Dance School

Dance School Reggiolo

The project involves the construction of a hall that will host the dance school courses, as the previous site was demolished following the earthquake.

The new building will be connected to the changing rooms through a volume with fully glazed east and west walls. In this connection you will find the entrance, the waiting area and the administrative office.

The dance hall will be a rectangular building with the structure and finishes in fir wood. The formal and geometric simplicity of the plant is flanked by a curved external screening system, which surrounds the building, delimiting two small uncovered patios. In the patios there will be gardens visible from the dance hall that will contribute to the solar shading of the windows and the sense of privacy of the students during the lessons.

The shielding system refers to the weaves typical of the area, for example those of wicker baskets. It is a reference taken from the craft traditions, which was particularly indicated for the location of the lot, which is located in a border position between the urbanized territory and the countryside to the south.

The shielding system offers a further potential, that is to illuminate during the night hours like a lantern, constituting a unique architectural episode in the territory, which could easily become an attraction pole and a symbolic point of interest for the community.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli with Arianna Balboni
Project team: Mirco Bianchini, Francesco Galli, Valentino Gareri, Federico La Piccirella, Clelia Zappalà
Visual: Paris render studio
Photo credit: Fausto Franzosi, Bellipario Geraldina
Mechanical design: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Electrical planning: P.S.
Structural design: Engineering Departments
Calculation: Geom. Roberto Guidi
Fire prevention consultancy: Geom. Roberto Guidi


Architectural Project: Gasparini Associati
Mechanical design: P.I. Savino Vellani
Electrical planning: P.I. Corrado Bonacini
Design of the structures: Ing. Andrea Morini, Ing. Matteo Pè

Parent company ATI: Nial Nizzoli srl
Wooden structures: Arcaland soc. cop.
Mechanical systems: Vellani
Electrical installations: VOB

The new building will be connected to the changing rooms through a volume with fully glazed east and west walls. In this connection you will find the entrance, the waiting area and the administrative office.

The dance hall will be a rectangular building with the structure and finishes in fir wood. The formal and geometric simplicity of the plant is flanked by a curved external screening system, which surrounds the building, delimiting two small uncovered patios. In the patios there will be gardens visible from the dance hall that will contribute to the solar shading of the windows and the sense of privacy of the students during the lessons.

The shielding system refers to the weaves typical of the area, for example those of wicker baskets. It is a reference taken from the craft traditions, which was particularly indicated for the location of the lot, which is located in a border position between the urbanized territory and the countryside to the south.

The shielding system offers a further potential, that is to illuminate during the night hours like a lantern, constituting a unique architectural episode in the territory, which could easily become an attraction pole and a symbolic point of interest for the community.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli with Arianna Balboni
Project team: Mirco Bianchini, Francesco Galli, Valentino Gareri, Federico La Piccirella, Clelia Zappalà
Visual: Paris render studio
Photo credit: Fausto Franzosi, Bellipario Geraldina
Mechanical design: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Electrical planning: P.S.
Structural design: Engineering Departments
Calculation: Geom. Roberto Guidi
Fire prevention consultancy: Geom. Roberto Guidi


Architectural Project: Gasparini Associati
Mechanical design: P.I. Savino Vellani
Electrical planning: P.I. Corrado Bonacini
Design of the structures: Ing. Andrea Morini, Ing. Matteo Pè

Parent company ATI: Nial Nizzoli srl
Wooden structures: Arcaland soc. cop.
Mechanical systems: Vellani
Electrical installations: VOB

The new building will be connected to the changing rooms through a volume with fully glazed east and west walls. In this connection you will find the entrance, the waiting area and the administrative office.

The dance hall will be a rectangular building with the structure and finishes in fir wood. The formal and geometric simplicity of the plant is flanked by a curved external screening system, which surrounds the building, delimiting two small uncovered patios. In the patios there will be gardens visible from the dance hall that will contribute to the solar shading of the windows and the sense of privacy of the students during the lessons.

The shielding system refers to the weaves typical of the area, for example those of wicker baskets. It is a reference taken from the craft traditions, which was particularly indicated for the location of the lot, which is located in a border position between the urbanized territory and the countryside to the south.

The shielding system offers a further potential, that is to illuminate during the night hours like a lantern, constituting a unique architectural episode in the territory, which could easily become an attraction pole and a symbolic point of interest for the community.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli with Arianna Balboni
Project team: Mirco Bianchini, Francesco Galli, Valentino Gareri, Federico La Piccirella, Clelia Zappalà
Visual: Paris render studio
Photo credit: Fausto Franzosi, Bellipario Geraldina
Mechanical design: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Electrical planning: P.S.
Structural design: Engineering Departments
Calculation: Geom. Roberto Guidi
Fire prevention consultancy: Geom. Roberto Guidi


Architectural Project: Gasparini Associati
Mechanical design: P.I. Savino Vellani
Electrical planning: P.I. Corrado Bonacini
Design of the structures: Ing. Andrea Morini, Ing. Matteo Pè

Parent company ATI: Nial Nizzoli srl
Wooden structures: Arcaland soc. cop.
Mechanical systems: Vellani
Electrical installations: VOB

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Il nuovo fabbricato é collegato agli spogliatoi tramite un volume con le pareti est e ovest completamente vetrate. In questo collegamento si trovano l’ingresso, l’area di attesa e l’ufficio amministrativo.

La sala di danza è un edificio a pianta rettangolare con la struttura e le finiture in legno di abete. Alla semplicità formale e geometrica dell’impianto si affianca un sistema schermante esterno curvo, che circonda l’edificio delimitando due piccoli patii scoperti. Nei patii vi sono dei giardini visibili dalla sala di danza che contribuiscono alla schermatura solare delle vetrate e al senso di privacy degli alunni durante le lezioni.

Il sistema schermante si rifà agli intrecci tipici della zona, ad esempio quelli dei cesti di vimini. Si tratta di un riferimento ripreso dalle tradizioni artigiane, che è risultato particolarmente indicato per l’ubicazione del lotto, che si trova in una posizione di confine fra il territorio urbanizzato e le campagne a sud.

Il sistema schermante offre un’ulteriore potenzialità, ossia quella d’illuminarsi durante le ore notturne come una lanterna, costituendo un episodio architettonico unico nel territorio, che potrebbe facilmente diventare un polo attrattore e un punto d’interesse simbolico per la comunità.


Mario Cucinella Architects: Mario Cucinella, Marco Dell’Agli con Arianna Balboni
Team di progetto: Valentino Gareri, Federico La Piccirella, Arianna Balboni, Francesco Galli, Mirco Bianchini, Clelia Zappalà
Visual: Paris render studio
Photo credit: Fausto Franzosi, Bellipario Geraldina
Progettazione meccanica: Ing.Riccardo Giannoni
Progettazione elettrica: Studio tecnico P.S.
Progettazione delle strutture: Sarti Ingegneria
Computo: Geom. Roberto Guidi
Consulenza antincendio: Geom. Roberto Guidi


Progetto Architettonico: Gasparini Associati
Progettazione meccanica: P.I. Savino Vellani
Progettazione elettrica: P.I. Corrado Bonacini
Progettazione delle strutture: Ing. Andrea Morini, Ing. Matteo Pè


Capogruppo ATI: Nial Nizzoli srl
Strutture in legno: Arcaland soc. cop.
Impianti meccanici: Vellani
Impianti elettrici: VOB



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