Green Facade Building

Rimini Forum Center – Multipurpose building

This small mixed-use five story building is characterized by curved facades facing the street, covered with a green skin that evokes traditional ivy-covered buildings.

The façade consists of a lattice of steel to support climbing plants that seamlessly cover the entire length of the building.

The roof gives the building a uniform appearance that is interrupted by only one vertical opening, a deep rift that leads to a back garden.

Client: Edile Carpentieri Srl
Surface area: 1 500 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Enrico Iascone, Davide Paollini
Structural engineering: Gilberto Sarti, Fabio Lombardini
Services engineering: Polistudio
Electrical engineering: Raimondi e Montanari snc
Construction Management: Arch. Massimo Morandi
Thermic and hydrolic: Idrotermica Dice Srl
General Contractor: Edilecarpentieri
Facades: Facadesign snc
Metal structures: Saif snc
Shutters: Artinfissi srl
Photo credit: Daniele Domenicali

The façade consists of a lattice of steel to support climbing plants that seamlessly cover the entire length of the building.

The roof gives the building a uniform appearance that is interrupted by only one vertical opening, a deep rift that leads to a back garden.

Client: Edile Carpentieri Srl
Surface area: 1 500 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Enrico Iascone, Davide Paollini
Structural engineering: Gilberto Sarti, Fabio Lombardini
Services engineering: Polistudio
Electrical engineering: Raimondi e Montanari snc
Construction Management: Arch. Massimo Morandi
Thermic and hydrolic: Idrotermica Dice Srl
General Contractor: Edilecarpentieri
Facades: Facadesign snc
Metal structures: Saif snc
Shutters: Artinfissi srl
Photo credit: Daniele Domenicali

The façade consists of a lattice of steel to support climbing plants that seamlessly cover the entire length of the building.

The roof gives the building a uniform appearance that is interrupted by only one vertical opening, a deep rift that leads to a back garden.

Client: Edile Carpentieri Srl
Surface area: 1 500 m2
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Enrico Iascone, Davide Paollini
Structural engineering: Gilberto Sarti, Fabio Lombardini
Services engineering: Polistudio
Electrical engineering: Raimondi e Montanari snc
Construction Management: Arch. Massimo Morandi
Thermic and hydrolic: Idrotermica Dice Srl
General Contractor: Edilecarpentieri
Facades: Facadesign snc
Metal structures: Saif snc
Shutters: Artinfissi srl
Photo credit: Daniele Domenicali

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L’involucro è ottenuto con un reticolo d’acciaio su cui crescono piante rampicanti formando una copertura ininterrotta sull’intera lunghezza dell’edificio che abbraccia le elevazioni laterali e si congiunge alla facciata sul cortile posteriore.

La copertura è intesa a conferire all’edificio un aspetto omogeneo che è unicamente interrotto da un’apertura verticale, una profonda spaccatura che conduce a un giardino sul retro. Il colore scuro utilizzato sull’edificio esalta il contrasto tra la pelle verde e l’apertura d’ingresso. I piani che ospitano gli uffici presentano terrazzini che sovrastano la strada e sono schermati dalle piante rampicanti. Il sistema è permeabile all’aria e alla luce, cosicché i ballatoi possono fungere da veri e propri spazi all’aperto. L’elevazione interna dell’edificio ha un’aria più appartata con la sua vista sul cortile-giardino interno.

Tipologia: Commessa
Cliente: Edile Carpentieri Srl
Superficie: 1 500 mq
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Enrico Iascone, Davide Paollini
Strutture: Gilberto Sarti, Fabio Lombardini
Servizi Ingegneria: Polistudio
Ingegneria Elettrica: Raimondi e Montanari snc
Impresa generale: Edilecarpentieri
Management edile: Arch. Massimo Morandi
Impianti termico-idraulici: Idrotermica Dica srl
Facciate: Facadesign snc
Strutture metalliche: Saif snc
Infissi: Artinfissi srl
Photo credit: Daniele Domenicali

Mixed-use Building


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