Quistello Recreation Center “Hub Oltrepò Mantovano”

Recreation Center “Hub Oltrepò Mantovano”

The new youth aggregation center consists of a single-storey single volume, inserted into a larger design that transforms the existing area into a small urban park within the consolidated urban fabric.

The new center will have to respond primarily to the needs of that age group between 0 and 18 years, but will have to present a flexibility that allows the use of this system even for older age groups.

The building is covered by a glazed skin, externally shielded by curtains, in order to generate a strong connection with the design of the outdoor park. The windows allow the entry of sunlight, and therefore the formation of a bright environment, and the division of the shielding into different external curtains will allow you to modulate the penetration of sunlight and then take advantage of natural lighting in different times of the year.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli with Francesco Galli
Project team: Mirco Bianchini, Francesco Galli, Valentino Gareri, Federico La Piccirella, Clelia Zappalà
Visual: Paris render studio
Photo credit: MCArchive
Mechanical design: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Electrical planning: P.S.
Structural design: Engineering Departments
Calculation: Geom. Roberto Guidi


Architectural Project: Arch. Giorgio Gabrielli
Mechanical design: Ing. Paolo Lotti
Electrical planning: Ing. Paolo Lotti
Structural design: Ing. Stefano Ferretti


Construction of the first phase: Scattolini & Foroncelli srl
Second phase construction: F.lli Lecce srl
Facades: Promo spa
Mechanical systems: Vellani
Electrical installations: Melegari & Marocchi

The new center will have to respond primarily to the needs of that age group between 0 and 18 years, but will have to present a flexibility that allows the use of this system even for older age groups.

The building is covered by a glazed skin, externally shielded by curtains, in order to generate a strong connection with the design of the outdoor park. The windows allow the entry of sunlight, and therefore the formation of a bright environment, and the division of the shielding into different external curtains will allow you to modulate the penetration of sunlight and then take advantage of natural lighting in different times of the year.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli with Francesco Galli
Project team: Mirco Bianchini, Francesco Galli, Valentino Gareri, Federico La Piccirella, Clelia Zappalà
Visual: Paris render studio
Photo credit: MCArchive
Mechanical design: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Electrical planning: P.S.
Structural design: Engineering Departments
Calculation: Geom. Roberto Guidi


Architectural Project: Arch. Giorgio Gabrielli
Mechanical design: Ing. Paolo Lotti
Electrical planning: Ing. Paolo Lotti
Structural design: Ing. Stefano Ferretti


Construction of the first phase: Scattolini & Foroncelli srl
Second phase construction: F.lli Lecce srl
Facades: Promo spa
Mechanical systems: Vellani
Electrical installations: Melegari & Marocchi

The new center will have to respond primarily to the needs of that age group between 0 and 18 years, but will have to present a flexibility that allows the use of this system even for older age groups.

The building is covered by a glazed skin, externally shielded by curtains, in order to generate a strong connection with the design of the outdoor park. The windows allow the entry of sunlight, and therefore the formation of a bright environment, and the division of the shielding into different external curtains will allow you to modulate the penetration of sunlight and then take advantage of natural lighting in different times of the year.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli with Francesco Galli
Project team: Mirco Bianchini, Francesco Galli, Valentino Gareri, Federico La Piccirella, Clelia Zappalà
Visual: Paris render studio
Photo credit: MCArchive
Mechanical design: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Electrical planning: P.S.
Structural design: Engineering Departments
Calculation: Geom. Roberto Guidi


Architectural Project: Arch. Giorgio Gabrielli
Mechanical design: Ing. Paolo Lotti
Electrical planning: Ing. Paolo Lotti
Structural design: Ing. Stefano Ferretti


Construction of the first phase: Scattolini & Foroncelli srl
Second phase construction: F.lli Lecce srl
Facades: Promo spa
Mechanical systems: Vellani
Electrical installations: Melegari & Marocchi

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Il nuovo centro dovrà rispondere principalmente alle esigenze di quella fascia d’età compresa tra gli 0 e 18 anni, ma dovrà ulteriormente presentare una flessibilità tale da permettere l’utilizzo di questo impianto anche a fasce di età superiori.

L’edificio è costituito da una pelle vetrata, schermata esternamente mediante tendaggi, in modo da generare una forte connessione con il disegno del parco esterno. Le vetrate consentono l’ingresso della luce solare, e quindi la formazione di un ambiente luminoso, e la suddivisione della schermatura in diversi tendaggi esterni permetterà di modulare la penetrazione dei raggi solari e quindi di usufruire di una illuminazione naturale nei diversi periodo dell’anno.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli con Francesco Galli
Team di progetto: Valentino Gareri, Federico La Piccirella, Arianna Balboni, Francesco Galli, Mirco Bianchini, Clelia Zappalà
Visual: Paris render studio
Photo credit: MCArchive
Progettazione meccanica: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Progettazione elettrica: Studio tecnico P.S.
Progettazione delle strutture: Sarti Ingegneria
Computo: Geom. Roberto Guidi


Progetto Architettonico: Arch. Giorgio Gabrielli
Progettazione meccanica: Ing. Paolo Lotti
Progettazione elettrica: Ing. Paolo Lotti
Progettazione strutturale: Ing. Stefano Ferretti


Edile prima fase: Scattolini & Foroncelli srl
Edile seconda fase: F.lli Lecce srl
Facciate: Promo spa
Impianti meccanici: Vellani
Impianti elettrici: Melegari & Marocchi

Civic, Cultural
Architecture, Masterplan


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