Future Factory

Project of management optimization of the Facility Pole “Lo Scapigliato”

The project was designed not as a screening or mimicry operation but, on the contrary, as integration and dialogue between the natural and the artificial.

The project of optimization of the facility Pole “Lo Scapigliato”, site in the municipality of Rosignano Marittimo, has the goal of transforming the whole complex system of waste disposal in a new center in which the theme of the material recovered will become the driving force for a number of initiatives to promote the development of a ‘circular economy that is strongly linked to the territory.

The master plan provides for the gradual transformation of the landfill into green areas where a pedestrian path from the circular ” marking ” the landscape gently reclining in the Tuscan hills to become a landmark in a position to give a new identity to the site. The new Facility Pole develops on the ridge of the hill conforming in a series of terraces bordered by retaining walls with undulating shape and covered in raw land. This terraces integrate the intervention with the surrounding hills and the green roof system on the roof ensures a pleasant view from neighboring detect.

Client: REA Impianti
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Project Team: Mario Cucinella, Luca Sandri, Emanuele Dionigi, Valentina Torrente, Silvia Conversano, Nadir Casella
Visual: Engram Studio
Consultants: Ingegneria Civile Ambientale studio Associato, Stingea Studio Associa, Studio T.En, Studio INLAND, Gardone Associati

The project of optimization of the facility Pole “Lo Scapigliato”, site in the municipality of Rosignano Marittimo, has the goal of transforming the whole complex system of waste disposal in a new center in which the theme of the material recovered will become the driving force for a number of initiatives to promote the development of a ‘circular economy that is strongly linked to the territory.

The master plan provides for the gradual transformation of the landfill into green areas where a pedestrian path from the circular ” marking ” the landscape gently reclining in the Tuscan hills to become a landmark in a position to give a new identity to the site. The new Facility Pole develops on the ridge of the hill conforming in a series of terraces bordered by retaining walls with undulating shape and covered in raw land. This terraces integrate the intervention with the surrounding hills and the green roof system on the roof ensures a pleasant view from neighboring detect.

Client: REA Impianti
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Project Team: Mario Cucinella, Luca Sandri, Emanuele Dionigi, Valentina Torrente, Silvia Conversano, Nadir Casella
Visual: Engram Studio
Consultants: Ingegneria Civile Ambientale studio Associato, Stingea Studio Associa, Studio T.En, Studio INLAND, Gardone Associati

The project of optimization of the facility Pole “Lo Scapigliato”, site in the municipality of Rosignano Marittimo, has the goal of transforming the whole complex system of waste disposal in a new center in which the theme of the material recovered will become the driving force for a number of initiatives to promote the development of a ‘circular economy that is strongly linked to the territory.

The master plan provides for the gradual transformation of the landfill into green areas where a pedestrian path from the circular ” marking ” the landscape gently reclining in the Tuscan hills to become a landmark in a position to give a new identity to the site. The new Facility Pole develops on the ridge of the hill conforming in a series of terraces bordered by retaining walls with undulating shape and covered in raw land. This terraces integrate the intervention with the surrounding hills and the green roof system on the roof ensures a pleasant view from neighboring detect.

Client: REA Impianti
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Project Team: Mario Cucinella, Luca Sandri, Emanuele Dionigi, Valentina Torrente, Silvia Conversano, Nadir Casella
Visual: Engram Studio
Consultants: Ingegneria Civile Ambientale studio Associato, Stingea Studio Associa, Studio T.En, Studio INLAND, Gardone Associati

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Il progetto di ottimizzazione del polo impiantistico ‘’Lo scapigliato’’ si pone l’obbiettivo di trasformare l’intero complesso dell’impianto di smaltimento di rifiuti sito nel comune di Rosignano Marittimo in un nuovo polo in cui il tema del recupero della materia diventi il traino per una serie di iniziative per promuovere lo sviluppo di un’economia circolare fortemente legata al territorio.

Il masterplan prevede la graduale trasformazione dell’attuale discarica in aree verdi in cui un percorso pedonale dalla forma circolare ‘’segna’’ il paesaggio in modo delicato adagiandosi sulle colline toscane per diventare un landmark in grado di dare una nuova identità al sito. Il nuovo polo impiantistico si sviluppa sul crinale della collina conformandosi in una serie di terrazzamenti delimitati da muri di contenimento dal profilo ondulato e rivestiti in terra cruda che integrano l’intervento con le colline circostanti mentre il sistema di verde pensile in copertura assicura una vista gradevole dai rilevi limitrofi.

Cliente: REA Impianti
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team di progetto: Mario Cucinella, Luca Sandri, Emanuele Dionigi, Valentina Torrente, Silvia Conversano, Nadir Casella
Visual: Engram Studio
Consulenti: Ingegneria Civile Ambientale studio Associato, Stingea Studio Associa, Studio T.En, Studio INLAND, Gardone Associati

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