Cintus Social Housing

Cintus Social Housing

The UIA (International Union of Architects) has launched an international competition to study new models for social housing. The MCA project, located in Cairo, provides an artificial canal which, connecting the river with the Red Sea and defining a new development corridor, brings water to desert areas.

The process may be described as a “positive virus “: the genetic material of the virus consists of a network of channels and an irrigation system. The green areas generated by this process will replace the desert and will host underground activities and utilities. Homes will rise above ground along the canals, in a new urban environment redefined according to the needs of the city.

Type: Research project – winner project of international competition
Client: UN e UIA
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Pierluigi Copat
Photo credit: SPOT observation satellite

The UIA (International Union of Architects) has launched an international competition to study new models for social housing. The MCA project, located in Cairo, provides an artificial canal which, connecting the river with the Red Sea and defining a new development corridor, brings water to desert areas.

The process may be described as a “positive virus “: the genetic material of the virus consists of a network of channels and an irrigation system. The green areas generated by this process will replace the desert and will host underground activities and utilities. Homes will rise above ground along the canals, in a new urban environment redefined according to the needs of the city.

Type: Research project – winner project of international competition
Client: UN e UIA
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Pierluigi Copat
Photo credit: SPOT observation satellite

The UIA (International Union of Architects) has launched an international competition to study new models for social housing. The MCA project, located in Cairo, provides an artificial canal which, connecting the river with the Red Sea and defining a new development corridor, brings water to desert areas.

The process may be described as a “positive virus “: the genetic material of the virus consists of a network of channels and an irrigation system. The green areas generated by this process will replace the desert and will host underground activities and utilities. Homes will rise above ground along the canals, in a new urban environment redefined according to the needs of the city.

Type: Research project – winner project of international competition
Client: UN e UIA
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Pierluigi Copat
Photo credit: SPOT observation satellite

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L’UIA (Unione Internazionale degli Architetti) ha indetto un concorso internazionale per studiare nuovi modelli di housing sociale. Il progetto di MCA, situato al Cairo, prevede un canale artificiale che, collegando il fiume col Mar Rosso e orientando un nuovo asse di sviluppo, porti l’acqua in zone desertiche.

Il processo può essere definito un “virus positivo”: la materia genetica del virus è costituita da una rete di canali e da un sistema d’irrigazione. Le aree verdi generate da questo processo prenderanno il posto del deserto e ospiteranno nel sottosuolo attività e servizi pubblici. Le abitazioni sorgeranno in superficie, lungo i canali, in un nuovo ambiente urbano ridefinito in base ai bisogni della città.

Tipologia: Progetto di ricerca vincitore di un concorso internazionale
Cliente: Nazione Unite e UIA
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects
Tram: Mario Cucinella, Elisabeth Francis, Pierluigi Copat
Photo credit: Satellite d’osservazione SPOT



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