a sensation of safety. They find themselves exploring spaces that are highly complex, but at the same time extraordinarily familiar, in which to develop their skills and personalities.

Sinuous spaces and warm materials

In a clear reference to the belly of Pinocchio’s whale, the sinuosity of the spaces and the warmth of the materials evoke a reassuring womb, a place from which the school’s young users can take their first steps towards growth and then return to a sensation of safety. They find themselves exploring spaces that are highly complex, but at the same time extraordinarily familiar, in which to develop their skills and personalities.

La sinuosità dello spazio e il calore dei materiali

Sinuous spaces and warm materials

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La sinuosità dello spazio e il calore dei materiali

Il ritmo regolare degli elementi strutturali fluisce dall’esterno all’interno. Le forme sinuose che caratterizzano l’ambiente e il calore dei materiali naturali danno vita ad uno spazio i cui rimandi emotivi evocano al ventre della balena di Pinocchio.

A harmonious relationship with the outdoors

Special attention was paid to helping the children develop a harmonious relationship with the outdoor environment and its changes through the seasons. To this end, every classroom provides direct access to the garden. All interior spaces maintain constant contact with what is taking place outdoors, including weather events and seasonal patterns, changing light levels throughout the day, background sounds, and isolated noises.
The sensory path is characterized by a series of small thematic gardens. From the main entrance, they consist of the “Butterfly Garden” (vision), the“Sound Garden” (hearing), the “Perfume Garden” (smell), the “Good Food Garden” (taste), and lastly, accessed from the school’s interior,the “Thumbelina Trail” (touch).
More than simple connecting elements, the circulation spaces stimulate curiosity and a sense of fun by incorporating areas for play and group activities as well as niches for quiet time. Glazed walls provide views of the outdoors and other classrooms and laboratories. Following this vision, no space has a marginal role: the entire building wants to spark curiosity and encourage the children to explore and share their experiences.

A harmonious relationship with the outdoors

Special attention was paid to helping the children develop a harmonious relationship with the outdoor environment and its changes through the seasons. To this end, every classroom provides direct access to the garden. All interior spaces maintain constant contact with what is taking place outdoors, including weather events and seasonal patterns, changing light levels throughout the day, background sounds, and isolated noises.
The sensory path is characterized by a series of small thematic gardens. From the main entrance, they consist of the “Butterfly Garden” (vision), the“Sound Garden” (hearing), the “Perfume Garden” (smell), the “Good Food Garden” (taste), and lastly, accessed from the school’s interior,the “Thumbelina Trail” (touch).
More than simple connecting elements, the circulation spaces stimulate curiosity and a sense of fun by incorporating areas for play and group activities as well as niches for quiet time. Glazed walls provide views of the outdoors and other classrooms and laboratories. Following this vision, no space has a marginal role: the entire building wants to spark curiosity and encourage the children to explore and share their experiences.

A harmonious relationship with the outdoors

Special attention was paid to helping the children develop a harmonious relationship with the outdoor environment and its changes through the seasons. To this end, every classroom provides direct access to the garden. All interior spaces maintain constant contact with what is taking place outdoors, including weather events and seasonal patterns, changing light levels throughout the day, background sounds, and isolated noises.
The sensory path is characterized by a series of small thematic gardens. From the main entrance, they consist of the “Butterfly Garden” (vision), the“Sound Garden” (hearing), the “Perfume Garden” (smell), the “Good Food Garden” (taste), and lastly, accessed from the school’s interior,the “Thumbelina Trail” (touch).
More than simple connecting elements, the circulation spaces stimulate curiosity and a sense of fun by incorporating areas for play and group activities as well as niches for quiet time. Glazed walls provide views of the outdoors and other classrooms and laboratories. Following this vision, no space has a marginal role: the entire building wants to spark curiosity and encourage the children to explore and share their experiences.

Armonia con l'ambiente esterno

A harmonious relationship with the outdoors

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Armonia con l'ambiente esterno

Particolare attenzione è stata data alla creazione di un rapporto di sintonia per i bambini con gli agenti esterni e con il mutare degli elementi naturali, compresi gli eventi atmosferici e i modelli stagionali, i livelli di luce che cambiano durante il giorno, i suoni di sottofondo e i rumori isolati. A tal fine tutte le sezioni sono dotate di un collegamento con il giardino. Così il progetto del paesaggio è pensato attraverso due elementi principali, il percorso sensoriale e il giardino d’inverno. Il primo è caratterizzato da un susseguirsi di piccoli giardini tematici, che dall’ingresso principale si articolano a partire dai “Giardini delle farfalle” (vista), seguiti dal “Giardino dei suoni” (udito), per giungere al “Giardino dei profumi” (olfatto), fino all’“Angolo del ghiottone” (gusto), infine dall’interno si giunge al “Percorso di Pollicino” (tatto). Gli spazi di connessione sono pensati, più che per il semplice attraversamento, per stimolare curiosità e piacere attraverso spazi di gioco e di relazione, nicchie dove sostare, elementi trasparenti per guardare verso l’esterno. Nessuna zona di servizio in questa visione ha un ruolo marginale, e tutti gli spazi concorrono a incentivare la curiosità di vivere e condividere l’edificio.

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Comune di Guastalla
Guastalla, Italy
1,400 sqm


Mario Cucinella Architects

Project Team

Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Teams Member
Ferruccio Palumbo
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Teams Member
Ferruccio Palumbo
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Teams Member
Ferruccio Palumbo
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Teams Member
Ferruccio Palumbo
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Teams Member
Ferruccio Palumbo
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Teams Member
Ferruccio Palumbo
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Teams Member
Ferruccio Palumbo
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Teams Member
Ferruccio Palumbo
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Mario Cucinella
Team Member
Project Director
Marco Dell’Agli
Project Leader
Alberto Casarotto
Competition team
Team Member
Irene Sapienza
Teams Member
Ferruccio Palumbo
Teams Member
Alberto Bruno
Model Maker
Model Maker Coordinator
Team Member
Modeling Unit Manager
Yuri Costantini
Structural Engineering
Geoequipe Studio Tecnico Associato
Electrical and Mechanical Design
Area Engineering srl
Acoustic Engineering
Ing. Enrico Manzi
Landscape Design
Greencure landscape & healing garden - Marilena Baggio
Scisciani e Frascarelli Impresa Edile
Timber Framework
Rubner Holzbau SpA
Saitec Company srl
Doors and Windows
Promo Spa
Christian Chierici - CC79
Moreno Maggi
Structural Engineering
Geoequipe Studio Tecnico Associato
Electrical and Mechanical Design
Area Engineering srl
Acoustic Engineering
Ing. Enrico Manzi
Landscape Design
Greencure landscape & healing garden - Marilena Baggio
Scisciani e Frascarelli Impresa Edile
Timber Framework
Rubner Holzbau SpA
Saitec Company srl
Doors and Windows
Promo Spa
Christian Chierici - CC79
Moreno Maggi
Structural Engineering
Geoequipe Studio Tecnico Associato
Electrical and Mechanical Design
Area Engineering srl
Acoustic Engineering
Ing. Enrico Manzi
Landscape Design
Greencure landscape & healing garden - Marilena Baggio
Scisciani e Frascarelli Impresa Edile
Timber Framework
Rubner Holzbau SpA
Saitec Company srl
Doors and Windows
Promo Spa
Christian Chierici - CC79
Moreno Maggi
Structural Engineering
Geoequipe Studio Tecnico Associato
Electrical and Mechanical Design
Area Engineering srl
Acoustic Engineering
Ing. Enrico Manzi
Landscape Design
Greencure landscape & healing garden - Marilena Baggio
Scisciani e Frascarelli Impresa Edile
Timber Framework
Rubner Holzbau SpA
Saitec Company srl
Doors and Windows
Promo Spa
Christian Chierici - CC79
Moreno Maggi
Architecture Masterprize
THE PLAN Magazine Award
Lignius Prize - Wooden Architecture Made in Italy
Architizer A+ Awards
Sterminata Bellezza Award